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Teacher_resources. Obbliq & Piaget: Volume conservation. Go to the new version: Math Water Table Nummòlt - - Help: Ajut de l'Obbliq - Ayuda de Obbliq - Obbliq help:Obbliq and Division: 4/2; 7/3. and some reflections. Obbliq and Division2: 3/(1/2); 3/1; 3/2; 3/3; 3/4.Obbliq and conservation of liquid (area). Piaget: Conservació del volum, conservació d'un líquid:Piaget: Conservación del volumen, conservación de un líquido:Piaget: Conservation of volume, liquid conservation: Conservació de la superfície amb l'obbliq':Conservación de la superfície con 'obbliq':Conservation of surface with 'obbliq': Try it at: Help: Volume conservation © 2002 - Maurici Carbó Jordi.

From Piaget's: "The Child's Conception of Number" Appsychtextbk.wikispaces. Childhood | Physical Development | Moral Development | Social Development | Spotlight Freud | Childhood Sources In the previous section, we discussed the physical development of a child. In this section we will discuss cognition, the awareness and perception created by the trillions of synapses in the brain.What is Cognition? Cognition is defined as the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, judgment, and intuition. Essentially, it is the sum of all greater mental processes that distinguish humans from the rest of mammals. Cognition occurs throughout the brain, but is concentrated in the cerebral cortex (one reason humans are so cognitively advanced. Our cortices are so much bigger than other mammals).When does cognition begin? Cognition develops as a series of stages; we don't just wake up one day aware of ourselves and able to logically, reasonably judge and perceive the world around us.

"If A + B = C, then what does A equal? " The nummòlt download page. Nummòlt Help files download: (not indispensable) (in catalan language) Download (131 Kb) (nummolt.hlp = 300 Kb)+(nummolt2.hlp = 800 Kb) New: nummòlt help files in video (.swf): Subtraction with borrowing (23-15) Addition (274+162) Subtraction with borrowing (25-18) Multiplication (12*12) Division (324/18) Operations with parenthesis (5+2)*3 Operations with signed parenthesis -(5-10) Creating couples of null value 9998 (+2-2) Strategies with nummòlt (98+(2-2))*(98+(2-2)) Video Help: For to play with: Quadrillion Tower of signed parenthesis nummòlt example: From a Barbara Scott Nelson example In Mosaic: "The Big Idea Behind Regrouping" visualized and manipulated with nummòlt: Screenshots: (when the problem is solved, nummòlt clarifies his background) From Mosaic: The Big Idea Behind Regrouping: Copyright2000 Education Development Center, Inc.

Virtual School  -  Mathematics  -  Activities  -  Mathplets  -  Nummolt. Aquí Matemàtiques: Mathplets. Sistemes de numeració. Indoàrab, romana, egípcia, xinesa... El nostre sistema de numeració és de base 10. Perque fem agrupacions de 10 en 10 elements, i grups de 10 grups... Dels grups de 10 unitats en diem desenes, dels grups de deu desenes en diem centenes... Sovint les primeres activitats sobre el sistema de numeració són aquestes: I hi tornem anys després fent: El que fem és desxifrar el sistema de numeració.

Estaria bé saber com l'interpreten nois i noies de cultures ben diferents (potser d'un altre planeta?) Que no el coneguin. Una mica més: Un amic, en Maurici Carbó, fa una proposta interessant a la seva web: També hi ha materials manipulatius com els reglets de la Maria Antònia Canals o el multibase (en base 10, amb unitats, barres de desena, plaques de centena, cubs de miler... que podeu trobar a moltes escoles). Nummòlt. This is a QR code. A QR Code is a 2-dimensional barcode, which has encoded in it a URL (web address), text, or other information. It can be read by a QR code scanner, including QR scanner smartphone apps. Once you have an app installed on your smartphone, open the app and hold your phone’s camera over a QR code to read it.

Most QR codes you’ll come across have a URL encoded, so chances are when you read the QR code it will take you to a web page. Reviewed by members of Editorial board for inclusion in MERLOT. Useful material in MERLOT Click to get more information on the MERLOT Editors' Choice Award in a new window. Click to get more information on the MERLOT Classics Award in a new window. Click to get more information on the MERLOT JOLT Award in a new window. Search all MERLOT Click here to go to your profile Click to expand login or register menu Select to go to your workspace Click here to go to your Dashboard Report Click here to go to your Content Builder Click here to log out Search Terms.

