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Deborah Burnes: 10 Simple Rules To Live By: Make Choosing Non-Toxic Skin Care Easy. "Paper or plastic?

Deborah Burnes: 10 Simple Rules To Live By: Make Choosing Non-Toxic Skin Care Easy

" This simple question at the checkout has left me paralyzed. Of course now that we can bring our own, the debate is over. However, it is just starting in the personal care/cosmetic industry. What should you avoid, what is toxic, how does it affect your health, the planet's health, do we need to take a chemistry class to understand what is in our bottle of shampoo? Hair Romance. Hair Romance is a wonderful blog dedicated to all things hair related, where Christina, a super lovely australian blogger, offers a lot of valuable hair advice.

Hair Romance

A few words from Christina : "I believe your hair is your best accessory. We want you to love your hair and to have fun styling your hair. Your hair is your headsuit and we want you to be well dressed at all times. " During the month of May 2011, she posted a hairstyle everyday. She created 30 gorgeous hairstyles in 30 days!


FUN. BEAUTY. Bucket List: 225 Things to Do Before You Die. ADVENTURE.