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National Novel Writing Month. WritingFix: prompts, lessons, and resources for writing classrooms. Welcome to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) Children's Books and Authors. This contest is now closed.

Children's Books and Authors

The Exquisite Prompt is a series of monthly writing challenges designed as a classroom activity for kids in grades K-12. Teachers can engage their students by selecting just one of the monthly challenges or try a new challenge every month. Our writing prompts are inspired by the 18 authors and illustrators participating in the Exquisite Corpse Adventure (what's that?) , a rollicking new serial story that launched on September 26, 2009 — sponsored by the Library of Congress and the National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance. While Jon Scieszka, Katherine Paterson, Kate DiCamillo, Megan McDonald, and other favorite authors and illustrators are bringing you the latest installment in their adventure story, you can give your students the chance to have some writing fun of their own with our Exquisite Prompt challenge. The prompts The monthly prompts are inspired by the authors and illustrators themselves — their distinctive genres, styles, themes, and influences.

80 Journal Writing Prompts. Winter Writing Prompts/Story Starters. Creative Writing Prompts. Welcome to the creative writing prompts page!

Creative Writing Prompts

Prompts can be a big help as story starters, or when you sit staring at the computer with nothing to write. It happens. Sometimes you need something to stimulate ideas and spark creativity. These photos and the accompanying text is meant to do just that, and the act of typing anything often stimulates new ideas and productivity.

These writing prompts are easy to use. What you write doesn't matter, write a description, scene, or passage of dialogue. Writing Prompt #1 Write about the old woman who lives in apartment 567. Writing Prompt #10 Describe the shop where these jars exist. Writing Prompt #11 Describe what the mother sees and feels when she looks at her baby for the first time. Writing Prompt #20 She had to get away. Writing Prompt #21 What is in the monk's bowl and who put it there? Writing Prompt #30 "Why did you only photograph its eye? " 400 Writing Topics - Prompts and Suggestions for Paragraphs, Essays, and Speeches - Essay Topics.

If getting started is the hardest part of the writing process, close behind it (and closely related to it) may be the challenge of finding a good topic to write about.

400 Writing Topics - Prompts and Suggestions for Paragraphs, Essays, and Speeches - Essay Topics

Sometimes, of course, an instructor will solve that problem for you by assigning a topic. But at other times you'll have the opportunity to choose a topic on your own. And you really should think of it as an opportunity--a chance to write about something you care about and know well. So relax. Don't worry if a great topic doesn't immediately spring to mind. To help get you thinking, we've prepared some writing suggestions--more than 400 of them, in fact. We've organized the suggested topics into 11 broad categories, loosely based on some of the common ways of developing paragraphs and essays. Now follow the links to our 400 topic suggestions and see where they take you. And if you're still having trouble coming up with something to write about, see.

Creative Writing Prompts and Exercises. The most important and underrated factor in a writer’s success is discipline.

Creative Writing Prompts and Exercises

Talent and luck always help, but having a consistent writing practice is often the difference between aspiring writers and published writers. The advice we hear from agents, editors, and authors alike is always the same: Focus on the writing. However, finding the time and inspiration to write is not always easy. That’s where creative writing prompts and exercises can help. Writing prompts provide writers with a starting place, an entry point into their writing practice.

The Time Is Now offers a weekly writing prompt (we’ll post a poetry prompt on Tuesdays, a fiction prompt on Wednesdays, and a creative nonfiction prompt on Thursdays) to help you stay committed to your writing practice throughout the year. Prompts with Pictures. The Write Prompts. The Prompt Writer. Writing prompts. Prompt Generator. Creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers. The Online Community for Writers.