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March on Wall Street to Oppose Bloomberg's Mass Teacher Firings. Share Mayor Bloomberg announced Friday that he intends to eliminate 4,100 teaching jobs through layoffs and another 2,000 through attrition. In response, a broad coalition of students, unions and activist groups have planned a May 12 march on Wall Street to demand the big banks and millionaires start paying their fair share during these times of economic crisis. “There is no revenue crisis; there is an inequality crisis,” On May 12’s organizers said in a written statement. “The Big Banks that crashed our economy, destroyed jobs, caused millions to lose their homes, and bankrupted city and state budgets, are reaping record profits—and yet they are refusing to pay their fair share of what it will take to rebuild our economy. From Wisconsin to Wall Street people are fighting back! The event website features videos from participants who explain why they'll be taking part in the march. The city’s billionaire mayor attempted to soothe constituents’ nerves when he announced the mass firings.

THE MARCH ON WALL STREET - #ONMAY12. LRB · Howard Hotson · Don’t Look to the Ivy League. At the heart of the Browne Report and the government’s higher education policy is a simple notion allegedly grounded in economics: that the introduction of market forces into the higher education sector will simultaneously drive up standards and drive down prices. The confidence displayed by ministers in predicting these effects would be more reassuring if it were not at odds with the evidence that precisely the opposite is happening. The list of universities committed to charging something near the £9000 upper limit of fees is steadily lengthening, contrary to what Vince Cable has repeatedly told them is in their rational economic interest. Whenever university standards are talked about, the basis for comparison is taken to be the annual THE-QS World University Rankings.[*]​* Every year since 2004, these tables have appeared under some variation of the headline ‘US Universities Dominate World Rankings.’

The top ten or 20 places typically grab all the attention. City prepares to spend nearly $1 billion on education consultants as it fires 4,100 teachers. Aaron Showalter for News Parents and students rallied in support of New York City schools on Thursday afternoon in lower Manhattan. The city plans to lay off 4,100 teachers this year, and $1 billion on consultants. As the city prepares to lay off 4,100 teachers, the Department of Education is planning to spend nearly $1 billion on consultants next school year, a new analysis shows. Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer blasted the agency's budget as a "black hole" and took issue with the 6% increase on consultants, after his office pored over the latest budget documents. "There are a whole lot of troubling increases that have nothing to do with spending money in the classrooms," said Stringer, noting the city's plans to lay off teachers was "political gamesmanship" and the "solution" may lie in the $20 billion Education Department budget.

"This is a black hole that gets darker and deeper as time goes on," he added. "It's time to shine some light on what these services really are. " March On Wall Street: Thousands Of Teachers, Advocates Rally Against Bloomberg Cuts (PHOTOS) Thousands of teachers, social workers, union members and more took part in a march Thursday against Mayor Michael Bloomberg's plans for wide-ranging budget cuts -- and against the Wall Street bankers they blame for the city's budget woes. Activists reported that the NYPD had arrested several marchers, but the demonstration took on a mostly joyful cast, with colorful signs, raucous chants and even a stilt-walker. The May 12 Coalition's organizers promised a big turnout of more than 10,000 marchers, and while immediately pinning down the crowd's size proved difficult, at least that number turned out.

Demonstrators from the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) alone, which faces more than 4,000 teacher cuts if Bloomberg's budget is enacted as is, numbered in the thousands. Rev. Al Sharpton, UFT President Michael Mulgrew and an array of city councilmembers and state elected officials laid the blame for the budget cuts squarely at Bloomberg and Wall Street's feet. Rev. Teachers March on Wall Street to Protest Bloomberg Cuts. Myron Miner on the Chicago Public Schools and Producerism. This week the Illinois Chapter of Last Stand for Children First joined students across the state in celebrating historic legislation that is now only awaiting the Governor's signature.

SB7 will finally free school children from the threat of teachers unions complaining about having too many students in classrooms or going on strike--a problem that has plagued the Chicago Public Schools since their last strike in 1987. I am not going to write about SB7 though, enough reformers are lauding it already. Instead, I am going to look at an exciting new trend coming out of Chicago that I am referring to as the Bialystock Method or Producerism. This shrewd move by Mayor elect Rahm Emanuel far surpasses anything I have seen elsewhere. To understand the Bialystock Method, you must do yourself a favor and go see the original 1968 version of Mel Brooks' classic movie The Producers.

