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How to: Writing with Evernote on mobile devices. Mobile devices of all kinds can be used by writers, it's a great part of what we do.

How to: Writing with Evernote on mobile devices

I regularly use laptops and tablets for my writing projects, and they cross all platforms. Being platform agnostic makes it important to have writing tools that work on all OSes, and Evernote is great for that reason, among others. Evernote is a note-taking app on steroids, and in addition to having a web interface it also has apps on iOS, Android, and Windows 8. These apps are free, as is the basic level of service that backs them up. Notes taken in any of the Evernote interfaces are instantly synced to the cloud, thus making notes accessible no matter the platform or device being used. To call Evernote a note-taking app as I did doesn't really do it justice. Typical writing projects consist of four stages: idea capture, research, writing, and publication. Idea Capture A significant part of writing is coming up with topics to write about.

Research. SharePoint 2013: Supporting analytics on the back end. Analytic decision support that can be delivered rapidly and flexibly is an invaluable asset.

SharePoint 2013: Supporting analytics on the back end

Microsoft's promise of out-of-the-box business intelligence functionality was long since fulfilled in SQL Server 2005, but access to that functionality has largely been confined to people who were SQL Server-proficient. Only now, with SharePoint 2013, is that functionality available on the business side, free of deep dependency on IT. Increasingly, analytics is an ad hoc tool of decision-makers and stakeholders. Strategic advantage is increasingly a thing of the past, and rapid response is the greatest strength of the enterprise. Analytic decision support that can be delivered rapidly and flexibly is an invaluable asset, and with the new SharePoint release, Microsoft has made its best offering yet, with a toolset that requires little or no IT intervention to be effective in non-technical hands.

Big data on little desktops Pitching big data from the back end PerformancePoint implementation Also read. Wimi : se lancer à l'international sans attendre, l'expérience d'une start-up « born global » Lionel Roux va bientôt faire ses valises pour la Chine.

Wimi : se lancer à l'international sans attendre, l'expérience d'une start-up « born global »

Le président de Wimi, une plateforme de partage de documents et de gestion de projets pour TPE/PME, fait partie des entrepreneurs français embarqués sur le « French Tech Tour Chine ». Via Shenzhen, Pékin, Shanghai et Hong Kong, il devrait rencontrer du 4 au 12 novembre 2013 une douzaine de représentants de grandes entreprises locales ayant manifesté un intérêt pour son offre. Mission séduction en Chine pour trouver un partenaire En effet, conformément au principe du « French Tech Tour », c'est à quelques poids lourds économiques locaux qu'il revient de choisir quinze participants parmi une bonne soixantaine de PME présentées par Ubifrance, l'agence pour le développement international des entreprises. « L'objectif est de trouver un partenaire qui va distribuer notre solution en Chine.

Une levée de fonds pour être plus fort à l'export En dehors de la Chine, la Californie fait partie des régions en tête de liste. How to share MS Office documents on Windows Phone with SkyDrive. Zoho CEO: The End is Near for Microsoft's Office Monopoly. Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu says, "Microsoft has an existential need to win at all costs, even when it means screwing over every partner.

Zoho CEO: The End is Near for Microsoft's Office Monopoly

" Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu accused Microsoft (MSFT) this week in a blog post of having an "oxygen supply problem," claiming that "Microsoft Office has long been the de-facto monopoly. " "That is the nice thing about facing a monopoly in an adjacent market – every player other than the monopoly would win if they get a non-zero share of a massively shrunk market," he said. "If the $20 billion market shrinks to $2 billion, we at Zoho would celebrate it, as long as we can hope to get a share of that shrunken market.

" Vembu clarified his comments with us in an interview by pointing to how companies can still innovate the office suite market through research and development (R&D) with smaller revenue. Vembu concluded his post by saying that "Microsoft has punished itself more than the [U.S.]