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Network ,Hack,tools sites. Ray Kurzweil joins Google as director of engineering | Internet & Media. Ray Kurzweil, the famed inventor and futurist, said today that he would join Google, starting Monday, to work on "some of the hardest problems in computer science. " Kurzweil's title will be director of engineering. In a long statement on his Web site, he said he would focus on machine learning and language processing: "I've been interested in technology, and machine learning in particular, for a long time: when I was 14, I designed software that wrote original music, and later went on to invent the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind, among other inventions.

I've always worked to create practical systems that will make a difference in people's lives, which is what excites me as an inventor. "In 1999, I said that in about a decade we would see technologies such as self-driving cars, and mobile phones that could answer your questions, and people criticized these predictions as unrealistic. Remembering COM. In the late ’90s I thought COM (Microsoft’s Component Object Model) was the way of the future. The whole architecture starting with the IUnknown interface was very elegant.

And to hear Don Box explain it, COM was almost inevitable. I was reminded of COM when I saw the slides for Kevlin Henney’s presentation Worse is better, for better or for worse. Henney quotes William Cook’s paper that has this to say about COM: To me, the prohibition of inspecting the representation of other objects is one of the defining characteristics of object oriented programming. And yet programming COM was painful. Just as I was starting to grok COM, someone from Microsoft told me “COM is dead” and hinted at a whole new approach to software development that would be coming out of Microsoft, what we now call .NET. COM had some good ideas, and some of these ideas have been reborn in WinRT. Related post: Technologies never die. Jure Klepic: Social Media Is Much More Than Just Social and Media. Based on my observations of how most businesses are currently approaching the process of incorporating social media into their marketing plans, I can see that they do not truly understand all of the components of social media.

They get that social means building relationships and that media is the form of communication that they are using to build these relationships. But this is not a deep enough understanding on which to base the marketing success of any product or service. There is so much more to be considered, because social media is dynamic, nuanced, and richly layered. To fully understand and be able to utilize social media effectively, marketers need to obtain a thorough understanding of all its components.

Without this knowledge they will only be sending out messages, which will not have the ability to achieve their desired impact. To be most effective in social media, it is helpful to think of its components as forming a cube, with social and media as two of the sides. BIG BROTHER – Une caméra pour identifier des clients à partir de photos sur Facebook. C'est un petit boîtier bleu doté d'un système de reconnaissance faciale. Accroché à l'entrée d'un commerce, il est capable d'identifier certains clients à partir de leurs photos postées sur Facebook.

L'outil, baptisé Facedeals et conçu par l'agence de publicité Redpepper, basée à Nashville, est censé permettre aux intéressés de profiter de réductions en fonction de leurs préférences affichées sur le réseau social. "Des offres spécialisées peuvent arriver sur votre smartphone dans tous les commerces participants – tout ce que vous avez à faire, c'est montrer votre visage", explique l'entreprise sur son site Internet.

Check-In with Your Face from redpepper on Vimeo. Les clients potentiels doivent donner leur accord et s'enregistrer pour bénéficier de ses services. Pour "deviner" quelles sont les personnes qui apparaissent sur une photographie, Facebook a construit une gigantesque base de données biométriques. Signaler ce contenu comme inapproprié Cette entrée a été publiée dans Actualité. How generous is the science budget, really? | Richard P Grant | Science. Not a bad performance that, was it? Plucky little Britain, punching above her weight, on a shoestring budget. Except, now you mention it, it wasn't a shoestring budget, was it? There's a consensus that our most successful Olympics (for Britain) since 1904 was due not just to the hard work and dedication of the athletes involved, but also to the bucketloads of cash that were thrown at sport in this country.

We even got criticised (in the letters page of the Metro, at least) by Australians for spending all that money (as if Australia isn't notorious for massive spending on sport). Whatever you think about spending on sport, in times of austerity or otherwise, there is no denying that the strategy paid off – at least, if your yardstick for success is Olympic medals. Science on the other hand, well we Brits have a reputation for doing "more with less", apparently. Right. I guess that depends on your definition of "generous". In 2010, the annual public science budget was frozen at £4.6bn. Can Computers Predict Crimes? | Innovations. Columbo would have hated the latest trend in crime-fighting. And it definitely would have made Dirty Harry even more unhinged.

But Sherlock Holmes, now he would have been impressed. The logic, the science, the compilation of data–all the stuff of Holmesian detective work. I’m talking about something known as predictive policing–gathering loads of data and applying algorithms to deduce where and when crimes are most likely to occur. For the past six months, police in that city’s Foothill precinct have been following the advice of a computer and the result, according the the LAPD, is a 25 percent drop in reported burglaries in the neighborhoods to which they were directed. PredPol’s software, which previously had been tested in Santa Cruz–burglaries there dropped by 19 percent–actually evolved from a program used to predict earthquakes. Taking it to the streets So, isn’t this pretty much what police always have done?

