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Español para extranjeros. Découvrez ci-dessous de très nombreux exercices interactifs pour apprendre l’espagnol. Attention ! Utilisez bien le “Menu” dans le coin supérieur gauche pour naviguer entre les différentes sections et non pas les boutons en bas de l’animation. Retrouvez au-dessous de l’animation quelques images qui expliquent comment passer d’exercices en exercices et les actions à faire dans certains exercices. Vous allez dès à présent pouvoir apprendre l’espagnol en vous amusant. Attention ! Suite aux dernières mises à jour des navigateurs, l’animation ci-dessus pour apprendre l’espagnol ne fonctionne plus sur tous les navigateurs. Si vous ne voyez pas le bouton “Menu”, merci de vous assurer que vous disposez bien de la dernière version de Flash Player : Si malgré la dernière version de Flash Player l’animation ne fonctionne toujours pas, nous vous invitons à utiliser le navigateur Google Chrome : Règles d’utilisation de l’application.

SpanishTechbook - Home. Curso. Está organizado en cuatro niveles, cada uno con vídeos. Los vídeos tienen una duración aproximada de entre 3 y 6 minutos. Cada uno hace énfasis en distintos elementos de la lengua, como el léxico (partes del cuerpo, tiendas, deportes...), funciones comunicativas (expresar gustos, expresar opiniones, dar información, hablar del tiempo atmosférico...), gramática (verbos irregulares, presente de subjuntivo...) o elementos culturales (la Navidad, actividades del ocio, el transporte en tren...) Observe con detenimiento las imágenes, porque reflejan escenas cotidianas así como numerosos elementos culturales presentes en el entorno de un país hispanohablante. Todos los vídeos se ofrecen con subtítulos en español y además, muchos subtítulos han sido traducidos al inglés, italiano y alemán. Puede activar o desactivar esta opción, y elegir el idioma, con el botón que aparece a la derecha de la barra del reproductor de Youtube.

Apriete el botón de opciones: Se abrirá un menú. Busuu. Welcome to your French course! Here are some facts about French, to get you in the mood! How will I learn French with The main aim of your course is to teach useful, everyday language in a fun, easy and motivational way. There are around 180 hours of language learning on the website, across 150 learning units. There are a variety of different lesson types: Vocabulary, Grammar, Tests and Media Units. Within these lessons you will practise all of the core skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. You will improve your fluency and accuracy with video-chat and corrections by native speakers. Next Here are some learning tips! Use the My Goal function to set a goal.

Collect busuu-berries and earn gifts to see your busuu garden flourish. Practise regularly with our native speakers using busuutalk. Download our free mobile apps and learn on-the-go. Take our Level Test to check your level and monitor your progress with the Level Test History. Switch to Premium Upgrade to Premium. Happy Hour Spanish – Learn Spanish While Traveling Spain. WordPlay (Michael Kline)

This one’s for the teachers. Within the last few years, we’ve been stretched quite thin when it comes to budgetary matters, and very few sectors of our economy have witnessed as dramatic a cut in services as our schools. With this in mind, I’ve made the decision to put my greediness aside, and offer some help instead. In 2004, I wrote and illustrated WordPlay Café (Williamson Publishing, an Ideals company). It’s a fun, educational romp through the more common aspects of linguistics for kids, and was driven by my desire to not only present the humor in wordplay, but also explain how it works, so that kids may begin to build their own unique brand of phonetic fun.

Here’s the deal. Below you will find links to the book as chapter-by-chapter PDF files. All I ask in return is that the files remain in the classroom and be treated in a scholarly manner. Teach. -Michael Kline FrontMatter_Chap1 WordPlay_Chap2 WordPlay_Chap3 WordPlay_Chap4 WordPlay_Chap5-6. Materials and resources for language teachers. ¡Bienvenidos a Así! Languages - Spanish - Mi Vida Loca.

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