Old applications. Rational numbers construction. Applet for windows. In the x axis: numerator. In the y axis: denominator. Clicking on the grid, you can see the corresponding value. The red line shows the value in units. The pie-shaped graphic shows the fractionary value. Construcció de nombres racionals. Construcció de nombres racionals. Screenshot: OBBLOG. Digital Daze. Introduction In the 1930's John Atanasoff and Konrad Zuse , independently of each other, determined that the computational devices they were experimenting with should be constructed in the machines' natural language, binary.

From an engineering point of view, it is much easier to build a two state device than a multistate device. A highly complex machine like their computers would have been much more complex if they had insisted on decimal input and output. Their choices were fortuitous. Electric switches, whether mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic are either on or off. Thus "off" represents the numeral "0" and "on" represents the numeral "1". Electromechanical machines were available until the 1950's. The switching mechanisms employed by these machines are known as logic gates. Links To Math Web Sites. Interactive Web Resources | Technology @ BU SOE. Online Manipulatives and Applets This is a live document!

Help your colleagues by adding resources and annotating the current resources. Tell us how you used them and share both positive and negative feed back! Click the “EDIT” button above to change or add to this live document. Math Math Online math explorations. Math Play Online Manipulatives and links to math games. National Library of Virtual Manipul Illuminations: Acti fractals tool, shape sorter, shape tool, shape pan balance (visualizing algebra), fraction pie, and many more tools and activities spanning all levels NCTM’s Electronic Examples (for implementing Principles and Standards) links to applets with teaching ideas and discussion questions F.

Science Civics. HCI Bibliography : HCI Webliography : Kids and Computers. Kids and Teens: School Time: Math: Math for Fun. Radical Constructivism Portal. Interactive Websites. Gateway to 21st Century Skills. Applied Math and Science Education Repository - Nummà ²lt: Mathematical Toyboxes. AdrecesInternetresum. AdrecesMatesInternet2006. Web3. Matemàtiques a l’ESO » WEBS DE MATEMÀTIQUES. Relació d’adreces interessant on hi ha recursos de diferents tipus per treballar continguts matemàtics.

Adreces Entreteniments matemàtics Catàleg de recursos educatius. català. Classificats per nivell educatiu i després per àrees curriculars. Pàgina de l’editorial Vicensvives per treballar Vèrtex 2 Pàgina que hi ha una calculadora de fraccions. Pàgina de curiositats matemàtiques, biografia de matemàtics, articles de matemàtiques,… de red educa Empresa que es dedica a l’elaboració de material didàctic Presentacions en power point de diferents temes matemàtics i d’ilusions òptiques bloc.odt. Nombres_Decimals_Nucli. Fraccions_Nucli. Pdf_glosari_webs. CRP del Pla de l'Estany. Àrea TIC. Matemàtiques. Aquí Matemàtiques: Mathplets. About "Nummòlt" Nummòlt Library Home || Full Table of Contents || Suggest a Link || Library Help [Privacy Policy] [Terms of Use] Home || The Math Library || Quick Reference || Search || Help. Math Tools. A community library of technology tools, lessons, activities, and support materials for teaching and learning mathematics.

New to Math Tools? Welcome! There's a lot of stuff in here. Join our community! View our Orientation to get some ideas of how to make the most of this resource. View and/or download Bethany Hudnutt's handout, Navigating Math Tools Announcements National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics in New Orleans! The Math Forum & NCSM present this Ignite session. Opportunities Make It Real Learning (MIRL) The Math Forum @ Drexel and MIRL have teamed up to provide you a discount on The Make It Real Learning Activity Libraries, Volume I and Volume 2. What's Hot? [March 11] Educational Math Games: snezana90 says, "Since lots of kids nowadays spend much time playing games, my team and I have decided to mix up pleasure, fun and knowledge and design some math games. " Max, Annie, and Steve waiting for their turn to Ignite!

