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Detox manual - HOW TO DETOXIFY - Natural Hygiene Network. Q: Why not take a drug, like antibiotics, when it makes my cold go away immediately?

Detox manual - HOW TO DETOXIFY - Natural Hygiene Network

Detoxification seems to take time and effort. A: Do you want superficial symptom-removal? Or do you want deep-seated removal of the cause of your illness? Symptoms of Fasting. Today I want to talk about fasting.

Symptoms of Fasting

Fasting is an effective and natural means of achieving quick detoxification and revitalization of one’s mind, body, and soul. That’s why when you go through a transition in life, make major dietary changes, or attempt a reversal of health complications, it’s often good to fast. However before you start a fast, you need to be aware of some of the symptoms that can be experienced during your fast. Unless fasting is a normal part of your scheduled cleansing and detoxification process, one or many of these symptoms may result until the body has adjusted itself and been cleansed internally of the emotional, mental, and physical “junk” it’s absorbed over your life.

First the good news: there is a light at the end of the detox tunnel. So why would you fast if you’re going to experience some detox symptoms. Here are some of the symptoms you may experience. Physical Symptoms: Many will feel lethargic, have muscle and joint pain and slight dizziness. Thread: Why is Dry Fasting beneficial? at Fasting: Dry Fasting Support (ThreadID: 1913883)

Hi Everybody, I had copied this from a post i made in another site several months back and didn't realize that basically every link was broken and i made another mistake in the process where i included a paragraph of my own in one of Dr.

Thread: Why is Dry Fasting beneficial? at Fasting: Dry Fasting Support (ThreadID: 1913883)

Filanov's quotes, so for clarity i am re-posting the entire document here. Note to moderator, if you wish and if you are able, maybe you can replace the original post with this one below this point. I know we all have been trained to believe that "water is essential" which it is and that "no good can come from depriving ourselves (however temporarily) of this essential nutrient". So i realize that convincing anybody of the benefits of Dry fasting is an extremely steep up-hill battle.

Something that may not be very well known is that when we fast our body creates water primarily as a byproduct of the fat we are burning. So even when we dry fast, it is not quite as dry as people might imagine. Russian Dr. Quote: by Dr. A Biblical Path: INTRO TO DRY FASTING. A dry fast is an absolute, true fast in which you abstain from both food and water.


This is the type of fast that was practiced by Moses (Exodus 34:28 & Deuteronomy 9:18, both times for 40 days), Ezra (Ezra 10:6, length undisclosed), the Nation of Israel (Esther 4:16, 3 days), Elijah (1 Kings 19:18, 40 days), the Ninevites and their animals (Jonah 3:7-10), most likely Jonah himself when he spent 3 days in the belly of the whale (Jonah 1:17), the Apostle Paul (Acts: 9:9, 3 days), and Jesus Christ (Matt 4:2, 40 days). More than likely, dry fasting has been practiced by many cultures and religious traditions throughout history. Dry fasting has been practiced by the Russians for a very long time. There is quite a bit of literature available on dry fasting in the Russian language.

However, none of these writings has been professionally translated. Fasting for Better Health and Skin. Many of the world’s religions incorporate fasting as one of their practices.

Fasting for Better Health and Skin

While some fast in observation of their faiths alone, the act of fasting itself can be extremely therapeutic and offers a myriad of health benefits. Why Fasting Helps: When your body stops digesting for a period of time, it is able to focus on its other processes better. Processes that have been neglected or slow to improve before will accelerate when you fast. Your body’s ability to heal itself gets a boost. The rate of detoxification improves markedly when fasting. When it is in fast-mode, the body will scavenge for fatty deposits and dead/damaged tissues—including abnormalities such as scar tissue, tumors, abcesses, and old wounds—which are burned off for energy or carried away as waste. Fasting is also a natural function. In fact, you probably have fasted a few times in your life without even realising it.

Just another site. Benefits of Dry Fasting. Among various forms of healing “fasting” is considered to be the most effective one.

Benefits of Dry Fasting

It brings about both psychological as well as physical healing. Most of us are not aware of the benefits of fasting, and also hold preconceived notions about this concept. We are psychologically conditioned that in order to remain healthy we need to eat a regular three-course meal. This is the reason we think fasting harms and weakens the body. Well, if one fasts with this idea he or she may end up not enjoying the benefits of this concept. Raw Food Blog » Dry Fasting Phenomenon: From Deprive to Thrive. March 7th, 2013 by Tonya Zavasta What is dry fasting?

Raw Food Blog » Dry Fasting Phenomenon: From Deprive to Thrive

It’s as simple as the wet-dry distinction. Wet fasting: Drink water, but take no food. Dry fasting: a total abstinence from both food and water for a defined time. There is one more level of dry fasting called Absolute Dry Fasting.