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PROPOSED LIST OF DEMANDS (please help edit/add so this can be submitted for consideration to those maintaining the official list) Posted 2 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 6:54 p.m.

PROPOSED LIST OF DEMANDS (please help edit/add so this can be submitted for consideration to those maintaining the official list)

EST by GandhiKingMindset (124) This content is user submitted and not an official statement Admin Note: This is not an official list of demands, it's a user-submitted post on our forum. The user who submitted this post only speaks for her/himself and their supporters, NOT the movement as a whole. (Please click on this link if you haven't yet read the introduction called "OUR TURN": . Feel free to share this link with anyone you like).

We should make the demands below very publicly at a press conference a few days after arriving in DC. NOTE: There are always entrances because there is always a point where people who work there have to leave the public street and enter secure space. CONGRESS PASS HR 1489 ("RETURN TO PRUDENT BANKING ACT" ). NOTE 1: This is from Martin Luther King, Jr.' "The purpose of our direct-action program is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation. Ivan Marovic of 'Otpor!' addresses Occupy Wall Street. CIA watchdog: No problem with NYPD partnership. WASHINGTON (AP) – The CIA said Friday its internal watchdog found nothing wrong with the spy agency's close partnership with the New York Police Department.

CIA watchdog: No problem with NYPD partnership

The agency's inspector general concluded that no laws were broken and there was "no evidence that any part of the agency's support to the NYPD constituted 'domestic spying'," CIA spokesman Preston Golson said. The inspector general decided to do a preliminary investigation after a series of stories by The Associated Press revealed how after the 9/11 attacks the CIA helped the NYPD build domestic intelligence programs that were used to spy on Muslims.

A CIA officer also directed intelligence collection and reviewed reports, according to former NYPD officials involved. The revelations troubled some members of Congress and even prompted the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, to remark that it did not look good for the CIA to be involved in any city police department. #D12 Occupy Houston - Protester's laying in street are trapped in big red tent by police.

Police Evicted from Occupy UC Davis after Pepper Spraying Peaceful Protesters. Occupy This: Crazy Tom the FBI Provocateur. Intro: "As weird as the 1960s became, Crazy Tom stood out.

Occupy This: Crazy Tom the FBI Provocateur

He set fires and started fights on the Stanford campus, supplied guns and explosives to fellow militants, and staged hold-ups "to support the Revolution. " He also created a secret mountain-top training camp and bomb factory to groom would-be urban guerrillas, from young, mostly white Maoists to the secret Black Panther army trying to free Soledad Brother George Jackson from San Quentin Penitentiary. Then, in March 1971, Crazy Tom Mosher put on a suit and tie, brushed down his wispy blond hair, and testified in secret before the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security. According to his sworn testimony, the revolutionary terrorist had worked all along for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its state counterpart, the California Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (CII). " By Steve Weissman, Reader Supported News 27 November 11 Reader Supported News | Perspective I was wrong.

One of the memos caught my eye. 'Snatch Squads' Caught On Camera At London Student Rally. New Video Of Occupy Houston Shooting. Homeland Security Coordinated 18-City Police Crackdown on Occupy Protest. National Security Notice We are NOT calling for the overthrow of the government.

Homeland Security Coordinated 18-City Police Crackdown on Occupy Protest

In fact, we are calling for the reinstatement of our government. We are not calling for lawlessness. We are calling for an end to lawlessness and lack of accountability and a return to the rule of law. Rather than trying to subvert the constitution, we are calling for its enforcement. We are patriotic Americans born and raised in this country. We don't support or like Al Qaeda, the Taliban or any supporting groups. The nation's top legal scholars say that draconian security laws which violate the Constitution should not apply to Americans. Should you attempt to shut down this site or harass its authors, you are anti-liberty, anti-justice, anti-American ... and undermining America's national security. Copyright Notice This site provides political commentary, education and parody protected by the fair use and My Lai/Zapruder exceptions to copyright law.

We are not copyright pirates.