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Tandoor-Style Grilled Chickens or Cornish Hens. San Joaquin Valley plants. Mulch for each one of the oak, ash, cottonwood, elderberry, and willow trees is best as follows: two rocks (6-8 inches long and wide)(each about the size you can carry) set next to the west side and south side of the plant. Beyond that, a 3 ft. radius circle of shredded cedar bark, (2 inches - 4 inches thick) also set on top of the ground. Best mulch for each one of the remaining plants is two rocks, same size as above, set next to the west and south side of the plant. Beyond that a 2 ft. radius circle of living small annual plants, for example, lupine (Lupinus nanus), tidy tips (Layia platyglossa), and goldfields (Lasthenia glabrata). Mostly Drought Tolerant California Native Plants that grow in neutral to alkaline/saline soils. A List of Plants that Historically, Grew in the San Joaquin Valley of California Historical California Native Plants (need some form of irrigation, to get started, and higher / lower maintenance watering thereafter, depending on the species).

Soft and Chewy Oatmeal Flax Chocolate Chip Cookies - Love to be in the Kitchen. Cookies are my favorite! My favorite thing to bake and eat. But let’s be honest a typical cookie isn’t the best thing to eat. That is why I love these cookies so much. They taste amazing but are packed full of healthy ingredients! This recipe is like a typical chocolate chip cookie but with a few smart changes. You also add a full cup of oats and 1/2 a cup of flax seed! Look at all that chocolatey goodness! Just a note about the recipe, the dough needs to be chilled for at least 2 hours in the fridge. Enjoy! Soft and Chewy Oatmeal Flax Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients 1 large egg ½ cup melted coconut oil ½ cup light brown sugar, packed ¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup old-fashioned whole rolled oats (not instant or quick) 1 cup all-purpose flour ½ cup flaxseed, finely ground ¾ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips Instructions Adapted from Averie Cooks Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter/Bloglovin’/G+

The Chinese-American City. Culture, Politics, and the Rise of a Chinese-American Establishment A little over four years ago, on January 11, 2011, Edwin Mah Lee was appointed the first Chinese-American mayor of San Francisco. The big surprise then wasn’t that the impossible had occurred; it was that the inevitable had taken its sweet time (162 years, to be exact) to come to fruition. Chinese Americans, after all, are among the longest-tenured San Franciscans: Chinese workers alighted here with the rest of the 49ers to mine Gold Mountain, and—the odd Chinese Exclusion Act notwithstanding—they haven’t stopped streaming in since.

Today, one in five San Franciscans is of Chinese descent, more than triple the percentage in any other major American city. Ed Lee’s ascension to mayor and his subsequent election in November 2011 weren’t just markers of demographic destiny: They were signals that the city has finally embraced its Chinese roots. Where Print RulesChinese-language newspapers thrive by bridging two worlds. Gulf Nations Defy Oil Rout to Top List of Best Emerging Markets - Bloomberg Business. By mid-December, it looked like 1998 all over again. Stocks, bonds and currencies across the developing world were plummeting, as they had 16 years earlier when Russia surprised investors by defaulting on its debt. On Dec. 15, a Bloomberg index tracking 20 big emerging-markets currencies fell to its lowest level in a decade. The Russian ruble fell past 64 to the dollar for the first time ever, as the price of oil sank and international sanctions took hold.

Bonds issued by Brazilian oil giant Petrobras Brasileiro SA nosedived amid a massive corruption probe. In December alone, investors pulled more than $4 billion from emerging-markets exchange-traded funds, erasing 48 percent of the inflow for the year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. As the tumult continued into 2015, discerning emerging-markets investors saw opportunity, Bloomberg Markets magazine will report in its March issue. Optimism about Korea is tempered by its competitive weakness against rival Japan.

Forget BRICS, here are the new 7 best emerging markets for business. Tempering White Chocolate Recipe. Chocolate Tempering: How To Temper Chocolate. How do you temper chocolate, and why do you do it? The short answer is that chemically, chocolate is composed of lots of different little crystals (six to be exact) but the desirable ones are called beta crystals. The development and formation of these beta crystals are what makes well-tempered chocolate. If the cocoa butter rises to the surface, some people commonly think their chocolate has gotten moldy and toss it out. If you’ve done that, you’ve tossed out perfectly good, but unattractive, chocolate. As you can see, there is a dull white sheen on the surface of this piece of chocolate.

And that’s what happens to chocolate that’s not properly tempered: the cocoa fat rises to the surface and “blooms”, making it unappealing and unattractive. When you buy chocolate, like a candy bar or chocolate in bulk, the chocolate has been tempered and it should be nice and shiny and snap when you break it. There are many different methods for tempering chocolate. Tempering Chocolate1. Chocolate FAQs.

