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Les Galonneries d'Ariane | L'échoppe du tissage médiéval aux cartes. Patrons de tissage aux cartes. Isabelle aura de quoi tenir ses chausses, je profite des vacances pour tester plusieurs modèles en voici 2 autres plutôt à dominante verte car il m'en reste pas mal : Le premier je l'ai déjà fait en coton mais le rendu était assez grossier donc j'ai retenté.

Je vous remets le modèle (c'est le même que mon premier message de ce sujet) : 4 fois en avant, 4 fois en arrière pour le motif, fil de lin, 1,3cm de large.Le deuxième : 4 fois en avant, 4 fois en arrière pour le motif, environ 2cm de large en fil de lin.Par contre mes bobines s'amenuisent j'espère pouvoir refaire le plein à Pontoise ... Birka Twining Pattern Weaving Instructions. This document is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, the author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial private research purposes provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Website mirroring is permitted by express prior arrangement.

Permission will only be granted if the document is posted in its entirety and the content and format of the document remain completely unaltered by the mirroring site. The definitive version of this document can be found at Copyright © 2008 Shelagh Lewins. The Historic Band The trading town of Birka was established on the Swedish island Björkö some twelve hundred years ago. Adapted Weaving Instructions. Birka-Style Tablet Weaving Recipe. Digitaliserad litteratur. Fabriquer une torche. Une torche pour se déplacer la nuit, pour faire des veillées originales ou pour rendre une belle ambiance pour les promesses, un must have ! Une torche brûle entre 30 minutes et 1 heure. La durée dépend de la quantité de tissus, et de la quantité de combustible.

Matériel Il te faut : des bâtons : du bois mort bien sec et compact (qui met du temps à consummer), ou sinon du bois vert, du fil de fer (facultatif, selon méthode), du combustible : la paraffine, des bougies (un sac de bougies chauffe plat Ikea fait l’affaire), ou du pétrole liquide. soit des bandes de tissu (la serpillère marche très bien) ou un rouleau de PQ (mais ça dure moins longtemps). Les quantités : Il vaut mieux trop de tissu et ne pas tout mettre, que pas assez ! Consignes de sécurité N’utilise surtout pas d’autres carburants tels que l’essence.

Fabrication Il y a deux méthodes, en fonction de ton matériel. Méthode 1 : tu imbibes d’abord, tu enroules ensuite. La paraffine s’achète sous forme de pastilles. La cire, ça colle ! L'Atelier de Micky – Tissages et Teintures | Tissage aux tablettes et teintures historiques. Making your own medieval dress pins | Katafalk - Cathrin Åhlén.

Dress pins are a must have for the person wearing veils and wimples and so. But they are surprisingly expensive for what they are. I do understand why but still, I am a student and sometimes it is hard on the wallet to pay around four to five Euro for one single dress pin. A metal working friend of mine said “well do them yourself, they are really not that hard to make”. But I did not really believe her, nothing is hard when you already have the skills of the material. But when cleaning my worktable I found a piece of silver wire I bought a few year ago to wire wrap some jewellery and I thought that I can try it anyway. You can not really do anything worse then failing and if you do you don not have to tell anyone that you even tried.

But really, they ARE NOT that hard to make. A popular type of pin heads are the wire wrap and there are a lot of extant medieval pins found with this type of heads. Using a round nose pliers I started to make the wire wrap. See the difference. Like this: Period Patterns - 23 Periode 1340 - 1420 na Chr - 5 cotehardies en 3 hoeden | zelfmaakmode patroon online.

Historical Rosary and Paternoster Beads | Paternoster Row. Reconstructing History's 14th century kirtle or cotehardie pattern for a Medieval dress. NP Historical Shoes. 15.century Century: 15.century Material: Veg tanned leather 2mm, soling leather 6mm Note: Decoration taken from London excavations Code: Price: Basic handstiched turnshoe from £250 Basic cemented shoe with handstiched upper from £180 Pull-strap shoes 14-15.century 14th century, Finding from excavation in Dordrecht, Netherlands Basic handstiched turnshoe from £220 Basic cemented shoe with handstiched upper from £170 Poulains 14th - 15th century Veg tanned leather 1.6mm, soling 6mm Decoration: fully covered with brocate,edging Handstiched turnshoe from £220 + £5 per inch of the toe cemented shoe with handstiched upper from £180 + £2 per inch of the toe (Pattens excl. – see separate section) 15th century boots 15th century Veg tanned 2.5mm upper, 6mm sole,completely handstitched and turned Basic handstiched turnshoe from £300 Basic cemented shoe with handstiched upper from £250 14th century late 14th century Brass commemorates Alan Fleming, of Newark-on-Trent, who died in 1363. 15th century shoes 15. century.

La joieuse aguille - Portail. Tutorial: Leather water bottle. Cutting and sewing. Raspberry Wool Cotehardie and Green Hood - Collage by Arasiyris on deviantART. 1330 AD Cotehardie. Chemise of unbleached cotton with long tight fitting sleeves. The cotehardie is a well fitting one-piece dress with flaring skirt and long tight sleeves, which reach to the knuckles. The dress fastens down the back. The neckline is wide and low. Sleeves have tippets that hang to the ankles attached to the upper arm. Hair is parted in the center and divided into two plaits that are wound around the ear. The head covering is of cauls over side rolls of hair. Shoes are of the turn-shoe style and are fastened by lacings. Accessories consist of a wide, ornate girdle worn at hip level. Jewelry consists of rings and earrings. This was an era of prosperity and luxurious living. The chemise had the same style neck and sleeves as the cotehardie.

The under tunic was a well-fitted one-piece dress with a flaring skirt and long, tight sleeves which reached to the knuckles. Much attention was paid to the hair. Footwear was the soft-shoe, which lengthened even more. Return to Top of Page Step 1 Step 2 Step 3. NP Historical Shoes. Katarina et Juraj conçoivent et réalisent à la main et d'après des sources archéologiques, chaussures et accessoires historiquement compatibles. Nous utilisons pour cela des cuirs naturels et respectons les techniques ancestrales.

Pour aller encore plus loin dans l'authenticité, nous recréons dans notre petit atelier la vie d'un cordonnier du XVe siècle dans ses moindres détails. Chaussez l'histoire avec nous… 20th, March 2013 Events 2013 We are completing our event calendar for 2013. Facebook You can find us on facebook and write somethng nice :) 30th, November -0001 Silver Award We are Silver Award winner in Craft & Design Selected Awards 2011 in category Specialist Media.