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GetSimple Demo. Security CTF. / All about CTF. / All about CTF. STM32F4. NRF24L01. One touch stream. VN jobs. Home automation. Ytdl. Yet another youtube downloading module.


This time written with only Javascript and a more node-friendly streaming interface. var fs = require('fs');var ytdl = require('ytdl'); ytdl(' .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('video.flv')); ytdl(url, options) Attempts to download a video from the given url. Returns a readable stream. options can have the following keys.


Raspberry Pi. Skating stuff. China Retro Scooter. Cool tech. DIY. Polargraph. Multitouch table build. Small scale water turbine. Pearltrees videos. Music. Diploma thesis. Software. Web design. Programming.