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Playmat / car mat

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Brown paper packages: {2x4 raceway building blocks} featuring martha stewart paint & tools. Felt Play Mat. I first saw this idea a while back at A Girl and A Glue Gun. I’ve blogstalked her for a long time. She has since made several different versions and has inspired mommas all over blogland to try their hand at it. I have been waiting for Little Monkey to get to the age where he’d appreciate, and actually play with, this rather than seeing how long it takes to destroy it.

I wouldn’t put it passed him to think, “Hey Mom, let’s see how strong felt really is!” As he rips the road off. And I’m not about to try to sew it all. Here’s the How: 1) First, you will need two large sheets of felt, one black (for the road) and one of your color choice. 3) I then placed all my town pieces on my pinned mats, in the reverse layout of what I wanted the final project to look like. 4) Then I flipped everything: the road I turned over so you couldn’t see the chalk marks and the town pieces I moved to the opposite side of the mat. 5) Then comes the fun part: glue everything down.

Krista. Car mat. "Cars" Felt Car Mat. My friends little boy turned 2 last week! When they come over he likes to play with He had a "Cars" themed party, so I thought I wouldmake a Cars themed play mat. I got all the felt at Joanns The green base is 1 yard The red trim is 4 inch strips folded in half. All the writing is done with fabric paint also purchased at Joanns. Tow Mater is definitely my favorite character so I knew he had to be on it.

Here is the inspiration. I was not talented enough to make the car inside the cone but I think you can still get the picture. Inspiration I turned the movie on while making this and just watched for inspiration. It was fun pausing..rewinding..pausing.. More Inspiration The flags were a slight challenge for my shaky hands. I cut out one big piece of black then glued on the little white squares. They are so not even or lined up but I don't think its super noticeable. All the signs I found online were way to hard to do.. But in the movie it has a pretty simple sign on the way into town... So I copied it. xoxo. Felt Road patrol kit. Car Mat...Part 2 Trains, Planes, Mountains & More. Now that all the buildings and houses are sewn (but not sewn to the mat) it is time to add the big items. This building is the airport. The control tower has a referee from one of my I-Spy squares. *Don't draw the runway until you have marked the railroad.

I've always been attracted to mountains--hiking, camping, fishing, the directional sense they give and the beauty. My Mom added the "Y" I added the butterfly. My mom sewed the mountain on to the mat. Every child needs a sand box or dirt to play in, right? This is just a dirt pile, lift the flaps to find... A treasure... or Fossils! Once all the big items (zoo, mountain & lake) spread the mat out on the ground and lay out all the buildings and houses. Use a long yard stick to make sure your lines are straight. I used the lid for a candle to mark the rounded edges. After penciling in the railroad use a permanent marker to make it official. Next Up... Part 3...Mark it up and Play. Car Mat...Part 1 Houses & Buildings.

Growing up my siblings and I had some awesome toys. Besides Legos, our favorites were all homemade. I loved Barbies, and had amazing hand made clothes for each of them. My dad made us lincoln logs. One Christmas my sister and I, with help from my Dad, made blocks for my brothers. They in turn made doll houses for us. Now that I'm "The Mom" I have a desire to make more things for my children that come from my heart.

One of my favorite things my mom made us was a car mat. Last week my parents came out for a visit and my mom brought the fabric and her sewing machine. We spent two full days designing, cutting, and sewing the car mat. For each house or building we found a fun fabric and coordinating (or not) fabric for the roof. The flag is sewn with a small zig-zag stitch and different color thread. Give a little room so the bigger cars can fit in. If you zoom in you can see the daisies on the left side of the house. I found hydrangea fabric for big bush at Grandma's house. This is Home Depot.