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Infographies. Prise de parole à l'oral. A physicist, a biologist, and a chemist walk into a bar … | Science | AAAS. *For our full coverage of AAAS 2016, check out our meeting page. WASHINGTON, D.C. —“I’m not a doctor,” Brian Malow announced at a standing-room only session in Washington, D.C., today at the annual meeting of AAAS (which publishes Science). “But I play one in the broken dreams of my parents.” Malow, who bills himself as “Earth’s premier science comedian” and has a day job as a curator at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, was one of three presenters at the session who entertained the crowd with a mixture of jokes and serious insights about how comedy can educate the public and help scientists become better communicators.

One of the lessons Malow said he has learned doing stand-up comedy is not to wed yourself too tightly to a memorized script, which he said scientists all too often do with their canned presentations. Malow said he often uses analogies to spice up his comedy. Duffy stressed that most comedy is not funny. Want to try comedy yourself? Cartoon Abstracts. What are Cartoon Abstracts? Cartoon Abstracts are a fun new way of visualising academic research.

View our Science & Technology Cartoon Abstracts: Turn YOUR research into a cartoon We will be making limited numbers of new Cartoon Abstracts in the future. Submit your research to one of our journals – visit our Author Services website to find out how – and nominate it by sending us an email. Even if we can't make a cartoon out of your paper, every nomination will receive a discount code that can be used to convert your paper to open access. Authors love it “Awesome! “Wow! “I think this is a super-cool idea. Promoting your research As well as featuring on Taylor & Francis platforms, you can promote your cartoon through your own channels, such as social media. Fiches pratiques. Une infographie est une représentation visuelle et graphique d’informations et de données. Reprenant l’adage « une image vaut mieux que mille mots », elle permet à l’internaute de visualiser en un coup d’œil toutes les données relatives à un sujet.

Les outils de création d’infographie sont accessibles à tous sur le web. On en a sélectionné cinq, parmi les plus utilisés, pour réaliser sa propre infographie. Une infographie, pour quoi faire ? C’est une manière innovante de communiquer sur une thématique. Elle peut avoir diverses utilités, vous pouvez par exemple présenter : L’histoire de votre association,La structure de votre association,Un compte-rendu sur une action, ou une campagne que vous avez menée etc. Cinq outils pour créer une infographieNotre liste d’outils à connaître, pour réaliser une infographie en toute simplicité. permet de créer des infographies et des diagrammes interactifs. Avantages Inconvénients Piktochart Inconvénients Many Eyes. Science Communication Needs and Best Practice: What Would a Top Ten List Look Like? › Communication Breakdown. A new paper offers up a “top 10” list of science communication (scicomm) challenges and potential solutions – but also highlights the flaws in the list.

I’m hoping it can be a starting point for a discussion that could help people address at least some of the scicomm problems they’re grappling with. Background Here’s the deal: science communication can be a tricky business. It can be defined in a wide variety of ways, and includes a host of different interests that have different (and sometimes competing) goals.

But while the goals may differ, many of the challenges are the same. I take a broad view of science communication, defining it as anything that involves one person communicating with another person about science. As a result, while the scicomm universe is a large one (depending on how you define it), I’m interested in identifying the major shared challenges that most of us face – and any best practices that can help folks address those challenges. SciComm Audit A Top 10 List.