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Planter umbrella stand. Strong wind is no friend to most patio umbrellas, but it would take a hurricane to budge this setup.

Planter umbrella stand

The umbrella rises from a sleeve centered in a flowerpot that's filled with three layers of material: a bottom layer of lava rock to hold the sleeve in place, a center layer of concrete for extra rigidity, and a top layer of planting mix. When there's no need for shade, just lift out the umbrella -- the plants should mask the sleeve. Choose any large pot and umbrella that match your garden decor and coordinate with each other. The container should be broad-based for stability and at least 15 inches tall (ours is 24 inches) and 20 inches in diameter so there's room for the three layers. Use 1½-inch ABS (a black plastic vent) pipe from a home improvement store for the sleeve; make sure the umbrella pole will slip inside it easily. The cost will vary depending on the umbrella, pot, and plants you choose, but it shouldn't exceed $200.

Tools Materials. Ball Jar Lights. I’ve been wanting to do this for a year.

Ball Jar Lights

It’s one of those things I’ve just been putting off. I love ball canning jars, especially the blue ones. The first thing you have to do to make the Ball jar lights, is take out the glass seal. So I took the hammer and busted up the seal to get it out. Make sure to do this on a hard surface. Once the seal was out, I marked the center of the lid. And used the drill bit and a hammer to poke a hole where the mark was. Then we started drilling. It only took a few seconds since the lid is so thin. Anthropologie. Karla's Cottage: How to paint furniture (the short cut way) For years, I had an antique furniture painting business and painted hundreds of pieces of furniture.

Karla's Cottage: How to paint furniture (the short cut way)

I spent a lot of time figuring out an easier way to do it. This tutorial is for painting old furniture and keeping an old feel to it, with NO sanding and NO stripping. Ugh, who wants to work that hard? Of course, having an assistant helps. Since this cabinet had glass doors, I covered the glass with newspaper before starting, and set up the piece in an area where I could spray paint and not worry about the mess. Old furniture comes with many defects time has added to its finish. By using a bonding spray, you do not need to sand or strip the furniture and you preserve those crackly spots in the varnish. This BONDING primer (bonding is the key word, here, it will stick to any clean surface without sanding) covers the old varnish, but doesn't change the look of the finish underneath.

Spray away. We've already skipped sanding, and now here is where another short cut comes in. And rinse often!! DIY Craft Projects using Old Vintage Windows Doors - Trash to Treasure - Architectural Salvage. Window shelf by G.

DIY Craft Projects using Old Vintage Windows Doors - Trash to Treasure - Architectural Salvage

Collins: Here is a window shelf made by reader G Collins, from old barn wood and an old antique window. Window Cabinet by Dan N: Mason Jar. Today’s Mason Jar Sunday comes in the form of a DIY guest post from one of my favorite fellow bloggers, Liz Marie!

Mason Jar

If you haven’t yet met her in this wonderful blogging world, go say hello! All photos in this post are credited to Liz. I’ll let Liz take it away… One of my favorite elements for interior design costs less than two dollars at your local grocery store. That’s right, Mason Jars. Mason Jar Storage for the baño… Amazing storage, & it’s with my favorite thing ever, MASON JARS! I filled my mason jars with Qtips, cotton balls, & cosmetic sponges, but you could fill yours with virtually anything that fits in a Mason Jar for any room. What you will need to create your mason jar storage… I painted my board to match my bathroom with this lovely shade of purple.

Mason Jars, picture frame hangers, & some large pipe clamps O, & you might need one of these.. a hubby! And now for some Mason Jar love to show off the final product! Isn’t she crafty??