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Soaps by the Slice | Natural Custom Soaps | Soapier. Links. Karmanaut's map of reddit. FCC Turns Down the Volume on TV Ads - Sara Jerome. The Federal Communications Commission cemented rules on Tuesday to make TV commercials a little less annoying. The rules prevent TV providers, such as cable and broadcast companies, from spiking the volume of commercials so they are louder than the volume viewers choose for their normal programming.

The rules passed in a unanimous, bipartisan vote, fulfilling a mandate from last year's Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act. "The bottom line? Today, the FCC is quieting a persistent problem of the television age – loud commercials," FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said at Tuesday's FCC meeting. The rules went through without backlash from industry. “ACA sincerely appreciates the FCC’s time and attention throughout the rule-making process in seeking to understand and mitigate the potential burdens that this legislation could impose on smaller operators. The lack of urgency around the issue still won a little teasing, even from those who supported the rules. Rep.