In The Chicago Public Schools the mayor has total control and he appoints his own rubber stamp school board. The Producers (1968 film) The Producers is a 1968 American satirical dark comedy cult classic film written and directed by Mel Brooks. The film is set in the late 1960s and it tells the story of a theatrical producer and an accountant who want to produce a sure-fire Broadway flop. They take more money from investors than they can repay (the shares they've sold total more than 100% of any profits) and plan to abscond to Brazil as soon as the play closes, only to see the plan improbably go awry when the show turns out to be a hit. The film stars Zero Mostel as Max Bialystock, the producer, and Gene Wilder as Leo Bloom, the accountant, and features Dick Shawn as L.S.D., the actor who ends up playing the lead in the musical within the movie, and Kenneth Mars as the former Nazi soldier and playwright, Franz Liebkind.

Max Bialystock (Zero Mostel) is a washed-up, aging Broadway producer who ekes out a living romancing lascivious wealthy elderly women in exchange for money for his next play. The Producers (1968) trailer. PERSBERICHT @ISObestuur. Journalism Primary Sources: Rosen and Shirky, Part 5. A Perfect Storm in Undergraduate Education, Part 2 - Advice.

By Thomas H. Benton What is keeping undergraduates from learning? Last month, I speculated from my perspective as a college teacher about a set of interlocking factors that have contributed to the problem. In that column (The Chronicle, February 25), I referred to the alarming data presented by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa in Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses (University of Chicago Press, 2011) in the context of President Obama's call for more students to attend college in order to prepare for the economy of the future. This month I want to speculate on why students (and, to a lesser extent, their parents) are not making choices that support educational success.

The student as consumer. Changing forms of literacy. Declining academic engagement. Alienation from professors. Expanding social and extracurricular commitments. The escalating cost of education. Anxiety about future employment. Students feeling disillusioned, bored, apathetic, scared, and trapped. The Guardian Project: Building Mobile Security for a Dangerous World. Guardian Project founder Nathan Freitas; photo by Nancy Scola. Ethan Zuckerman points out the ironic difficulty of the situation. "Mobiles are both utterly essential devices for activists," explains the senior researcher at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, "and ones that are profoundly unsafe for activists to use. " Unsafe how? Cell phones and other mobile devices are trackable, monitorable, and in some countries, often tied to the real-life identities of their users.

Capturing protests in Egypt's Tahrir Square on a (non-Android) Nokia phone; photo credit: darkroom productions. Though it's just one project, and one in its early stages, the Guardian Project is hard at work on the questions that may well be critical in the next street uprising or underground rebellion, whether that comes next month or next year. Gibber, a secured chat application for Android; via the Guardian Project. And so, the Guardian Project is working on tools to make those devices more secure. Activiteiten > Dukenburg Dinoburg - Winkelcentrum Dukenburg Nijmegen. Folia: 'Boete langstudeerders onrechtmatig' >De boete van drieduizend euro die studenten moeten betalen wanneer zij meer dan een jaar extra studeren, is onrechtmatig.

>Dat staat in een juridisch advies van gerenommeerd advocatenkantoor Stibbe, uitgebracht op verzoek van de LSVb, de ISO en de LKvV. De langstudeerdersboete van drieduizend euro per jaar, die het kabinet per 1 september wil invoeren, is onrechtmatig. Dat staat in een juridisch advies van advocatenkantoor Stibbe dat op verzoek van de Landelijk Studentenvakbond (LSVb), het Interstedelijke Studenten Overleg (ISO) en de Landelijke Kamer van Verenigingen (LKvV) is opgesteld. In het advies komt onder andere naar voren dat het in het wetsvoorstel ontbreekt aan een goede overgangsregel voor studenten die onder andere voorwaarden aan hun studie begonnen (rechtsgelijkheid), er niet wordt voldaan aan het recht op onderwijs, en het gelijkheidsbeginsel wordt geschonden.

Lees hier het hele advies. Dat overleg vindt plaats op donderdag 14 april. Welkom bij de AOb. De Nationale Onderwijsgids - voorpagina. Nat. Onderwijs Gids (Onderwijsgids) Tying High-School Diplomas to College Applications - Head Count. Hopes and wishes won’t get more students to attend college. But might a law do the trick? This week the Oregon House of Representatives approved a bill that would require high-school students to submit a college application, or take an alternative step, before obtaining their diplomas.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Tobias Read, a Democrat, told The Oregonian that the bill was a way to increase college-going rates during a time of budget constraints. “This bill does not intend to tell anyone what choice is right for them,” Mr. Read said. “It merely aims to prompt the consideration of those options and encourage students to think about what’s important to them.” According to the bill, students could satisfy the proposed graduation requirement in one of three ways: by applying to a postsecondary institution, by submitting an enlistment application to the military, or by attending an orientation session for an apprenticeship or training program.