The 20 Most Popular Recipes of 2014. "Why Asian Americans Might Not Talk About Ferguson" by Liz Lin - The Salt Collective. Two years ago, I found myself trying to break into my friends’ apartment. I had coordinated their wedding a few days earlier, and they had since departed for their honeymoon. A box from the wedding was supposed to go to one of the guests, only to end up in their apartment. Now the guest wanted the box, and I, having a key to their home, needed to retrieve it. My friends had warned me that the key had a tendency to stick, though that proved to be an understatement.

After 10 minutes of wrestling with it, my hands sore from twisting and straining, I gave up. The request was ridiculous, I knew: I had never seen this person before. Much to my surprise, he did — no questions asked. As I entered the apartment and started looking for the box, I was incredulous — and I was never more aware of the privileges I have as an Asian American woman. Would this person have ever let me into the apartment if I were a black man? Race is complicated for us. But as Asian Americans, we do have some privileges. Conservative Christian Rewrites Harry Potter So Her Kids Won’t Turn Into Witches.

While our friends in the world of right-wing politics and their allies on hillbilly television like Phil Robertson spend their time spouting off Jesus fan fiction, one woman has taken a different approach toward indoctrinating her children into a deluded, self-serving, hateful worldview: Harry F@#$ing Potter. “Grace Ann,” who has thus far completed six chapters of her own version of Harry Potter, explained her motivation: her children want to read Harry Potter, but she doesn’t want them “turning into witches.” “Hello, friends! My name is Grace Ann. I’m new to this whole fanfiction thing; but recently, I’ve encountered a problem that I believe this is the solution to. Chapter 1 introduces us to poor Harry, who doesn’t live under the stairs and is inexplicably permitted to answer the door by his evil, atheist, Dawkins-loving Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon.

Apparently, according to Grace Ann, the first chapter was a hit. Hagrid beamed widely. “Wait, Harry!” You decide. Map-foods. UC STEREOTYPES EXPLAINED. UC STEREOTYPES EXPLAINED. The Secret to Baking the Best Chocolate Cookie? Science. You like soft and chewy. He likes thin and crispy. If only there were a chocolate chip cookie recipe that pleased everyone… There is! And, no, it’s not Martha Stewart’s. We’ve taken our cues from a few spots: a bioengineering grad student named Kendra Nyberg, who co-taught a class at UCLA called Science and Food, and chef and cookbook author Tessa Arias, who writes about cookie science on her site, Handle the Heat.

There’s also an illuminating Ted Talk animation on cookie science. “Even though I can describe what I like,” says Nyberg, “I didn’t know the role of each ingredient in the texture and shape of cookies.” Here, relying on the experts’ help and based on the classic Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, OZY presents no-fail tips for baking your perfect cookie. Ooey-gooey: Add 2 cups more flour.Crispy with a soft center: Use 1/4 teaspoon baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.A nice tan: Set the oven higher than 350 degrees (maybe 360).

Dogs of L.A. The Secret to Baking the Best Chocolate Cookie? Science. UC's Napolitano throws cold water on the online education craze - LA Times. University of California President Janet Napolitano struck a rare blow for rational education practice this week by pushing back strongly against the craze for online learning courses. Online education isn't a panacea, she said; it's not for everyone, it's not cheap, and if it's done right it may not even save money. Are you listening, Gov. Brown? Napolitano, who took over at UC in September, made her remarks Monday during an appearance sponsored by the Public Policy Institute of California. Some 500 spectators were present in person and, ahem, online. Asked by PPIC President Mark Baldassare about UC initiatives in the online space, Napolitano moved promptly to separate fact from fantasy.

For higher education, she said, "It's not a silver bullet, the way it was originally portrayed to be. As for preparing the courses, "if they're really going to be top-quality, that's an investment as well. " That might come as a real disappointment for Gov. Obamacare success stories you haven't read. To Advance Education, We Must First Reimagine Society. Why haven’t education reform efforts amounted to much? Because they start with the wrong problem, says John Abbott, director of the 21st Century Learning Initiative. Because disaffection with the education system reflects a much deeper societal malaise, it’s imperative that we first figure out what kind of world we really want: a world populated by responsible adults who thrive on interdependence and community, or a world of “customers” who feel dependent on products, services, and authority figures, and don’t take full responsibility for their actions?

The answer, he says, will point to the changes needed in all three pillars of education — schools, families, and communities. As Abbott sees it, the need for reflection has never been greater. Overhauling the educational paradigm means replacing the metaphor — the concept of the world and its inhabitants as machine-like entities — that has shaped the education system, as well as many other aspects of our culture.

Teachers as Guides Related. Universities-try-a-cultural-bridge-to-lure-foreign-students. A look at the landscape of pathway programs for international students run in cooperation with for-profit partners @insidehighered. TAMPA, Fla. – The course: AMS 2270, 20th Century American Culture. The day’s lecture: the Civil Rights movement. The composition of the class: one-third American students, two-thirds international. The international students are enrolled in a pathway program here at the University of South Florida, one of a growing number of such programs that permit international students to take a mix of credit-bearing academic and English as a second language courses despite lacking the English language test scores required for direct admission.

