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DIY Fashion: Cut out shirt tutorial. Here's the shirt tutorial.

DIY Fashion: Cut out shirt tutorial

I took a real man shirt and then I pinched and pinned it around the waist to make it more fitted. You can choose any shirt and then follow the 3 steps to cut it out. Come promesso ecco il tutorial per realizzare la camicia con inserti in tulle. Io ho traformato una vera camicia da uomo e ho creato due pence sul davanti per renderla più avvitata. Voi scegliete la camicia che più preferite e seguite i 3 step per trasformarla. Wear you shirt and mark out with a pin where you want the see throught part to begin. Indossate la camicia e appuntate uno spillo sul davanti per segnare il punto da cui iniziare a tagliare.

Cut the shirt : start from the front, go around the shoulder and down to the botton line. Tagliate la camicia: cominciate dal davanti, proseguite intorno alla spalla e poi tornate giù intorno la linea dei bottoni. Reverse the shirt. Take your light weighted tulle and pin it over the edge of the cut part. DIY Fashion: Man shirt makeover. Many winter looks are inspired by men style.

DIY Fashion: Man shirt makeover

What better than a classic man shirt to jump on seasonal trends? I spent this week examining minutely this piece of wardrobe and at the end I couldn't resist giving it my own twist. There are many beautiful details in a man shirt: the stiff collar and cuffs,the button line so I thought it would be cool to emphasize these details and make them pop out of the shirt. Rookie & Clear Heart Full Eyes Can't Lose. I took some major inspiration from a certain Luella dress and all things Valentine-y to come up with this top.

Rookie & Clear Heart Full Eyes Can't Lose

It’s quite similar to those heart cut-out dresses that have been seen all over, but this is way easier to make than a dress! And a bit more wearable, too, seeing as how it’s just a shirt, and you can pair it and wear it with just about anything. Oh, and there are pretty lace frills involved, too! What’s not to love? Stuff you’re gonna need (you can get most of this stuff at JoAnn or Michaels or your local craft-supply store): a well-fitting button-up shirt chalk lace trim (about half a yard or less should cover it) a hook-and-eye fastener sewing pins fray checkscissors measuring tape (I actually ended up not using this—but it’s always nice to have on hand) a small heart-shaped item to use as a pattern (this would be a good way to get some use out of an empty Valentine’s chocolate box) a sewing machine or just a needle and thread, whichever is your preferred sewing method 1. 2.

DIY Alexander Wang Cut-Out Top. I don’t trust myself around scissors.

DIY Alexander Wang Cut-Out Top

I know how to hand them to a buddy (pointed end towards me, duh.) but I don’t know how to not constantly use them to give myself haircuts and shred my clothing. 99% of my shirts are going to get vents cut into them now that the weather is turning warmer and the cutout trend is in full force. Get a start on your warm weather wardrobe with this Alexander Wang-inspired cut out tank. It looks complicated to make, but it really so easy. Just FYI – any sewing you see on the blog can be done by hand with just a needle and thread using a basic stitch.

If something more complicated is required, I will always show a how-to. Cut the sleeves off your button-down. Fold over a bit of the end where you cut, and sew this down on both sides. DIY Louis Vuitton Girly Girl Button Down. Louis Vuitton’s show for Spring 2012 was a dream-like presentation of lady-like girly-ness.

DIY Louis Vuitton Girly Girl Button Down

This grown up version of tiaras and pastels translated into a beautiful collection of pretty pieces suitable for any girly girl. Wearing pink, lace, tiaras, and gobs of mascara is essentially a daily occurrence for me, so I was instantly drawn to a muted bubblegum pink top with an oversized lace collar. It was easy enough to DIY and I am so happy with the end result! Follow my DIY to create your own version with some thrift store finds, a bottle of dye, buttons and a lace collar. Like this: DIY Fingerprint Polka Dot Top. Sometimes printed clothing wears you instead of the other way around.

DIY Fingerprint Polka Dot Top

More refined, dainty and repetitive prints are rampant right now- popping up everywhere from Fendi to Equipment, and offering a more subtle take on bright bold geometrics and flowers. Especially appealing to me is the new surge of polka dotted pieces- polka dots add a little bit of whimsy while still remaining classic and uncomplicated. DIY Peekaboo Shoulder Button Down. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?

DIY Peekaboo Shoulder Button Down

No? …Oh. Er. Me neither. So lame. Like this: Like Loading...