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What is Pinterest? What is Pinterest?

What is Pinterest?

Launched in 2010, Pinterest is a social Image bookmarking network deriving its concept from the ever popular Pinboard idea. With a website and several smartphone apps, Pinterest is currently the third most visited social network in the United States, following Facebook and Twitter. As of October 2013, Pinterest is valued at 3.8 Billion Dollars. According to Semiocast in July 2013, Pinterest has 70 million users worldwide with One-third of U.S. women using Pinterest. What is Pinterest ‘s List of Features? Any Pinterest user can create an account where he/she can upload, save, sort and categorize images, videos and links, named “pins”, in collections and groups named “pinboards”. The network allows users to view content “pinned” by others and brows pinboards of others as well as a categorized homepage including things such as “Home and Decorating”, “Architecture”, “DIY &Crafts”, “Food & Drinks” and so on.

What is DeviantART? DeviantART is an online community designed to showcase various forms of art to an elaborate network of clients or art enthusiasts.

What is DeviantART?

Launched back in 2000 by a group of entrepreneurs, DeviantART is located in California, United States. What is DeviantART ‘s List of Features? Users can exhibit their works of art online, called “Deviations”. Work is easily categorized under digital art, literature, filmmaking, photography and so on. Expert Advice On Cyber Bullying & School Bullying. Simply put, in order to answer the question, “what is cyber safety,” all we need to do is look at the safety surrounding how the responsible use of communication and information that is used on the Internet.

Expert Advice On Cyber Bullying & School Bullying

When this information is kept secure and safe, in addition to people being responsible with how it is shared, then cyber safety is being employed. However, Internet etiquette must also be enforced and understood first. What is Cyber Safety and Internet Etiquette? Responsible sharing of information on the Internet at all times no matter what.People should be being respectful of one another while online under all circumstances.Everyone should be using good “netiquette” while on the Internet: no foul language, no cyber bullying, no stalking, and no spamming. When schools and other administrations are working with young children, it is imperative that they have a strong understanding of cyber safety if these children are using the Internet. Computer Stalking. As opposed to cases of off-line stalking, computer stalking is typically used in order to harass a victim and this type of harassment on the Internet is growing exponentially.

Computer Stalking

In many cases, the harasser is anonymous and the victim does not know if they are next-door or living across the globe from them, causing the victim to experience severe feelings of embarrassment and fear. Unfortunately, this fear is warranted because under some circumstances the harassment occurring during computer stalking crosses into offline physical stalking cases. Why Does Computer Stalking Occur? What Can Go Wrong in an Online World?

Learn about Cyber Bullying and what can go wrong with children in an online world!

What Can Go Wrong in an Online World?

‘Sexting’ and Sexual Bullying Access to adult pornography is not the only way children in the UK can be exposed to inappropriate sexual content online. Sexting – sending messages or images with sexual content via mobile phones or the internet – is a widening avenue by which cheap, gratuitous, and often unsolicited, sexual material is reaching young people. What is more, it is children themselves recording and circulating the images BeatBullying’s August 2009 report revealed that a third of children have received a message and a quarter received an image on the subject of sex. As The Guardian reported, one 14-year old girl sent an explicit photo to her then boyfriend because ‘he said he loved me and if I cared about him, I’d do it… After I sent him that picture, he ignored me and put [it] up on Bebo and Facebook saying I was easy’ More serious consequences… It can get even scarier. Walter G. Meyer on What it Means to Be Bullied. San Diego-based writer Walter G.

Walter G. Meyer on What it Means to Be Bullied

Meyer Talks to about Bullying and What is the Bully Game. Due to the popularity of his book, Rounding Third, which deals quite powerfully with the timely topic of teens being bullied until one of them can’t take it any more and attempts suicide, Walt has been receiving many requests to speak and write about this tragic topic. Richard Horowitz on Growing Great Relationships. Below is a Transcript of his Video Interview on Teasing and Bullying with Ciaran Connolly, Founder of Dr Richard Horowitz: Good Morning.

Richard Horowitz on Growing Great Relationships

My name is Dr. Richard Horowitz. My background is basically formerly in education. I’ve been a teacher, principal, superintendent to schools, including two schools that work principally with kids with severe behavioral and mental health issues. I’m also a parenting consultant and an author of a book called Family Centered Parenting. Peggy Lee on Bullying in Education.

