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Executive Protection is the core service upon which NSA Global Security Consultants was founded in 1999, and remains a major component of our service offering.

Security Risk Management. In addition, we provide high-level investigations and electronic counter-surveillance services, working with some of the world’s leading experts in these fields.

Security Risk Management

Residential and Commercial Property Security and Risk AssessmentNew and Existing Property, Greenfield ProjectsHolistic Investigative Services Forensic, Commercial, White Collar Crime Investigations, Undercover Agents, Financial Fraud Investigations, Stock Shrinkage and Lose Investigations, Technical Security Counter-SurveillanceSecurity Awareness TrainingExpatriate orientation briefing, hijack prevention and reaction, how to survive an armed robbery or hostage situation, presence of mind, security awareness in public areas and work place.Threat Assessment and ManagementWorkplace Violence Response and ConsultingCountry-Specific and Region-Specific Risk AssessmentsBackground ChecksPre-Employment Screening, Due-DiligenceCyber Security.

Close Protection & Executive / VIP Protection Services Body Guards. We believe that we have unequalled experience and expertise in providing discreet, professional services to a range of clients globally.

Close Protection & Executive / VIP Protection Services Body Guards

Our services are provided on both a long-term and ad-hoc basis in all countries in which we operate. Our services include: AIME TV to talk - Personal Security Solutions - NSA Global. Close protection services is one of the hard duties. Johannesburg, South Africa is a metropolis of events.

Close protection services is one of the hard duties

Every day severa exciting occasions show up on this town. One of the primary concerns for event conductors is protection. Whether it’s miles a only a circle of relatives event or a prestigious corporate occasion, you genuinely want your guests to stay safe. Close protection services is one of the hard duties which include sports like managing parking lots, scrutinizing the visitor’s lists, securing the personal objects of visitors, special care on esteemed visitors and so forth. Many firms offer Event Security services. Close Protection in Seattle, USA. eNCA interviews Rory Steyn, Mandela's former bodyguard - Personal Security Solutions - NSA Global. Millions spent on private security, ANCA, Jean Senekal. Millions spent on private security, ANCA, Jean Senekal. S.A. Crime Stats 2018: The Impact of Crime in South Africa. The South African Crime Statistics report for 2018 that was released this month, revealed that 57 people are murdered in South Africa every day, with a total number of murders reported at a staggering 20,336 for the period.

S.A. Crime Stats 2018: The Impact of Crime in South Africa

South Africa is listed as one of the most dangerous countries in the world. SA had the fifth highest murder rate in the world in 2015, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNOCD). The most recent data is now comparable to an armed conflict zone due to these latest crime stats released by the minister on September 11, 2018.

The stats cover 21 crime categories, 17 of which are reported by the public, and 4 of which are as a result of police activity. A total of 2.09 million crimes were recorded for 2018. These crimes include: What is so concerning to most South Africans, is that, while our crime statistics are unacceptably high, there was a gradual decline year-on-year over the past 3-5 years; but 2018 has seen this unacceptable spike in crime. Estate Security in South Africa Volume 1 How safe is your estate? High walls around houses, razor wire, electric fencing, gated communities, boomed-off restricted-access streets, CCTV systems, are all residential security necessities that have become synonymous with living in South Africa.

Estate Security in South Africa Volume 1 How safe is your estate?

Many South Africans choose to live in residential estates, deeming them a safer environment than stand-alone residences. The above electronic other high-tech security systems make residents feel safer from the rife crime woes of South Africa. However, this perception can prove to be inaccurate, as crime in some of these estates escalates and criminals become more brazen and innovative. The misconception that “security is being taken care of by someone else” leads to a false sense of security and even complacency, and this in turn, leads to weaknesses in many estate environments, that criminals can exploit.

In this article we look at why a pro-active approach to managing estate security is crucial. 20 Years of Protecting Lives Around the World. The achievements of an organisation are a result of the coming together of many individuals, who over the years, contributed to the success of the company. 2019 marks 20 years, that we at NSA Global Security Consultants have been forging relationships and protecting lives all around the world.

20 Years of Protecting Lives Around the World

Along the way, we have been privileged to work with many memorable and iconic individuals, corporations, organisations and events. It has indeed been an incredible experience and journey. Estate Security in South Africa Volume 2 - The Primary Threat. Appeal for Relief Aid for the Mozambique Flood Victims. Hundreds of thousands of people are in need of food, water and shelter after Cyclone Idai battered Mozambique.

Appeal for Relief Aid for the Mozambique Flood Victims

Tropical Cyclone Idai is one of the most powerful storms to hit Africa, killing hundreds of people and displacing thousands from their homes. Described as the “worst humanitarian disaster in Mozambique”. The storm killed at least 468 people, affected 1.85 million, damaged 669903 hectares of crop and damaged or destroyed 99317 houses in Mozambique. The Mozambican government does not have the resources to cope with the magnitude of the disaster.

A dire humanitarian crisis that looks dismal for the victims faced with hunger, absence of drinking water, homelessness and the danger of disease outbreak. VIP Protection in South Africa - Understanding the Risks and Mitigating Them. 71-year-old actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was recently attacked by a man while attending the Arnold Classic Africa Multisport Festival and Trade Expo in Sandton, South Africa.

VIP Protection in South Africa - Understanding the Risks and Mitigating Them

Static Guarding Services. We are in PyeongChang for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games! As the XXII Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea get off to a start tonight, NSA Global Security is once again proud to be involved in providing security consultancy and oversight for our client Oakley.

We are in PyeongChang for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games!

