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Blogueurs et blogueuses

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Untitled. Academics are now urged to blog. We are told that having to write for ordinary readers will help us to write in plain English, clarify our ideas, enhance our reputations and expand our knowledge as well as our audience. Blogging is presented to us as a way to bridge the apparent divide between academia and everyone else. We both blog and unlike many of our colleagues we don't need to be convinced that it is worthwhile. However we were less convinced that the academic bloggers we encountered were all in it for reasons of public outreach, or to refine their thinking, and we certainly weren't convinced that they wanted fame. Les députés. FASM. Aussi proche qu'est l'Occident de l'Orient ? Ce sont les vacances alors je "m'informe" plus que d'habitude et il m'arrive même d'allumer la télé pour regarder le fameux "J.T.

Aussi proche qu'est l'Occident de l'Orient ?

" (fait rare !). Et alors ? Les chrétiens et la pauvreté - Le défi Michée - Blog de Alain LEDAIN.

Blogs juridiques

Blogs juridiques. CRITICUS. Cartographie : la blogosphère d’extrême droite. Blogs cathos.