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Using LinkedIn Effectively - Communication Skills Training From MindTools. Growing Your Professional Network LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service. © Linkedin You've likely heard of LinkedIn, the business-oriented social networking website that many people use for keeping in touch with business associates, clients, and former colleagues. But is this LinkedIn's only use? Or can you use it in other ways to grow yourself professionally and help your organization to network more effectively?

In this article, we'll explore how to use LinkedIn for personal, professional, and organizational development, including how you can use it for networking and recruitment, and for keeping up with trends and news in your industry. What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a business-focused social networking site that launched in 2003. The site lets you find other business associates, clients, and colleagues whom you already know. Once you've connected with a person, you will then have access to their list of connections – this is called your "extended network. " Tip 1: Tip 2: 13 Brands Using LinkedIn Company Page Features the Right Way.

Back in November, I set out to write a post to highlight businesses that were using LinkedIn's company page features effectively. Needless to say, I couldn't find enough examples to create a compelling post, so in my dismay, what I actually ended up writing was, "11 Reasons Your LinkedIn Company Page Sucks. " What can I say? I was a little bitter and, frankly, slightly disappointed in the social media marketers of the world.

We recently reported that, in a study of the over 5,000 inbound marketers where we pitted LinkedIn against Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn proved to be the most effective social media channel for lead generation -- 277% more effective, in fact. As a marketer, particularly if you're in the B2B game, how could you not leverage that awesome lead generation potential? Well, it's been several months now, and I wanted to give you LinkedIn marketers out there another chance. Blog RSS Feed Let's get a few low-hanging fruit features out of the way first. News Module Careers Tab. LinkedIn Analysis. LinkedIn unveils new social marketing feature | Social Media Agency London. Representing the latest in a series of moves to encourage brand marketers to harness its social media marketing capability, LinkedIn has this week launched the Company Page API.

Essentially, this provides social marketers with more options to manage and measure their Company Page activity on LinkedIn via third-party apps, while also pushing its new Sponsored Updates functionality. LinkedIn teamed up with social partners including Hootsuite, HubSpot, Spredfast, Adobe, Shoutlet, Percolate, Salesforce and Sprinklr about a month ago, but opening up the API now makes it possible for any third-party social management tools to integrate LinkedIn Company Page posting and analytics. According to a blog post from LinkedIn senior product specialist Keith Cowing, the new feature will simplify LinkedIn marketing, allowing brands to easily publish content to their Company Pages.

FPR’s Final Thought: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Mastering LinkedIn. Impactbnd. With so many social media sites, it can be difficult to identify which sites you should focus more of your time and energy on. In a world where social media players like Facebook and Twitter dominate the marketing landscape, it’s quite easy to overlook LinkedIn and its importance to a businesses social media presence. If you’ve never paid any attention to LinkedIn and its potential benefits, you wouldn’t be alone. The fact of the matter is that both Facebook and Twitter have become woven into the fabric of modern culture while LinkedIn has flown under the radar.

Simply put, if you’ve been overlooking LinkedIn all this time, chances are pretty good your competitors have been doing so as well. LinkedIn Marketing Facts Here are 5 statistics from LinkedIn that you cannot overlook as an employer, a business person, or an individual looking for a job: 4 Ways to Dominated Your Competitors The difference being is that LinkedIn is strictly a network of professionals. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Keep them informed. LinkedIn Training: 15 Incredible Free Resources For LinkedIn Marketing. Company Pages - Getting Started | LinkedIn. 15 Tips for Compelling Company Updates on LinkedIn. 5 Tips to Build and Grow Your LinkedIn Network. Do you want to tap into LinkedIn’s 150 million–member worldwide network? It’s important to focus on the right kinds of activities that will yield the best results. In this article, I’ll reveal five key strategies and activities you can focus on to build and grow your network. #1: Update Your Status Frequently and Consistently Only one-third of LinkedIn members visit the site every day, and another one-third of members visit the network several times a week, according to a survey conducted by Lab42.

When you log into LinkedIn, notice each time who shows up in your home feed. Active LinkedIn users will show up more frequently in your home feed. These individuals are getting more visibility because they are more active, and you can do the same if you commit to staying active on the network. If you make the commitment to become more active in the network, you have a real opportunity to shine! Here are a few ideas on how to be an active LinkedIn member: #2: Build Connections Constantly. 5 Creative Ways to Use LinkedIn Company Pages. Does your business have a LinkedIn company page? Have you noticed how other businesses are using LinkedIn lately? A number of larger brands are creatively using their LinkedIn company pages, and some of them are doing some cool things. Here are five brands using their LinkedIn company pages creatively. Check out what they are doing to learn how you can tell your story, generate leads and engage your communities through your LinkedIn page. #1: LinkedIn—Develop a Campaign Let’s start with LinkedIn.

Why not learn from the source itself? In many cases, LinkedIn’s company page status updates are tied to an ongoing, larger campaign. LinkedIn shared updates to create community dialogue. Seventy LinkedIn influencers contributed their answers to this question. What was great about this idea was that it has provided LinkedIn with a series of ongoing, fresh and interesting status updates for their company page. Here’s how to develop a campaign on your LinkedIn company page. #2: HubSpot—Create Leads. Linkedin_the_11_most_useful_fe. In doing the research for this post, I heard from many LinkedIn users and business owners.

One of the things I have found fascinating about LinkedIn (which was corroborated by the conversations I had and emails I received), is that the individual tools on LinkedIn seem to form their own intense user groups. One person may focus their whole strategy on maximizing LinkedIn Q&A, another might focus on LinkedIn Events, while a third builds an entire strategy around participating in LinkedIn Groups discussions. Once you have completed your profile an individual tool on LinkedIn can be a cornerstone of your business' marketing. Next Monday I will publish the much anticipated and well contributed article on LinkedIn strategies. I have received many submissions by small business owners and look forward to sharing them with you! This week — a primer on LinkedIn Tools and when we discuss strategies we'll all be on the same page about how the underlying tools used in the strategies work.

8 Keys to a Lead-Catching LinkedIn Company Page. Thursday, 2nd May, 2013 | By Jason Ferster | Category: Public Relations and Social Media 8 Keys to a Lead-Catching LinkedIn Company Page Given the mind-boggling speed of all things social media, it’s easy to lose perspective on the passage of time. So try not to choke on your chai latte when you read these words: LinkedIn is now officially a decade old. Yep. It launched in May of 2003 – when Mark Zuckerberg was still an unknown Harvard freshman. Facebook’s predecessor MySpace, now having its midlife crisis and hanging out with rock stars, hadn’t even been born. And Twitter was three or four years from hatching. While logic would suggest that businesses would be the earliest adopters of any platform that’s founded on the concept of virtual networking, LinkedIn has been sluggish in giving brands a seat at the community table. In the latter half of the 2000s, Facebook and Twitter quickly adapted for business users as marketers chased customers into those exploding communities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Creating a Business Account for LinkedIn Ads.