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Colonel Guy Johnson and Karonghyontye (Captain David Hill) From the Tour: American Portraits of the Late 1700s and Early 1800s Object 8 of 8 The British superintendent of northeastern America's six Indian nations, Guy Johnson commissioned this impressive portrait in 1776 while in London to secure that royal appointment. Sailing from Canada, Johnson must have been accompanied by his close friend Karonghyontye, a Mohawk chief who also went by the English name of David Hill. The alliance between British forces and several Indian tribes seriously threatened the rebel colonists' chances of victory during the Revolutionary War. For this likeness, Benjamin West devised a complex allegory. West claimed that Pennsylvania Indians had taught him to mix paints from berries and clays when he was a child.

The American Revolution. American Indians and the American Revolution by Collin G. Calloway The Declaration of Independence accused King George III of unleashing "merciless Indian Savages" against innocent men, women, and children. The image of ferocious warriors propelled into action by a tyrannical monarch fixed in memory and imagination the Indians' role in the Revolution and justified their subsequent treatment. But many Indian nations tried to stay out of the conflict, some sided with the Americans, and those who fought with the British were not the king's pawns: they allied with the Crown as the best hope of protecting their homelands from the encroachments of American colonists and land speculators. Some Indian tribes went to war early. The Revolution split the Iroquois Confederacy. In the Ohio country Guyashuta of the Senecas, Cornstalk of the Shawnees, and White Eyes of the Delawares worked hard to steer a neutral course in the early years of the war.

To learn more: Colin G. < back to story listing. Digital History. Academic OneFile - Document. Academic OneFile - Document. Academic OneFile - Document. Academic OneFile - Document. Revolutionary Limits: Native Americans. Mohawk Indian Thayendanega, also known as Joseph Brant, served in the British army as an interpreter of native languages during the Revolutionary War. While the previous explorations of African American and white female experience suggest both the gains and limitations produced in the Revolutionary Era, from the perspective of almost all Native Americans the American Revolution was an unmitigated disaster. At the start of the war Patriots worked hard to try and ensure Indian neutrality, for Indians could provide strategic military assistance that might decide the struggle. Gradually, however, it became clear to most native groups, that an independent America posed a far greater threat to their interests and way of life than a continued British presence that restrained American westward expansion.

Cherokees and Creeks (among others tribes) in the southern interior and most Iroquois nations in the northern interior provided crucial support to the British war effort. Indians and the American Revolution. Yet the passions engendered by the American Revolution, despite the good will expressed in the formal policy enunciated by the government, was to lead to bitter and violent confrontations on the frontier. The bloody ground of Kentucky was to be repeated in region after region as the undisciplined and unregulated expansion of the American people got underway.

In the end the Indian was the loser. That he would have been a loser even if the King had repressed the rebellion is probable; but his decline would not have been so swift or so bitter. 1. I have discussed the early English charters in my "Red Man's Land/White Man's Law: A Study of the Past and Present Status of the American Indian" (New York, 1971). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 30. 31.

The Native Americans' Role in the American Revolution: Choosing Sides. Activity 1. Choosing Sides 1. (Optional) If students did not learn about the Seven Years' War prior to this lesson, it might be a good idea to review the role of the Native Americans in that conflict (see Digital History's The Seven Years' War. It will be helpful also if students have an understanding of the way European control of the land changed after that war.

The British received all the French lands in Canada (except two small offshore islands) and all the French lands east of the Mississippi River. 2. Who may have said this? Once the students provide the answers to those questions, they can speculate on the following: Would you expect that the Native Americans would get involved in the fighting of the American Revolution? 3. 4. 5. Journals of the Continental Congress, Speech to the Six Nations, July 13, 1775 This document, on the EDSITEment-reviewed Avalon Project, is a request made by the Americans to the Iroquois, requesting their neutrality. 6. 7. Who was the original source? 1. Journals of the Continental Congress - Speech to the Six Nations; July 13, 1775. Journals of the Continental Congress - Speech to the Six Nations; July 13, 1775 The Congress met according to adjournment. The Committee appointed to prepare a speech to the Indians, reported the same.

The speech to the Six Nations being read and debated by paragraphs was agreed to and is as follows:- here insert it(1) A Speech to the Six Confederate Nations, Mohawks, Oneidas, Tusscaroras, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senekas, from the Twelve United Colonies, convened in Council at Philadelphia. We, the Delegates from the Twelve United Provinces, viz. New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the three lower counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, now sitting in general Congress at Philadelphia, send this talk to you our brothers.

(Three Strings, or a small Belt.) All this time they lived in great friendship with us, and we with them; for we are brothers-one blood. Brothers! The Native Americans' Role in the American Revolution: Choosing Sides. Activity 1. Choosing Sides 1. (Optional) If students did not learn about the Seven Years' War prior to this lesson, it might be a good idea to review the role of the Native Americans in that conflict (see Digital History's The Seven Years' War. It will be helpful also if students have an understanding of the way European control of the land changed after that war. The British received all the French lands in Canada (except two small offshore islands) and all the French lands east of the Mississippi River. Spain took over Louisiana. The following EDSITEment resources provide some background as well as some primary voices that can be used in a more extensive review lesson of the Seven Years' War: 2.

Who may have said this? Once the students provide the answers to those questions, they can speculate on the following: Would you expect that the Native Americans would get involved in the fighting of the American Revolution? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Who was the original source? Activity 2. 1. 2. 3. Google Scholar. Sweet Search. Gale Cengage Product Failure. World's foremost premium research database service. History Study Center - Home Page.

Gale Cengage Product Failure. Historical Newspapers. eLibrary: Login. NoodleTools. Destiny Quest.