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Hands on With Leap Motion's Controller. AUSTIN — The future of desktop computing is here.

Hands on With Leap Motion's Controller

Leap Motion's powerful controller, which lets you control 8 cubic feet of virtual space in front of your computer, is, as promised, impressive. I took it for a test drive at South by Southwest 2013 and can tell you, it feels like the real deal. I've seen photos and videos of the device before, but didn't realize how small it was until I tried it out for myself. The controller fit in the palm of my hand, and is light and elegantly designed — much like, well, an Apple product. In fact, with its wraparound aluminum body, and black top and rubber base, it'd be easy to mistake the device for one made in Cupertino. From a hardware perspective, the controller has a proprietary jack on the body that snakes back to the USB port on a user's desktop or laptop.

For Leap Motion, as it turns out, software is key. How do Dynamic-Stripe Powered Cards Work? 5 tips for establishing a Hardware MVP A common and often effective practice in software development is to release a “minimum viable product” (MVP) as soon as possible in a development lifecycle.

How do Dynamic-Stripe Powered Cards Work?

A MVP is a V.1 product with basic functionality and unrefined usability. Getting out a MVP early in the development process makes it possible to begin learning from users sooner, iterate faster, and more effectively establish product-market fit. This MVP concept applies well to hardware development, but requires a slightly different approach. Companies building a physical product need to get it right the first time. Here are five things to consider when developing your MVHP (minimum viable hardware product): All The Latest Cool Technology News and Awesome Gadget Reviews. A smartphone game where you compete against others to capture territory in your local environment. 360Fly – Panor...

All The Latest Cool Technology News and Awesome Gadget Reviews

The 360fly could quite possibly be the world's untimate 'selfie' camera, lets hope that doesn't happen anytime soon. Awesome Tech. The EyeRing Personal Assistant: Augmented Reality at Your Fingertips. Augmented reality devices and applications are starting to come into actual reality, and the latest idea is for a device worn on the finger, capable of conveying information about the world around us with both visual and audio clues.

The EyeRing Personal Assistant: Augmented Reality at Your Fingertips

First came Google Glasses, then a hint that Apple is developing video glasses, and now a project from MIT promises to bring augmented reality to the visually impaired with a virtual assistant in a ring. The EyeRing, which includes a tiny camera, a processor, and Bluetooth connectivity to connect to a smartphone, is worn (where else?) On a finger, and can take a photo of an object and then return information about that object to the user using both audio and visual clues. “EyeRing is a wearable intuitive interface that allows a person to point at an object to see or hear more information about it. According to Technology Review, the researchers have used EyeRing together with a smartphone running Android software, with an iPhone app in the works.

Stick-On Censor Detects a Bike Crash as it Happens. Riding a bike in an urban environment is great for health, great for the environment, and in many cases faster and easier than driving.

Stick-On Censor Detects a Bike Crash as it Happens

But let’s face it: Taking a bike to the mean streets of the city can be a dangerous proposition. Thankfully, technology is stepping in to make riding a little more safe. The latest entry is this incredible censor that sticks to a helmet like a sticker, then links to a smartphone via bluetooth. When it detects a crash, it uses the phone to call preselected emergency contacts and sends GPS coordinates. The most amazing thing is that it actually works. Check out the video of the tech in action at Latest Cool Gadgets. Spray-On Batteries Could Turn Graffiti Into Power. Google. Inbox - niramayee.s - National Institute of Design Mail.

INCHworm Shoes Grow With Your Feet. By Chris Scott Barr I remember as a kid having to go to Payless Shoes a couple times a year (depending on my age) and picking out new shoes to replace the uncomfortably small ones on my feet.

INCHworm Shoes Grow With Your Feet

I was hard on shoes anyway, so I really didn’t mind picking out a nice new pair. My parents, on the other hand, weren’t usually as happy when they had to pay for yet another pair of shoes that I’ll outgrow. Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a shoe that grew with your foot? There is, it’s called the INCHworm. These shoes have an accordion-like material around the arch of the foot, which can be pulled outward to increase the length of the shoe. Sound machines for sleep at Brookstone.

“Sound sleep” takes on a whole new meaning with our amazing Tranquil Moments® sleep sound machine!

Sound machines for sleep at Brookstone

Naturally achieve deeper states of sleep, relaxation and renewal, drawing on two decades of scientific research Sounds based on brainwaves coax you into healthier states of reposePlays five nature soundscapes and seven clinically engineered sounds Sleep Enhancement Technology™ helps lull you to sleep 30-, 60- or 90-minute auto shut-off Uses AC adapter (included) or four AA batteries (not included)WARNING: Long-term exposure to loud sounds may cause hearing damage. It is best to avoid extreme volume when using this product, especially for extended periods. Mind Blowing New Technology. Smart Home Tour - IBM Smart Home - Cloud Computing. Luminae Keyboard. Coolest Gadgets - reporting on the latest cool gadgets - Page 2.

Today’s 10 Most Mind-Blowing Tech News Items. Is it just us, or did technology accomplished a higher-than-average amount of epic things in the last 24 hours?

Today’s 10 Most Mind-Blowing Tech News Items

By Adrianne Jeffries 6/29/12 10:16am Share this: Painted battery. (Photo: Rice University) Sometimes we get swept up in the breathless reports about RIM shares, Twitter ads, the relative sizes of Pinterest and Tumblr, and other such minor tech news items that some might call “incremental,” and so we forget that insane shit is happening with science. 10 Mind-blowing Sci-Fi Technologies That Really Exist. Technology Science fiction is one of the oldest genres in literature, with its roots tracing all the way back to the days of mythology.

10 Mind-blowing Sci-Fi Technologies That Really Exist

Tactile Interaction. Index. 9 Tritium Batteries - The 10 Coolest Technologies You've Never Heard Of - The Future of Tech. Ever heard of bacterial photography—it's not as gross as it sounds—or chaos computing?

9 Tritium Batteries - The 10 Coolest Technologies You've Never Heard Of - The Future of Tech

9 Tritium Batteries After years of advances in battery technology, many of our mobile gadgets still peter out before sunset on any given day. Several high-profile efforts are under way to fix this pesky problem, but one of the least pursued and yet most profound developments in energy technology is the battery that virtually never needs a recharge.

Known as the BetaBattery, this little powerhouse could provide continuous power for years. For now, the technology is just for offbeat applications such as sensor networks for monitoring traffic and for communication satellites, not for consumer electronics. Multi-Touch Keyboard and Track Pad. 2 Chaos Computing - The 10 Coolest Technologies You've Never Heard Of - The Future of Tech. 2 Chaos Computing The word chaos, as any Get Smart fan will tell you, tends to evoke negative connotations—it's a disordered situation we want to avoid. But if William Ditto is right—and both the U.S. Navy and private investors are betting he is—the word may soon be seen in a whole new light. Ditto, chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Florida in Gainesville, is exploiting the principles of chaos to build a revolutionary computer chip that just may prove faster, cheaper, and far more flexible than traditional designs.

IN-TENTA. [REVIEW] Game your video - Video Editing App - THE BEST (pictures) [ratings]Hi all, After a tweet from @jima6636 regarding how awesome this app is I had to check it out. The app is called Game Your Video Search the AppStore for: “Game Your Video” The Motion-Activated Screwdriver. Best Inventions of the Year 2012. Best Inventions of the Year 2012. Leah Buechley: How to “sketch” with electronics.