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What's New In DevTools (Chrome 60)  

Here's what's new in DevTools in Chrome 60. You can check what version of Chrome you're running at Google I/0 '17 is a wrap. Check out Paul Irish's "DevTools: State of the Union" talk below to learn more about what the team has been working on. New features New Audits panel, powered by Lighthouse The Audits panel is now powered by Lighthouse. Check out the DevTools talk from Google I/O '17 below to learn more. To audit a page: Click the Audits tab.Click Perform an audit.Click Run audit. The scores at the top for Progressive Web App, Performance, Accessibility, and Best Practices are your aggregate scores for each of those categories.

Lighthouse is an open-source project. Third-party badges Use third-party badges to get more insight into the entities that are making network requests on a page and logging to the Console. To enable third-party badges: A new gesture for Continue to Here Say you're paused on line 25 of a script, and you want to jump to line 50. Step into async. Onlineshop rechtssicher in 10 Schritten: So wird‘s juristisch wasserdicht. Wenn du einen Onlineshop rechtssicher eröffnen willst, musst du eine Vielzahl von juristischen Fallstricken beachten.

Onlineshop rechtssicher in 10 Schritten: So wird‘s juristisch wasserdicht

Sonst drohen teure Abmahnungen oder gerichtliche Auseinandersetzungen. Schon wenn man einen Onlineshop plant, ist es sinnvoll, einen Anwalt mit ins Boot zu holen, der auf IT- und E-Commerce-Themen spezialisiert ist. Der kann nicht nur verbindliche und rechtssichere Auskünfte über Webshops allgemein geben, sondern klärt auch Fragen, die speziell deine E-Commerce-Tätigkeit betreffen, etwa zur Kennzeichnung oder zum Verkauf bestimmter Warengruppen wie Lebensmittel oder Medikamente. Sich auf Aussagen aus dem Internet oder aus irgendwelchen Youtube-Vorträgen zu verlassen, kann teuer werden. Die Kosten für den Anwalt im Vorfeld sind somit gut angelegt, wenn man damit den Stress und Ärger einer Abmahnung verhindert.

Das Spannende dabei: Fragt man Anwälte, dann sind es im Prinzip immer dieselben Punkte, die für Streit sorgen. 1. 2. Home - WhatTheme? WordPress Theme Detector - Free online tool to find a site´s theme. Real Time Search - Social Mention. Username & Domain Search. Free Website Monitoring Tool with Unlimited Email and Text Alerts. How to use Google Sheets as a free website monitoring tool and receive instant email and SMS text alerts when your website goes down.

Free Website Monitoring Tool with Unlimited Email and Text Alerts

The app runs on Google Servers and can monitor unlimited websites. Would you like to receive instant alerts as soon as your website goes down or is inaccessible to users? Would you like to receive these downtime alerts as an email message or text on your mobile phone or both? Most website monitoring services follow the “freemium” model – they have free plans for basic downtime & uptime monitoring of a website but need to pay for unlimited email or SMS alerts. You may also need to upgrade to monitor multiple websites. You can create your own website monitor that runs on Google servers and sends email alerts or SMS when your website goes down or is up again. How to Setup Website Monitor Here’s how you quickly configure Google Docs to monitor the uptime /downtime of your website. Click here to copy the website monitoring Google sheet into your Google Drive.

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