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Hidden Bible Home Page. The Tribes of Israel. Matthew McGee This article is divided into the following sections: Ancient History of the TribesFuture of the Tribes - Biblical ProphecyRecent History of the TribesFalse Doctrines Concerning the TribesClosing Comments Over the years, I have heard a lot of various strange, unscriptural teachings regarding the ten northern tribes of Israel, and I have received many questions about them. The purpose of this article is to explain what we know from the scriptures about the ten northern tribes. Ancient History of the Tribes To begin, it is helpful to know some of the ancient history of the tribes of Israel.

After the reign of King Solomon, around 980 BC, the kingdom of Israel split. The split of the kingdom of Israel occurred when the new King Rehoboam told Israel that he would make their burdens heavier, rather that lighter, than his father Solomon had done. The southern tribes were Judah and Benjamin. Some individuals and families rejoined tribes of the south. Ezekiel 36:22-24 says, "...

How Long Were the Israelites in Egypt? - Here a little, there a little - Commentary. Determining the correct amount of time that the Israelites were in Egypt takes some biblical detective work. It requires looking at ALL the relevant Scriptures before arriving at a conclusion. Before we get to the specific matter at hand, we need to establish a time line based on the chronology given in the Bible: AM = Anno Mundi - Year of the Earth (from creation) As you can see from the chart above, Abram was born in the year 1948 AM (not coincidentally, the modern nation of Israel, composed of Abraham's descendants, was reborn in the year 1948 AD).

GALATIANS 3:16 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. In Galatians 3:17, Paul tells us that from the establishment of God's covenant with Abraham until the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai, 430 years elapsed. When was this covenant established? Stephen confirms this fact in his discourse before the Sanhedrin: So how do we determine how long Abram was in Haran after God made the covenant with him? Bryan T. Ancient Hebrew Bookstore. Learn the Hebrew Alphabet. IntroductionBy Jeff A. Benner Why Learn Hebrew? There are many reasons to learn Hebrew such as to read the Tenach (the Old Testament of the Bible written in Hebrew) in its original language or simply to learn how to pronounce Hebrew words such as those in Strong's Concordance without having to use the transliterations. Probably the most advantageous reason to learn Hebrew is the ability to understand the original author's words, rather than through the translator's opinion of the author's words.

Learning the Hebrew language can be both fun and exciting. By simply studying the pages to follow for just a few minutes a day you will soon be reading Hebrew and be building a small vocabulary of Hebrew words and phrases. Direction of Reading Unlike English which is read from left to right, Hebrew is read from right to left just as many other semitic languages such as Arabic. When sounding out a word it will be easier if you remember the Consonant (C) and Vowel (V) patterns. The Hebrew Alephbet. HOME PAGE.