The bill has moved on to the Oregon Senate. Oregon House approves bill adding college application requirement to high school diploma. SALEM -- Oregon students may soon need to submit a college application in order to get their high school diploma. Beaverton Democrat Rep. Tobias Read sponsored the idea, saying the proposal is one way to increase education levels in Oregon within the state's current budget constraints. "This bill does not intend to tell anyone what the right choice is for them," Read said during discussion on the House floor.

"It merely aims to prompt the consideration of those options and encourage students to think about what's important to them. " House Bill 2732 would add one more item to the state's graduation requirements -- proof that students are thinking seriously about the future and job opportunities. They would demonstrate that by doing one of three things: applying to a higher education institution such as a community college or university, submitting an application to enlist in the military or attending an orientation session for an apprenticeship or training program. Rep. Rep. -- Kim Melton. Amsterdam op weg naar één universiteit. 13 mei 2011 - "Een verkenning om na te gaan of een alliantie tussen de twee instellingen zinvol is. " In deze ingetogen formulering schuilt wellicht een academische revolutie. Worden VU en UvA samen één universiteit? Wat gebeurt er dan met de HBO-partners HvA en Windesheim?

De colleges van bestuur van de twee universiteiten hebben in een gezamenlijke verklaring hun intentie vastgelegd om in het kader van 'Veerman' "een bundeling van krachten" te realiseren. Daarmee steken zij direct in op de analyse en het advies dat AWT-voorzitter Joop Sistermans in december via op tafel legde en recent nog bij staatssecretaris Zijlstra. Boeiend is dat in de verklaring geen woord gewijd wordt aan de fusie-partners/nauwe bestuurlijke partners in het HBO van beide universiteiten. {*style:<b>Groot groter grootst?

</b>*} Vanuit de Kamer wordt verrast gereageerd. Indien UvA en VU werkelijk samengaan, ontstaat een mega-universiteit met tienduizenden studenten, vreest de SP nu al. Vervoerders zijn klaar met bedrijf achter chipkaart | AMERSFOORT - Een aantal vervoersbedrijven twijfelt aan het functioneren van het bedrijf dat de ov-chipkaart maakt, Trans Link Systems (TLS).

Dat lieten de vervoerders, verenigd in de Federatie Mobiliteitsbedrijven Nederland (FMN), vrijdag weten. Foto: Nieuwenhuis Vervoersbedrijven Arriva, Connexxion, Syntus en Veolia Transport, hebben in een open brief aan TLS laten weten dat er twijfel is ontstaan ''onder meer door het tegenvallende resultaat van jarenlange discussies tussen de bedrijven over de niet transparante kostenafwikkeling en de niet dienstverlenende houding naar de aangesloten bedrijven’’. Volgens de vervoersbedrijven neemt de leverancier van de ov-chipkaart geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid voor de werking van de kaart zelf, zoals bijvoorbeeld de fraudegevoeligheid en daarmee de veiligheid van de kaart. Trans Link Systems herkent zich niet in de kritiek. ''En er is gezamenlijk over besloten. Problemen Kraken. Stichting Collectieve Actie Universiteiten. Juridische strijd om tweede master. 29 maart 2011 - De faculteiten rechtsgeleerdheid van de UvA, VU, Leiden, UU en UvT mogen zich voorbereiden op een gang naar de rechter.

Het draait om de hoge instellingscollegegelden voor studenten in een tweede master. De Stichting Collectieve Actie tegen Universiteiten (SCAU) komt met een ‘juridische oorlogsverklaring’. Cees Zweistra van de UU is één van de initiatiefnemers om de betrokken universiteiten ter verantwoording te roepen voor de collegegeldverhogingen. Sinds september 2010 wordt de hoogte van het collegegeld voor een tweede opleiding (bachelor of master) bepaald door onderwijsinstellingen. De SCAU twijfelt aan de juistheid van de tarieven en schakelt een advocaat in om de waarheid boven tafel te krijgen. "Wij doen een beroep op de wet openbaar bestuur en vragen, via een advocaat, om de stukken die inzicht geven in de onderbouwing van de verhoging van het collegegeld", laat Zweistra aan Ad Valvas weten.