Below is a Transcript of the video interview on Bullying in Education also found here and here: Peggy Lee: This is Peggy Lee.

Peggy Lee on Bullying in Education

I am the founder of Little Sunshine Academy located in Vancouver, BC. We are a new preschool focused on learning for children, fostering their creativity, confidence, self-concept, through interesting materials and curriculum and through play. Ciaran Connolly: Thank you for taking time out to talk to us today. It is very much appreciated. Pam McMurtry on Bullying. In Her Own Words: I’m Pam McMurtry, I’m a parent of seven, author and artist.

Pam McMurtry on Bullying

I’ve worked with children for many years, as a volunteer in the schools and church and as a child advocate, I’m concerned for the well-being of all children. I have two children who have the symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome and have experienced exclusion and bullying. As I’ve studied behaviour, I wondered if teaching tolerance and respect might be a proactive approach to helping end bullying. Understanding University Bullying Policy.

Bullying does not stop when a child leaves high school.

Understanding University Bullying Policy

Parents might think that once their son or daughter graduates from high school, then they are free from immature adolescents and schoolyard bullies. Bullying can also be present in colleges and universities. Discover more on how to use a University Bullying Policy for your own benefit! Rutgers University was the scene of one such instance. On November 2013, broke the story of football player and Rutgers student, Jevon Tyree, who was allegedly bullied by the team’s then-defensive coordinator David Cohen. Anti Bullying Information Center. What are The Types Of Bullying? GOSSIPPosting or sending cruel gossip to damage a person’s reputation and relationships with friends, family and acquaintances.EXCLUSIONDeliberately excluding someone from an online group.IMPERSONATIONBreaking into someone’s e-mail or other online account and sending messages that will cause embarrassment or damage to the person’s reputation and affect his or her relationship with others.

HARASSMENTRepeatedly posting or sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages.CYBERSTALKINGPosting or sending unwanted or intimidating messages, which may include threats. OUTING AND TRICKERYTricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information, which is then shared online.CYBER THREATSRemarks on the Internet threatening or implying violent behaviour, displaying suicidal tenencies. Top 5 Signs You Are Being Stalked. You have a feeling deep in your gut that something is not quite right. However, you brush the behaviour off as harmless because you assume the person is lonely, desperate, or just having a hard time accepting that you broke up with him.

Learn about the Signs You Are Being Stalked! Stalking is far from harmless. There are many cases where “harmless” stalking escalated into bodily harm or even death for the victim. How to Deal With an Cyber Stalker. Cyber stalking is, unfortunately, becoming more and more commonplace. It can be done via social media sites, mobile phone, on gaming sites and via other online avenues. Cyber stalking frequently leads to physical stalking, which then gives rise to crimes such as robbery, murder, suicide and other forms of violence.

Learn how to deal with an Cyber Stalker. Parents whose children spend a great deal of time online need to teach their children how to spot a stalker and what to do about such an individual. The Effects of Cyber Bullying. Cyber Bullying, That term has been used quite a bit in recent years. Although it’s become more common, there is still some confusion on what it really means. What exactly is cyber bullying and what are the effects of cyberbullying? This is when someone uses technology and electronic devices to do mean things, such as start rumours, post embarrassing things on social media, or send inappropriate content or text messages meant to incite violence in some way. These “bullies” use any kind of device they can to get the word out – computers, phones, tablets, chat rooms, through online gaming and social media sites.

Teresa Bliss on Restorative Justice. Mrs Teresa Bliss is an Independent Educational Psychologist with expertise in Autistic Spectrum disorders, management and intervention, Educational Tribunals and educational support, Literacy or numeracy assessment and support, Emotional or behavioural difficulties and talking therapies and Learning Difficulties and behavioural advice or coaching.

