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Browsing Musicbrainz’s dataset via URI dereferencing at Frederick Giasson. Musicbrainz’s dataset can finally be browsed, node-by-node, using URI dereferencing.

Browsing Musicbrainz’s dataset via URI dereferencing at Frederick Giasson

What this mean? Since the Musicbrainz relational database has been converted into RDF using the Music Ontology, all relations existing between Musicbrainz entities (an entity can be a Music Artist, a Band, an Album, a Track, etc.) are creating a musical relations graph. Each node of the graph is a resource and each arc is a property between two resources. The Official God FAQ. C Semantic Web FAQ. The term “rules” in the context of the Semantic Web refers to elements of logic programming and rule based systems bound to Semantic Web data.

C Semantic Web FAQ

Rules offer a way to express, for example, constraints on the relationships defined by by RDF, or may be used to discover new, implicit relationships. Various rule systems (production rules, Prolog-like systems, etc) are very different from one another, and it is not possible to define one rule language to encompass them all. Planet RDF.