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CapoeiraDC. Bodyweight Strength Training « Beast Skills. Map - DC Metro Parkour. Handstand Articles -Legendary Strength. Fitness - Exercise Principles. The following principles are designed to work with your body to promote excellent fitness.If you have any suggestions or comments please share them on the forum Balancing Practise balancing on things (Eg. a rock, rope, or fence) and you will increase your ability to hold your body upright and deal with heavier loads.

Fitness - Exercise Principles

You will be amazed at the extra stability it gives you in everyday life - walking, sitting and standing will feel increasingly more comfortable. Short bursts of intensity. MovNat. Paleo Exercise- Workout like a Caveman. So now that we know a little about what made Cavemen so fit, it’s time to focus on ways we can incorporate these principles into modern life.

Paleo Exercise- Workout like a Caveman

You could go out and try to mimic the behaviors verbatim, but come on, that would look and feel a little silly, don’t you think? Instead, I’m going to share with you some easy and more ‘modern’ ways to get some exercise in.