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Buy Fabric Online - Tessuti Fabrics - Online Fabric Store - Cotton, Linen, Silk, Bridal & more. Sewing Patterns and clothing patterns from Deb's Recycled Sewing Patterns. Sewing Central, Historic Patterns and Fabrics. Past Patterns. Patterns of Time Costume and Garb Patterns. Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. - Atira's Fashions Patterns. Amazon Drygoods: Women's Clothing Patterns by Era. Women's Vintage Sewing Patterns @ RustyZipper.Com Vintage Clothing on the Web - Over 4,000 vintage patterns!

History of the Sewing Pattern - The Sewing Pattern: Beginnings Ellen Curtis Demorest's African-American maid had an idea - cutting a dress pattern from cheap brown paper. Her mistress was a milliner and dressmaker who was trying to develop a method of cutting a dress that would fit a woman's body smoothly and comfortably. Ellen and her sister Kate wanted an alternative to the "pin-to-form" method that required draping and pinning cheap fabric or paper to a client's body, basting it together, then refitting the model to the client before cutting the dress fabric. It was a few years before the American Civil War that Ellen met and married widower William Jennings Demorest. Meanwhile, her husband William began to manufacture and distribute dress patterns made of thin tissue paper, which was found by Ellen to be a better material.

Home sewing had just begun to proliferate with the introduction of the sewing machine in the mid-1800's. Patterns from the Past. Vintage Sewing Patterns - Hawk Crossing. Welcome To The Catalog Of Patterns. Silhouette Patterns, Inc. - Our Pattern Line. Pattern Store | The Sewing Garden. Untitled Document. Welcome to Modern Sewing Patterns.


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