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Be healthy. Be happy. Be healthy. Be happy. 18. 4' 11" Vegetarian. Runner. Home × × Ask me anything! Dash is very dead. (Source: nevergiveup283to140 , via eatingdisordervshealth ) Previous / Next → 13 Ounces Or Less | giverslog - Part 2. New Nostalgia. My bedroom recently got a bit out of control. Life has been more busy than normal.

It seems like I would be home to eat, change & sleep-- but then off to the next thing. Seasons of life are like that. I am always happy when margins are reestablished and life gives a break to rescue the mess left scattered in the path of busyness. My bedroom is a place I work hard at maintaining a peaceful & romantic environment. It is the place I relax, recharge and connect with my Love, and that is really hard to do in a mess! Last night I decided to get busy and rescue our room. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 7.) Do this on your cleared off & made bed. 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) {Side note} While I was cleaning my room, I was typing the steps I was taking into my phone in order to share them with you in this post.

Here are the small things that I gathered & put away. earrings -- I organize mine in a large open egg carton. 14.) 15.) 16.) I love candle light in my room. 17.) 18.) 19.) Pink Peonies. Nothing found here Perhaps You will find something interesting form these lists... Pages Categories All Blog Posts: Site powered by Verisage LLC © 2013 Pink Peonies | by Rach Parcell | Disclaimer | Top.

Natalie Merrillyn. Mariannan. The Londoner.