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Blog Archive » The Decline and Fall of The URL. The URL is a very powerful concept; it represents a universal way to access any resource anywhere in the world. Here’s one of them, as it appears in Firefox 5′s address bar: The first few letters before the colon are called the protocol, which tells the computer how to interpret the rest of the URL. The http protocol is the most common and specifies a resource on the World Wide Web, while the tel protocol specifies a telephone number, and https specifies a resource on the Web transferred over a secure channel that can’t be eavesdropped. Those are just a few; there’s lots of other ones. Many user interface designers for browsers believe that most users don’t understand what a protocol is, which is probably accurate.

Google Chrome’s solution is to hide the protocol when it’s http, but to display the protocol in all other cases. There’s a number of things that trouble me about this approach. Aside from those concerns, however, there’s something else I’m worried about. 101 Things I Learned in Interaction Design School. The Diagram Queen. The Diagram Queen Works by Korean artist Minjeong An (born 1981) Update / Anatomy of a post: Researching another Korean artist, I stumbled upon a thumbnail of Minjeong An's work in a Korean gallery's archived 2008-ish exhibit. After a good hour of googling and google-translating Hangul (phew), I finally hit on the artist's site.

(Using Google Translate for proper names is less than ideal as their transliteration varies widely.) Anyway, I posted these early morning January 10 and after a few hours Minjeong's site crashed ("bandwidth exceeded" message). I added links to some full-size images in the captions, at least until Minjeong's site is back up. Minjeong An, "Self Portrait" (2007) click here for very large version Minjeong An, 2008 click here for very large version detail of the above Minjeong An, The Power of a Kiss, 2008 Minjeong An, Detail Plan of Somnolence, 2008 Minjeong An, Bilingualism, 2007 click here for very large version Minjeong An, detail of 2007 six-panel work 1.


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