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Environment. About_Living_Mandala. GeoPathfinder. Welcome to the GeoPathfinder homepage - Earth-Centered Resources for Sustainable Living (and beyond). For those of you who are fortunate enough not to have noticed, the economies and political systems of this planet have become increasingly controlled by the ultra-rich and their corporations. This plutocracy ensures a high standard of living and a life of leisure for a few, leaving the rest to fend for themselves. Since working hard to buy what the biggest trans-national companies produce only makes them stronger, we have always worked smarter and less, consuming fewer non-essentials and doing what we can for ourselves while helping others of low means do the same Simply put, we are a couple of people who continually experiment with things to make our lives more sustainable, durable, stable, and more survivable (for the past 30+ years).

We are seeking a better path for ourselves on this planet, a "Geo-Path" if you will. What is beyond sustainable? And "green hosting"? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Print A Solar Noon Calendar for every day in the year for your exact location. Water footprint and virtual water. Institute for Responsible Technology - Existing Coal Map - Beyond Coal. Coal plants are one of the largest sources of man-made mercury pollution in the U.S. Every year 300,000 infants are born at risk for developmental defects because of their mother's exposure to toxic mercury pollution.

This toxic pollution causes serious health problems, including brain damage. Almost 2/3 of coal-fired plants lack the needed modern pollution controls to keep toxic air pollution, like mercury, acid gases and arsenic, out of our air and water. Check out the map above to find out if there is a polluting coal plant near you and find out how you can help phase out this old, dirty way of generating power and transition to the cleaner, healthier, energy technologies that will power tomorrow's economy. Carbon dioxide is a leading cause of global warming. Coal plants are responsible for over 30% of U.S. global warming emissions. Coal plants are the largest source of sulfur dioxide pollution. NOx: Nitrogen oxides are a main component of smog. Mercury (lbs): HC1 and H2SO4:

About Your Community. Footprint Basics - Overview. Human activities consume resources and produce waste, and as our populations grow and global consumption increases, it is essential that we measure nature’s capacity to meet these demands. The Ecological Footprint has emerged as one of the world’s leading measures of human demand on nature. Simply put, Ecological Footprint Accounting addresses whether the planet is large enough to keep up with the demands of humanity. The Footprint represents two sides of a balance sheet. On the asset side, biocapacity represents the planet’s biologically productive land areas including our forests, pastures, cropland and fisheries. These areas, especially if left unharvested, can also absorb much of the waste we generate, especially our carbon emissions.

Biocapacity can then be compared with humanity’s demand on nature: our Ecological Footprint. The Ecological Footprint represents the productive area required to provide the renewable resources humanity is using and to absorb its waste. Environmental News Network -- Know Your Environment. Organic Consumers Association.