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Digital Logic. Digital logic is a wide-open and rapidly-growing field, and yet every single digital device operates on some combination of three basic logic functions: AND, OR, and NOT.

Digital Logic

Even the most complex circuit contains some combination of these three functions, and can be reduced to them in the final analysis. These pages define and describe the three basic functions and some of the unending ways in which they can be usefully combined. Combinational Logic. Digital Logic. Algorithms. Preamble[edit] This book aims to be an accessible introduction into the design and analysis of efficient algorithms.


Throughout the book we will introduce only the most basic techniques and describe the rigorous mathematical methods needed to analyze them. The topics covered include: The divide and conquer technique.The use of randomization in algorithms.The general, but typically inefficient, backtracking technique.Dynamic programming as an efficient optimization for some backtracking algorithms.Greedy algorithms as an optimization of other kinds of backtracking algorithms.Hill-climbing techniques, including network flow.

The goal of the book is to show you how you can methodically apply different techniques to your own algorithms to make them more efficient. Good books on algorithms. Question: What are the best books on algorithms. It depends on what you want to get out of them.

Question: What are the best books on algorithms

If all you do is build a library, you'll never get anything out of it, since you actually need to study the books for that. :P If you want a reference, then by all means take aston and Hexayurt's excellent suggestions. Especially CLRS. If you don't know much about algorithms right now, then you'll find Cormen et al. very challenging to start with. Video and Podcasts: Events by Category.


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