Adding Apples and Oranges. Adding Apples, Oranges, and Pears. Adding Apples, Oranges, Pears and Lemons. Slow & Fast Math Cats. Math Tools Search. Enllaços externs. Annuaire machines outils. Matthieu Walraet tisse sa toile. Automate Cellulaire : Un monde cablé. Cet automate cellulaire est composé d'une matrice de cellules, chaque cellule étant un automate qui réagit à l'état de ses huits voisins. Une cellule peut prendre quatre états : vide (noir), fil (bleu), électron (jaune), trace (rouge). A chaque cycle, toutes les cellules changes simultanément d'état en fonction de règles simples : Une cellule vide reste vide.Un électron devient trace.Une trace devient fil.Un fil devient un électron si le nombre d'électrons parmis les huit cellules voisines est un ou deux, sinon le fil reste un bête fil.

L'intérêt de cet automate est qu'il permet de construire des circuit composé de "fils" dans lesquels se propagent des signaux composés chacun d'un électron et de sa trace. Le plus simple est d'essayer : une applet vaut mieux qu'un long discours. Si vous ne voyez rien, j'ai fait pour vous de simples images. Il est possible de suspendre les itérations de l'automate avec le bouton "stop", de le redémarrer, de changer la vitesse, de faire du pas à pas. Annuaire architectes et cabinets d etudes. Annuaire mathematiques. Juguetes matemáticos on line « ImaGiNe. Matemateando: Acertijos 2. EL ACERTIJO DE PLATÓNEn el Libro V de la «República» Platón expone un enigma o adivinanza que dice así:(...) «se cuenta que un hombre que no es un hombre, viendo y no viendo a un pájaro que no es un pájaro, posado en un árbol que no es un árbol, le tira y no le tira una piedra que no es una piedra».Si quieres ver la solución dale clikc a: Homo quidam debebat ultra flavium transferre lupum, capram, et fasciculum cauli.

Et non potuit aliam navem invenire, nisi quae duos tantum ex ipsis ferre valebat. Praeceptum itaque ei fuerat ut omnia haec ultra illaesa omnino transferret. Dicat, qui potest, quomodo eis illaesis transire potuit. Versión del acertijo en latín (Alcuino de York, Siglo VIII) Un pastor tiene que cruzar un río con una cabra, un lobo y una col. 2009 mayo 12 « JUNTA DE CAMINOS. Matemáticas e Internet. Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística - CPNL. AMPA Claret Sabadell. XTEC Internet SeguraInternet és un lloc ple d'oportunitats per als menors, on poden aprendre, comunicar-se o jugar.

Però també hi ha alguns riscos i consells de seguretat que han de conèixer per evitar problemes. Internet Segura, Mossos d'EscuadraInformació d'interès sobre l'ús i perills de la navegació per internet. IQUA, Agència de Qualitat d'InternetINTERNET SEGURA és un programa per la sensibilització i la promoció de l'ús segur d'Internet, per a que infants i adolescents puguin gaudir dels beneficis que els ofereix la xarxa. Un Mundo Binario. Aula Click. Recursos diversos Mat. Recursos Virtuais na Matemática - Recursos Virtuais Sugestões de sítios para pesquisar Nesta secção encontra um conjunto de recursos variados com breves informações sobre cada um deles: - o endereço e a(s) língua(s) de acesso, - os níveis de escolaridade a que se destinam os recursos existentes, - uma breve descrição do seu conteúdo.

Legenda: JI - Jardim de Infância 1º, 2º, 3º - os 3 ciclos do Ensino Básico Sec - Ensino Secundário todos - todos os níveis de ensino geral - recursos de carácter geral que não são orientados para as crianças e jovens alunos Aplicações interactivas Sites Blogs Software Documentos Atenção: No caso de conhecer outros recursos digitais que considere relevantes ou que lhe foram úteis agradecemos que nos faça chegar essa informação para o mail ou para a Plataforma deste Centro. Aplicações Interactivas (applets) Sites Recursos Virtuais na Matemática Blogs Software Documentos Esta obra está licenciada sob uma Licença Creative Commons. Espai Internet. Per jugar i aprendre - Espai Internet. Algoritmos « Tecnología para todos los públicos. Acertijos 2.