She talks to about Restorative Justice. The interview can also be found here and here. Below is a transcript of her interview with Ciaran Connolly, Founder of on Restorative Justice Ciaran Connolly: I would like to welcome Teresa Bliss to join us today to have a chat about bullying and education. Social Bullying Facts. Getting a Bullying Victim to talk. Teresa Bliss on Restorative Justice. School Bullying- How to Stop it. Cyber Safety Tips for a New Connected World. Generally when you are browsing the Internet, you know you can do this from the security of your home. However, with all the news topics, you may find you need to be more secure about your Internet connection, but also about what you are doing. This is when you should know some of the best Internet safety tips around. When you have these tips, it is easy for you to protect yourself and your kids. Without any of these tips, you may end up having your security breached or even worse your entire identity stolen because of what you have been doing online.

Online Safety Assessments,What To Look For. Judi Lirman on Bully Awareness. Jill Kristall on Bullying Children. What is Cyber Bullying? The New Form of Bullying and PPS. The anonymous factor is a double edged blade- on one hand not knowing the predator makes them that much more weak and petty (they don’t even have the courage to come forward- a testament to their character) but at the same time it makes it harder to confront them directly; especially if you’re inquisitive by nature, and feel like they have the upper hand. Cases Of Stalking. Stalking has become an important phenomenon that many people will need to discuss. There are a few different types of stalking that may affect the lives of many people. Bullying, the Law, and Schools in the US.

Bullying is one of the worst things that can happen to a child. Bullying Statistics, The Ultimate Guide ! Bullying Statistics in Australia. Bullying Quotes. Bullying Quotes, Overcoming Negativity! Anti Bullying Information Center. Bullying in Schools. Bullying in College. Bullying Effects Lasting Until Adulthood. Bullying Articles for Kids. Anti Bullying Week. The Complete Guide to Understanding Bullying eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store. Cyberbullying 101 - A Parent's Guide for Helping Their Child eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store.

The Ultimate Guide on Cyberbullying eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store. Your Guide to Social Media Safety eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store. Bullied at Work: A Complete Guide on How to Deal with Workplace Bullying eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store. Bullied?: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Deal with Bullying eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store.

Are You Safe Online? eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store. Your Guide to Cyber Safety eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store. The Comprehensive Bullying Prevention Guide for Teachers eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store. Bullying Trends on the Rise: A Complete Guide eBook: NoBullying: Kindle Store.

Anti Bullying Slogans for Kids. What Is Adult Bullying. Abbie Goldberg on All Aspects of Bullying. Signs your teenager needs help. Ireland's #SlaneGirl ,Cyber Bullying, Slut Shaming and Sexism. OP-ED. Bullying & Cyber Bullying Resources & Advice. Bullying & Cyber Bullying Resources & Advice. Revealed: Shocking Bullying Statistics 2014! Your Child and Pornography. Who is at Risk for Bullying? Expert Advice On Cyber Bullying & School Bullying. What is Depression? What is Cyber Bullying ? Types of Bullying You Can Face at School. The New Form of Bullying and PPS. Teresa Bliss on School Bullying. Bullying & Cyber Bullying Resources & Advice.

How to Protect Your Child from Bullying. Staying Safe Online. Stalker Definition. Spousal Abuse Comes in Many Forms. SnapChat Bullying Tactics. Six Deadly Sins of Internet Usage. School Violence,how to prevent it? Rivkahh Horowitz on Bullying and Anxiety. Richard Horowitz on Growing Great Relationships. Support NoBullying. Reporting Cyber Bullying, A Cheat Sheet! Michael J Fox. Demi Lovato. Putting an End to Religious Bullying and Intolerance. Social Networking Safety. Interview: School Bullying in the UK. How to Protect Your Child from Bullying. The Psyche of Bullying, Motives of a Bully.

Jennie Withers on Stopping Teen Harassment. How To Tell If It Really Is Fun. History Of Stalking. Helpful Tips to be Safe Online. Dr Lisa Writes: How to Deal with a Cyber Bully. Stalking Charges. Depression Helpline: Take Advantage Of One Today. Cyber Bullying Prevention 101. Revealed: Shocking Bullying Statistics 2014! Bullying Quotes. Bullying Quotes, Overcoming Negativity! Bullying In Ireland Needs a Call To Action. Bullying Help in the USA. Bullying Helplines in the United Kingdom. Anti Bullying Guidelines Parents Need To Share With Their Child. About Stalking. What to Do When You Feel Threatened.

Weight Bullying.