Over and over again in interviews, international students say this is their hardest course. The instructor, Audrey Grounds, is not surprised. It is also a lecture-based course. Grounds said that in teaching the class, she is more careful of her choice of words and purposely employs such ESL-friendly teaching strategies as repeating words and writing key phrases on the board. Pathway Programs Pop Up New programs keep popping up. 'A Big Leap’ ‘A Proving Ground’ How Chocolate Might Save The Planet : Krulwich Wonders... When you unwrap it, break off a piece and stick it in your mouth, it doesn't remind you of the pyramids, a suspension bridge or a skyscraper; but chocolate, says materials scientist Mark Miodownik, "is one of our greatest engineering creations. " True, it begins with a cocoa bean plucked from a tree. But no one would eat a raw cocoa bean. "It tastes revolting," Miodownik says in his new book, Stuff Matters. Robert Krulwich/NPR But cut it, leave it, roast it, tinker with it for a couple of centuries (and add sugar) ... ... and cocoa beans can be totally transformed.

Chocolate's Secret Chocolate bars have a circus trick, an "Oh, my" moment: They're solid when you unwrap them. The secret ingredient is cocoa butter, stored in the form of large molecules called triglycerides that come with three (thus the "tri") prongs. ... or more tightly, like this ... ... or ( I'm redrawing this from Mark's book) more richly intermeshed, like this: The denser the package, the harder the chocolate. Inside Sun Noodle, the Secret Weapon of America's Best Ramen Shops - Eater Features.

There were only about three or four ramen shops on Oahu when Hidehito Uki founded Sun Noodle in 1981. Ramen in America was pretty much just a cup of noodles you cook in the microwave. Uki — who had come to Hawaii from Japan to make and sell fresh ramen noodles — wondered how he could ever be successful. Now, ramen shops have proliferated in cities from Los Angeles and New York to DC, Chicago, and even Milwaukee. People stand in line for ramen. Chefs create mash-ups of ramen and hamburgers, and people stand in line for those, too. Behind the scenes of the so-called ramen boom of recent years is Sun Noodle. Over the last 33 years, the Hawaiian company has built three factories which pump out a combined 90,000 servings of ramen noodles per day. Sun Noodle's success runs parallel to the rise of ramen in America, sometimes fueling the ramen craze and always being fueled by the ramen craze. Sun Noodle Begins A trip to Hawaii was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to an 19-year-old Hidehito Uki.

Calling Me a Terrorist Is Not Flirting. The author Karaoke night used to be my jam. Back in the day, my best friend and I used go to the only bar in my small hometown in the San Francisco Bay Area and watch the regulars slur along to “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and “The First Cut Is the Deepest.” One night, after hours of watching an older man named Victor sway and scream into a microphone, we went next door to a late night diner to decompress over grilled cheese.

We had just started eating our food when two guys in cowboy hats came over to talk to us. The quieter one started chatting with me and asked where I was originally from. It was a combination of his blatant ignorance and his crater face under the fluorescent lighting, but I realized I’d had enough. Every single girl knows what it’s like to be creeped on. Flirty racism has been around since the dawn of time, when asshole cavemen tried to offend their potential mates all the way into the bedroom. Women are sexualized according to their race all the time. @rulaoftheworld. If Asians Said The Stuff White People Say. 21 Racial Microaggressions You Hear On A Daily Basis. Could A 'Barbie' Get Real? What A Healthy Fashion Doll Looks Like : Shots - Health News. Hide captionLook familiar? Artist Nickolay Lamm designed a doll to look like the average 19-year-old walking — or running — on the street.

Courtesy of Lammily Look familiar? Artist Nickolay Lamm designed a doll to look like the average 19-year-old walking — or running — on the street. For decades, the Barbie doll has been slammed by parents for promoting an unhealthy female body image. So why do we keep offering girls bone-thin dolls like Barbie and the popular Monster High crew, asks artist Nickolay Lamm?

Hide captionNo comparison: While the shape of Mattel's Barbie was inspired by a German sex toy, Lamm's concept reflects the dimensions of actual young women in the United States. No comparison: While the shape of Mattel's Barbie was inspired by a German sex toy, Lamm's concept reflects the dimensions of actual young women in the United States. He thinks it's time for a Barbie to get real. "Then I smoothed out some of the details," Lamm, 25, tells Shots. Don't worry, though. States Preaching Small Government Most Dependent On Federal Government. How Dancers Think When They Dance ‹ TERP.

Could A 'Barbie' Get Real? What A Healthy Fashion Doll Looks Like : Shots - Health News. The Nation That Elects The Most Women Is ... : Parallels. Slate, you’re doing it wrong. Diabetes, Cost Of Care Top Health Concerns For U.S. Latinos : Shots - Health News.