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Fat Burning Workouts

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Fat Loss for Men: A 7 Day Full Body Routine Plus HIIT. Originally posted: 1/27/10 Updates: 2/1/10 updated routine, added Excel spreadsheet workout logs ) 3/8/10 added example HIIT routines for days 2, 4, and 6. Many of you are asking for a full body workout routine to burn fat, so here you go. I have even customized the program for both men and women. You can skip the details and go straight to the routines if you wish: The Fat Loss for Men Routine The Fat Loss for Women Routine The Program We are integrating 3 full body training sessions with 3 HIIT routines and taking the 7th day off. This is accomplished by staying in a slightly higher rep range than we would normally use for strictly strength training, while using super-sets for most of our exercises.

Major compound exercises are rotated to prioritize a different muscle group on each of the 3 training sessions each week. Volume, Frequency, and Overtraining elevated pulse trouble sleeping nagging muscle soreness sore joints inability to recover from the previous workouts decreasing strength Rest Warm Up. Fat Burning Exercises. Switching to a circuit-training routine burns fat by picking up the pace of your workouts. You'll elevate your heart rate and burn more calories by not resting between exercises.

Want to speed up your metabolism even more? Try what trainer Vern Gambetta calls "circuit plus," in which you splice aerobic exercise into a circuit of resistance-training moves. Gambetta, who's the former director of athletic development for the New York Mets, says you'll burn calories even more rapidly this way because the tag team of aerobic and anaerobic exercise increases the challenge to your heart, lungs, and muscles. This routine conditions all your major muscle groups, with an emphasis on the lower body, which contains more than 50 percent of your body's muscle mass. Don't be concerned if you can't use as much weight as you regularly lift.

Because this is a full-body plan, start by performing the workout twice a week and work up to three times a week, with at least a day for recovery between workouts. Want to burn fat? We've got the plan for you. Fat Burning Workouts – Fat & Weight Loss Workouts. 1000+ Workout Routines For Muscle Building, Fat Loss, Abs & More.