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NSAM Academy

We are NSAM Academy. Providing courses right from fashion designing and interior designing in navi mumbai with certifications.NSAM Academy is Navi Mumbai’s premier institution associated with Central Christian University (CCU), Malawi is an East African Independent Accredited University with Various Worldwide Network.

Five types of make up artists: ext_5459875 — LiveJournal. The professional makeup artist There are many different types of makeup artists.

Five types of make up artists: ext_5459875 — LiveJournal

But which are they exactly? Below you can read about five types. To begin with, there is the professional makeup artist. This one makes his or her money by putting people up for weddings, other parties, events, film or television. The YouTuber Make-up artists on YouTube are the ones who popularized the term “make up artist”. This is how you design and furnish your interior! POP ART INTERIOR DESIGNING - TIPS. Color Combination In Interior Designing - Welcome To NSAM Academy. On the basis of the color wheel, you can easily find out which interior colors match.

Color Combination In Interior Designing - Welcome To NSAM Academy

You can do this in three different ways: Combine contrasting colors, Ton-Sur-Ton color combinations, and the harmonious paint combinations. After-effects of COVID-19 on the Fashion Industry. – NSAM Academy. How Covid-19 situation is affecting the fashion and designing industry here in India.

After-effects of COVID-19 on the Fashion Industry. – NSAM Academy

How institutions are getting badly affected by this. We all have witnessed the doom of the COVID-19. The terror of COVID-19 forced everyone to stay indoors and away from anyone. The virus has affected almost every industry causing massive losses, and the fashion industry was not immune to it. At the start of 2020, it was predicted that this year would be a promising year for the Fashion Industry. The fashion industry has taken a toll back because of CoronaVirus.

It is a hard time for everyone wherein the world is trying to take it – one day at a time; it doesn’t make it any easier for striving fashion designers. While the whole world is forced to isolate, we have started to spend more time on the internet. Fashion Drawing At NSAM Academy. Fashion design drawing, here you learn to work out your own ideas on paper and make a clear design.

Fashion Drawing At NSAM Academy

The basis of the design sketching, illustrative drawing, and technical drawing is discussed so that you can submit design proposals to clients and/or a studio. Identifying fashion trends and making fashion forecasts (predictions). Which trends are currently hot and which trends do you expect for the new season, you can learn this here at best fashion designing institute in navi mumbai.

Collage techniques. Creating mood boards and collecting inspiring photos are the basis for a strong design. Costume history, here you will get to know the main styles and designers who have influenced the fashion world. Knowledge of materials, such as fabrics, haberdashery, and accessories. During classes of Sewing and Pattern Drawing, you will learn the first sewing techniques and pattern applications.

Make Your Home Look More Bigger - Welcome To NSAM Academy. Thanks to the coronavirus, we all suddenly spend a lot of time in the same small spaces.

Make Your Home Look More Bigger - Welcome To NSAM Academy

To combat cabin fever, we spoke with professional fashion technology and interior decoration in navi mumbai and an organizational psychologist about ways to make your home more spacious. In this article, we will tell you about ways to make your home look much bigger. Clean up! Tidying up is an obvious first step to making your space look bigger. Life Hacks For a Home Interior – NSAM Academy. Imagine.

Life Hacks For a Home Interior – NSAM Academy

You sit in the sun, enjoying the sea, the Indian cuisine, the beautiful nature around you. Do you recognize this memory? And would you like to bring a bit of this atmosphere into your home to enjoy it too? Read our tips for a home interior here. How To Start Career In Fashion Designing Industry. Ten tips for designers who want to make it in the fashion industry: Don't go job-hopping Do you not like your current boss anymore?

How To Start Career In Fashion Designing Industry

Take a strategic approach to your departure. Millennials are known for "job-hopping '' after graduation, which is seen by the industry as positive because it demonstrates adaptability and social skills. However, this is not the case for professionals who have been in the business for some time. Choose Professional Makeup Course In Navi Mumbai - NSAM Academy. According to Google Makeup is the use of lipstick and other cosmetics to enhance, magnify, intensify or alter one’s facial looks which aren’t wrong but here at NSAM Academy we believe that makeup is an art; if backed with years of experience and professionalism, it can do wonders for you.

Choose Professional Makeup Course In Navi Mumbai - NSAM Academy

Make-up is another way of expressing the inner you, the elegance, and the beauty that defines you. We believe in creativity and innovations, in our opinion creativity isn’t something innate, hence it can be learned if you’re dedicated and motivated enough. With the growing curiosity among today’s young generation, we can already presume Makeup artistry making a huge rise in the upcoming years. Not just the young adults but you’ll find that makeup is rather introduced to some kids at a very young age. No wonder being a makeup artist pays your bills but there’s a lot of competition out there and for every opportunity, there can be only one winner. 1. 2. 3. 4. Best Interior Designing Academy In Navi Mumbai - NSAM Academy. In this interior designing institute, we believe that a place where a person spends most of his time is interior.

Best Interior Designing Academy In Navi Mumbai - NSAM Academy

We might not know the relevance of how interiors can affect a person’s mood and his daily routine, but It is observed that a person who lives in an aesthetically pleasing environment have a better mindset, is more productive, and so on. We create professionals who understand this aspect of life, love to innovate, and can transform their imagination into reality. Our goal is to push inspired designers in the right direction of learning, help them shape their careers right from the scratch. If you think you are creative and innovative, then this is where you’re most suited to. We aim to create such professional designers that can take the industry of fashion to the next level. We have created a curriculum especially for aspiring interior designers, teaching them various aspects like Being a designer is uncomplicated, but what’s challenging is to be the best at it. Top Fashion Designing Academy In Navi Mumbai - NSAM Academy. At NASM Academy, We provide fashion technology and interior decoration in navi mumbai as well as Makeup course, we believe that fashion designing is not just another career option, it’s more than that.

Top Fashion Designing Academy In Navi Mumbai - NSAM Academy

When a designer creates their designs, in our opinion it’s their way of contributing to the creative side of the world. With passing years we have seen the Fashion industry in India grow day by day and with today’s generation showing their interest in fashion and following the latest trends creates curiosity among the others. We believe that the Fashion industry in India will take a huge uprise in the upcoming decade. By 2030, India will be known as one of the best countries in terms of fashion, just like its known for its culture and heritage. Premier Institution of fashion technology and interior decoration in navi mumbai- NSAM Academy.