Bad search results “How are you going to cross-examine the computer?” Pierre Lescure : "Avec la télé connectée, le piratage sera inarrêtable" Foot - POR 10 raisons de suivre la Primeira Liga Le Portugal, qui affronte la France en amical samedi, peut compter sur un Championnat très intéressant. Voici pourquoi.Sur les 24 joueurs appelés pour affronter la France, neuf évoluent au pays : le gardien Rui Patricio, les défenseurs Eliseu et Soares, les milieux Nani, Quaresma, Carvalho,… Ouverture des données publiques : l’avis du CNNum. Le Conseil National du Numérique avait dès sa création souligné l’importance du chantier « Open Data » et décidé de s’autosaisir de ce sujet en installant un groupe de travail. Alors que le nouveau gouvernement vient d’affirmer sa volonté de mener une action déterminée en faveur de l’ouverture des données publiques, le Conseil National du Numérique présente dans un avis ses 11 propositions.

L’ouverture des données publiques est plus que jamais d’actualité comme en témoigne le succès de la semaine européenne de l’Open Data et le concours « dataconnexions » lancé par la mission Etalab, qui viennent tous deux de s’achever. Le CNNum s’est par ailleurs félicité que le Premier Ministre ait dans sa charte de déontologie demandé au nouveau gouvernement de «mener une action déterminée pour la mise à disposition gratuite et commode sur internet d’un grand nombre de données publiques ».

Pour le CNNum, quelques constats essentiels se dégagent : Crédit : image Eric Fischer/flickr (cc-by-sa) Megaupload est mort : nous entrons dans une ère nouvelle. Nous vous disions cette nuit que nous ne pleurons pas la mort de Megaupload. Nous le réaffirmons. Megaupload proposait sur un modèle centralisé la distribution de masse de fichiers copyrightés, sans aucun accord avec les ayants-droit, et en tirait de confortables revenus (on parle d’un chiffre d’affaire de 150 millions de dollars tout de même), grâce aux revenus publicitaires générés par sa régie qui attirait des clients comme le site pour ne citer que lui.

La constellation Mega a donc tiré de bons gros revenus en ne proposant pas grand chose d’innovant, d’anti-Internet, et nous avouons même avoir été particulièrement choqués de voir son représentant français, la semaine dernière, en audition à l’Assemblée Nationale, se faire le chantre du partage, attendu que Megaupload ne partageait pas mais vendait ce qui ne lui appartenait pas. Autre effet de la fermeture de Megaupload : du phishing, en masse, et des bons gogos qui vont se faire piller leur compte bancaire. The 7th HiPEAC conference will take place in Paris | HiPEAC. UK’s most powerful GPU supercomputer booted up - Enterprise. Emerald, the UK’s most powerful GPU supercomputer was booted up yesterday at the Science and Technology Facilities Council's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Oxfordshire.

The supercomputer will work alongside another called Iridis 3 based at the University of Southampton. The two systems working together “will give businesses and academics unprecedented access to their super-fast processing capability”. The newly available processing power will enable researchers to run simulations ranging from healthcare to astrophysics. In particular the supercomputer combo will be used to look at the Tamiflu vaccine’s effect on swine flu, Square Kilometre Array project data, climate change modelling and 3G/4G communications modelling. The official launch of the e-Infrastructure South Consortium also took place to coincide with the supercomputer unveiling. GPU supercomputers have found a niche in supercomputing because of their high floating point performance. NVIDIA Tesla M2090 board Blue Joule. How Google uses Linear Algebra to Rank Pgaes. The CPU is dead. Long live the CPU! - Blog - StreamComputing. Scene from Gladiator when is decided on the end of somebody’s life.

Look at the computers and laptops sold at your local computer shop. There are just few systems with a separate GPU, neither as PCI-device nor integrated on the motherboard. The graphics are handled by the CPU now. The Central Processing Unit as we knew it is dying. To be clear I will refer to an old CPU as “GPU-less CPU”, and name the new CPU (with GPU included) as plain “CPU” or ”hybrid Processor”.

There are many names for the new CPU with all their own history, which I will discuss in this article. The focus is on X86. Know that all is based on my own observations; please comment if you have nice information. AMD saw it coming that heterogeneous computing was the future, and bought graphics card manufacturer ATI in 2006. Last year the GPU was comparable to high-end GPUs of then 5 years ago, now the difference is 4 years. The level of integration is not full at the moment.

Anyhow, there are many thoughts on this device. NASA Team Drives Mars Rover Like a 3D Game. The C Library Reference Guide. The case for open computer programs : Nature. The curse of ambiguity Ambiguity in program descriptions leads to the possibility, if not the certainty, that a given natural language description can be converted into computer code in various ways, each of which may lead to different numerical outcomes.

Innumerable potential issues exist, but might include mistaken order of operations, reference to different model versions, or unclear calculations of uncertainties. The problem of ambiguity has haunted software development from its earliest days. Ambiguity can occur at the lexical, syntactic or semantic level15 and is not necessarily the result of incompetence or bad practice.

It is a natural consequence of using natural language16 and is unavoidable. One proposed solution to the problem of ambiguity is to devote a large amount of attention to the description of a computer program, perhaps expressing it mathematically or in natural language augmented by mathematics. Errors exist within ‘perfect’ descriptions.