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Services Solutions. Worldwide YouTube Outage Traced to Pakistan. ISLAMABAD -- Pakistani Internet Service Providers may have inadvertently blocked the popular YouTube Web site across the world this past weekend when they restricted local access to the site, a telecommunications official said. YouTube said on Monday that many users around the world could not access the site for about two hours because traffic had been routed according to erroneous Internet protocols.

The source of the problem was a network in Pakistan, YouTube said in a statement. Pakistan ordered local ISPs to block access to the site because it was running material insulting to Islam, a Pakistani industry official said on Sunday. [cob:Related_Articles]A government telecommunications official said the initial order to restrict local access might have mistakenly affected users around the world. "The blocking of the Web site within the country might have mistakenly affected its worldwide service, briefly," said the official, who declined to be identified. Security Benefits. Introduction: DNS security threats and mitigations Because of the open, distributed design of the Domain Name System, and its use of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), DNS is vulnerable to various forms of attack. Public or "open" recursive DNS resolvers are especially at risk, since they do not restrict incoming packets to a set of allowable source IP addresses.

We are mostly concerned with two common types of attacks: Spoofing attacks leading to DNS cache poisoning. Various types of DNS spoofing and forgery exploits abound, which aim to redirect users from legitimate sites to malicious websites. These include so-called "Kaminsky attacks", in which attackers take authoritative control of an entire DNS zone. Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Each class of attack is discussed further below. Cache poisoning attacks There are several variants of DNS spoofing attacks that can result in cache poisoning, but the general scenario is as follows: DoS and amplification attacks Mitigations. Improve Network Security with DNS Servers. Using an alternative DNS provider, such as OpenDNS or Google's Public DNS, can improve performance and increase security.

It's worth taking the time to compare your alternatives. The Domain Name System (DNS) is something we all use and depend on, yet don't really pay much attention to; if you have some time to investigate alternatives, you could really enhance your network's performance and security. Before I tell you how to do this, let’s have a brief explanation of what DNS is. Think of what a phone book does; it allows you to look up someone’s phone number so long as you know the person’s name. The DNS does something similar for computers. For example, if you type in “” it translates that name into a sequence of four numbers, called an IP address, which functions something like a phone number does. In this case,’s number is Make the call Evaluating which of these alternative DNS providers gives your users better performance is tricky. Change up.

SIDN: vanaf 2009 overstap naar DNSsec | Nieuws | Security | Comp. Als je geen cookies accepteert is het niet mogelijk om te bezoeken. Op deze pagina vind je meer informatie over wat cookies precies zijn, welke cookies door Computable worden gebruikt en hoe je invloed op cookies kunt uitoefenen. Wat zijn cookies? Een cookie is een stukje tekst dat door een webserver aan een bezoekende browser wordt gegeven, in de hoop en verwachting dat de browser dat bij een vervolgbezoek teruggeeft. De cookie is een aanvulling op de HTTP-specificatie. Het HyperText Transfer Protocol wordt door iedereen gebruikt die een website bezoekt: het regelt de communicatie tussen een webserver en een browser. Het is echter niet ontworpen om opeenvolgende paginabezoeken als één geheel te zien. Daardoor is het niet zonder meer mogelijk om gegevens of instellingen bij een vervolgbezoek weer terug te halen.

Om dat toch mogelijk te maken zijn in 1997 de cookie en de set-cookie-headers voor HTTP geïntroduceerd. Hoe werken cookies? First-party cookies Third-party cookies. Network Monitoring. Reporting. We develop products that embrace current and next-generation technologies to meet the complex and changing needs of our customers. Our solutions reflect a forward-thinking approach to the mandates, regulations, risks, and marketplace changes that affect the way our customers use their networks Business Drivers Improve Network Availability Maintain Compliance Standards Proactively Manage Growth Plan for the Future IT Initiatives Brokering Connections - Dynamic Networks Require Dynamic Solutions Virtualization - Automation Enables Virtualization’s Benefits Cloud Computing - Private Clouds Demand Dynamic Infrastructure IPv6 Readiness - Making a Seamless IPv6 Transition Consumerization - Automation Helps Networks Keep Pace with Consumerization Industries Education - Teaching Networks New Tricks Finance - Downtime Devours Everyone’s Money Healthcare - Healthy Networks Promote Healthy Outcomes Manufacturing - Keeping the End-to-End Flow Going Retail - Robust Networks Foster Robust Sales Government Federal IPv6.