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Configuration Management

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Puppet Labs: IT Automation Software for System Administrators. Escservesconfig - A webapp that provides configuration for applications that need to run in many environments. You're developing an application.

escservesconfig - A webapp that provides configuration for applications that need to run in many environments

You need to run this application on your development machine. You need to run it in your Continuous Integration environment (you do do CI right?). You need to run it in UAT, Staging, Performance and maybe even Production. Introducing ESCAPE « Chris Read. Whenever I talk to new clients about Continuous Integration, and especially about using Build Pipelines to extend their CI process to cover testing things like the deployment of their application, there is always one question that is guaranteed to pop up – how do I manage the configuration of my application in all these environments?

Introducing ESCAPE « Chris Read

This is always a hard one to answer. In the last place I worked as a System Administrator we used Split-Horizon DNS as one of the ways to solve connecting to the correct host for a service. Our applications had hard coded hostnames for key services such as db.internal.domain, loghost.internal.domain and mailhost.internal.domain. Depending on which environment they ran in, when the did a DNS lookup they would get an answer that pointed them to the correct server providing that service for the environment they were physically running in.