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Mr. Rekey Locksmith’s Guide to Smoke Alarm Safety. Changes to Smoke Alarm Laws With literally dozens of laws passed each year relating to real estate, one might wonder if we really need any more legislation, restraints, requirements, and ways to feed some sector of the economy?

Mr. Rekey Locksmith’s Guide to Smoke Alarm Safety

The new requirements of California SB1394 and SB745 and changes to Florida’s Building Code in particular place another load of responsibility and liability onto the shoulders of the owner (or the owner’s agent) of rented or leased property by way of new smoke alarm legislation. Smoke Alarm Safety Tips By Mr. Rekey Locksmith. World's Best Mentalist and Amazing Mind Reader. Why Mobile App is Important For Business. Pool Maintenance Tips for Property Managers By Mr Rekey Locksmith. Garage Door Safety Tips From Mr Rekey Locksmith.