Lees de brief van de SCAU hier. TV - Voor studenten, door studenten » Blog Archive » Interview STCAU omtrent ‘bombrief’ aan universiteiten. Studenten verklaren universiteiten de oorlog. Truth is our profession. Malcolm Gillies discusses the reality of university reputation Nothing could have been more prophetic than Times Higher Education’s piece on “Eastern eminence” in its cover story on the World Reputation Rankings (“The name says it all”, 10 March). Featuring an illustration of a University of Tokyo building riding atop Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa, it preceded by one day the real thing, when some Japanese universities a little north of Kanagawa did indeed ride a great wave to destruction.

The surfeit of baleful news from around the world these past few weeks reminds us why universities are here and what is most important about them. Culminating THE’s exploration of brand values, virtues and vices - with Harvard University coming between Coca-Cola and Pepsi in brand value and worth more than 10 times the University of Oxford - the article’s general conclusion is that there are “only a handful of globally recognised brands in higher education”. And thank God for that! List of Corporate Social Media Strategists, Corporate Community Managers in 2010. Nieuws - ‘Plannen Zijlstra zijn oude afspraken’ De mediagebruiker in 2015. Hong Kong Venue for British Council's Conference Reflects Shifting Trends in Education - International. The myth of the ‘superteacher’ - The Answer Sheet. Andrew Blair: @carllygo too many HE seni...

Greg Lukianoff: The 12 Worst Colleges For Free Speech. Dubbelstudent wordt vanzelf braaf. Violent demonstrators: "We are not UK Uncut" Negen trekkers voor innovatie. POWned: Langstudeerboete onrechtmatig. Havana: 'Boete langstudeerders onrechtmatig' The Communication Paradox. Corporate tax cuts don't spur growth, analysis reveals as election pledges fly. ATL. Association of Teachers and Lecturers: the education union. Head teachers' union joins fight to save pensions with boycott threat - Education News, Education.

NUT : National Union of Teachers - The largest fully qualified primary and secondary education union | Our aim: one union for all teachers. KSU: EventMay 11th: Quality Measurement in Higher Education. Jara Gomez, F.I. (Fabiola) - Medewerker pagina Universiteit Utrecht. Christian Bröer - dr. C. (Christian Bröer) Broer. K.U.Leuven wie-is-wie. Politiek geschokt en boos over wantoestanden hbo - Bezuinigingen in het hoger onderwijs. ‘Minder topverdieners NPO’ HBO-accreditatie: een wassen neus. European students deliver joint statement on future EU education. FSA Congres. FSA Congres | Het Congres | Thema. FSA Conference (FSAcongres2011) sur Twitter. FSA Conference. 5828. 2011 College Commencement Speakers. Bad Education. De etui van het geweten. Excellente student gehuldigd door Zijlstra. Student Avery Doninger looses free speech battle after calling school officials 'douchebags' in online rant.

Failing universities face being taken over by private companies. Martha Nussbaum Not For Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities. The silent crisis(pdf) ch1 NOT for profit Nussbaum. Martha Nussbaum | University of Chicago Law School. Welkom bij PiCarta, het startpunt voor toegang tot de NCC en andere bestanden. Met Sensor naar het bal!

School Funding Deception Alert! (in a CAN)  promovendi voeren actie voor salaris. Facebook's Growing Role in Social Journalism. Matt Blaze: Shaking Down Science. Citizens United :: Dedicated to restoring our government to citizen control. British Press Awards. UK universities could learn a lot from Europe. Kamer wil toelichting De Jager. How We’re Financing Meaningful Journalism « Knight Garage. News in the Interstices: The niches of mobile media in space and time. Charter school's $125K experiment - 60 Minutes. The Future of Higher Education. Programme | The Future of Higher Education. OCW stuurt HO ouderwets. Veerman, the Movie. CHEPS Center for Higher Education Studies. DE WETTEN (50 jaar onderwijsvernieuwing) | Beter Onderwijs Nederland. UK: Zijlstra uni's vegen alles op een berg. In Wisconsin, Koch Brothers Have Much More to Gain than Power Plants.

Investing in news innovation in Europe. Culturele adviezen voor Halbe Zijlstra.