This is the 6th time that NSA Global have provided such services, going way back to Athens in 2004. Despite the political overtones that have overshadowed the event, they have brought about the first formal talks in over two years in the DMZ at the Panmunjom Peace Village on January 9 between North and South Korea.

There is also the unlikely good news that North and South Korea have agreed to form a joint women’s hockey team and march under the same flag for a parade at the games. Saving Madiba and Prince Charles, Rory Steyn on The Dan Nicholl Show. 26/11 Mumbai attacks: 10 years on survivors share their stories. By Manveena Suri, CNN Updated 0557 GMT (1357 HKT) November 26, 2018 Each year, she is cast back to the events that unfolded 10 years ago today, on the night of her 32nd birthday.

26/11 Mumbai attacks: 10 years on survivors share their stories

It was late Wednesday evening when the former actress turned chef arrived at Mumbai’s iconic Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, along with her husband, his parents, and a family friend. It was a busy night at the hotel, and the restaurant where the group had planned to eat was running behind schedule. The waitstaff apologized and instead the group decided to go to the Heritage Suite on the hotel’s second floor, while they waited for a table. Unbeknown to Raichand, the small inconvenience would be the difference between life and death. Not far from the hotel, 10 men associated with the Islamist terror group Lashkar-e-Tayyiba quietly docked at the city’s waterfront, close to the Gateway of India monument. They hijacked several cars, including a police van, and split into at least three groups.

Guests begin to react Bob Nicholls. Chaos and horror mar the Global Citizen Festival in South Africa - Criminals go on a rampage. When Crime Arrives in the Mail - dealing with the issue of security threats in the mail. The news of the 15 packages containing pipe bombs sent to several critics of U.S. President, Donald Trump; recently made headlines. The recipients included, most notably, Former U.S. President Barack Obama along with the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. All packages were deemed to be live bombs until analysis further indicated some were “duds”, although it is not clear whether this was intentional or a fault on the part of the bomb maker. A suspect was subsequently arrested in Florida for the mass mail bombing spree. A spokesperson for the National Postal Museum in Washington DC stated that, “This form of attack has been extremely scarce in the past with less than ten mail pieces testing positive for biological or chemical agents since 2014, before the incident on hand.”

Dedicated Person Security or Body Guards Services for VIP’s Celebrities. Our Team - NSA Global a corporate security solution. Security Risk Management and Security Consulting - NSA Global Security. Disaster and Emergency Response Management by NSA Global Security. S.A. Crime Stats 2018: The Impact of Crime in South Africa. Secure Travel - NSA Global Corporate Security Solution. Our SECURE TRAVEL service incorporates security practices from the executive protection industry as well as traditional chauffeur services to form a comprehensive and secure travel management solution for our clients. Here are some precautions that you can take against cyber-attacks. As the news of the Winter Olympics cyber-attack broke and the official website was taken offline, OSAC (Overseas Security Advisory Council) has put out this advice on how to take precautions against cyber-attacks that is useful for us all. Exercise caution and learn to identify spear phishing attempts: Malware samples are thought to have often been spread through spear phishing email messages.

Certain indicators may signal a heightened likelihood that an email is a spear phishing attempt:Look for red flags such as misspelled words or poor grammar. Consider the relevance of the email, content, and sender. Malicious cyber actors may create fake domains designed to spoof the user into believing they are legitimate. For example, hackers may send an email from “…” in order to mimic the actual domain “…” Additionally, some organizations may decide to limit the privileges of non-admin users so that they cannot run executable files (e.g., those ending in .exe and .dwg). Mumbai: How a South African Security Man Saved 150 Lives. Specialized Security Training - NSA Global Security Solution. Analysing Public Safety In Light Of The Recent Woolworths.

The current situation in KZN in terms of six explosive devices being found and/or detonated is worrisome and creating fear as well as tense feelings and emotions. It is reported that the Hawks Crimes Against The State unit is investigating and giving the investigation the highest priority. No arrests have been facilitated with remarks by authorities that arrests are imminent. The crime Intelligence Units in KZN have been instructed to gather information urgently. It needs to be acknowledged that access to bomb making is easy and that caution needs to be exercised to jump to conclusions related to terrorism or any specific extremist grouping. Hot Contact 24-Hour Emergency and Informational Point of Contact.

Our HOT CONTACT service was developed for corporate and private individuals travelling worldwide for business or leisure. When the service of full security support is neither warranted nor needed, or when travelling to a destination where the threat levels are seen to be low, our HOT CONTACT service is an affordable and practical option but still provides peace of mind should there be an emergency situation. All our HOT CONTACT representatives are regional locals and well acquainted with their operational region. Our HOT CONTACT service affords you peace of mind: NSA Global Security Consultants. We are in PyeongChang for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games! As the XXII Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea get off to a start tonight, NSA Global Security is once again proud to be involved in providing security consultancy and oversight for our client Oakley.

This is the 6th time that NSA Global have provided such services, going way back to Athens in 2004. Understanding executive protection and choosing the right close protection. Operation Regions - NSA Global Corporate Security Solution. Major Event Security Services by NSA Global Security Solution. Hot Contact 24-Hour Emergency and Informational Point of Contact. Disaster and Emergency Response Management by NSA Global Security. Security Risk Management and Security Consulting - NSA Global Security. Major Event Security Services by NSA Global Security Solution. Hot Contact 24-Hour Emergency and Informational Point of Contact. Disaster and Emergency Response Management by NSA Global Security.

Corporate Security Consultant - NSA Global Security Solution. Executive / VIP Protection Services & Personal Security Planning. We believe that we have unequalled experience and expertise in providing discreet, professional services to a range of clients globally.