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Android. Web. Ruby on Rails. Grails. Python. Java. Groovy. C++ Free Programming Books. Here is an uncategorized list of online programming books available for free download. The books cover all major programming languages: Ada, Assembly, Basic, C, C#, C++, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Delphi, Pascal, Haskell, Java, Lisp, PHP, Prolog, Python, Ruby, as well as some other languages, game programming, and software engineering. The books are in various formats for online reading or downloading. This list will be updated daily. Scroll downn, or use the shortcuts below. Quick Reference Cards. Ideone. Code cleaner - Open Source Code Search Engine - Black Duck Koders. Code cleaner - - PrettyPrinter.

The Encyclopedia of Computer Languages. Computer Languages History. List of programming languages. The aim of this list of programming languages is to include all notable programming languages in existence, both those in current use and historical ones, in alphabetical order, except for dialects of BASIC and esoteric programming languages. Note: Dialects of BASIC have been moved to the separate List of BASIC dialects. Note: This page does not list esoteric programming languages. A[edit] B[edit] C[edit] D[edit] E[edit] F[edit] G[edit] H[edit] I[edit] J[edit] K[edit] L[edit] M[edit] N[edit] O[edit] P[edit] Q[edit] R[edit] S[edit] T[edit] U[edit] V[edit] W[edit] X[edit] Y[edit] Z[edit] See also[edit]

List of Programming Languages in Alphabetical Order. Bit Calculator.