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Start action and animation at a specific point. How to stop all previous actions in a CCSequence ? Badben Participant @badben Hello, I’m trying to add several animations on a character with a spritesheet. But I got some problem when I want to stop the current animation. Here my code for the looping animation sequenceFace = [CCSequence actions:faceAnimation1,faceAnimation2,nil]; repeatAnimationFace = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:sequenceFace]; Then when I start a new animation I wanted to stop the previous animation like this : if (repeatAnimationFace ! But the sequence continues… I don’t really found a good strategy in order to code several states with a normal looping animation or a simple animation witch back on the normal looping animation. eg: looping animation > character hit animation > looping animation; Thanks. rickms @rickms If I understand you correctly I think you want to add this before [repeatAnimationFace stop]; [[[repeatAnimationFace] innerAction] stop] That should stop the sequence as well.

Araker Moderator @araker - (void) stop{[innerAction_ stop];[super stop];} Stephen Morris And…. Hi, Getting current frame of animation through scheduler. Nasty_jpp @nasty_jpp Hey! Is it possible to get the name of the current frame of an animated sprite? Suppose I have this code for a 10 frame animation that I assign to a sprite: CCSpriteFrameCache * cache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];[cache addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"walk.plist"]; CCAnimation * animationWalk = [[CCAnimation alloc] initWithName:@"walk" delay:1/10.0]; self.mySprite = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"walk01.png"];id walkAction = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:[CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:animationWalk]];[self.mySprite runAction:walkAction];[self addChild:mySprite]; [self schedule:@selector(MyMethod:) interval:1/10]; Would there be a way for me to determine the name of the current frame (i.e. image) in “MyFunction”?

-(void) GameLoop:(ccTime)dt {} Thanks! Eko Mirhard Participant @whateva Hi, i haven’t test it yet… but i think i got a solution for you. Regards, Eko Mirhard Didn’t see that someone had written something. Would there be an easier way? Thanx again! Current frame of animation. How to make a CCAnimation with a delay for each frame? How To Drag and Drop Sprites with Cocos2D. This post is also available in: Chinese (Simplified), Japanese Drag and drop these cute pets with Cocos2D! I’ve received several requests to write a Cocos2D tutorial on how to drag and drop sprites in Cocos2D by touch gestures. You asked for it, you got it! In this Cocos2D tutorial, you’re going to learn: The basics of dragging and dropping sprites with touchesHow to scroll the view itself via touchesHow to keep coordinates straight in your headHow to use gesture recognizers with Cocos2D for even more cool effects!

To make things fun, you’ll be moving some cute animals around the scene drawn by my lovely wife, on a background made by gwebstock. This Cocos2D tutorial assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Cocos2D and have the Cocos2D templates already installed. So without further ado, drag your fingers over to the keyboard and let’s get started! Getting Started Before you implement the touch handling, first you’ll create a basic Cocos2D scene displaying the sprites and artwork. Iphone - Animations in cocos2d. Prog_guide:animation – cocos2d for iPhone. Animating with Flash(CS4), and exporting an image sequence Flash is an obvious heavyweight when it comes to 2D animation, especially with character animation. Create each animation in it's own .fla file, and make sure to animate on the main timeline.

If your animation works when you press enter(return) on the main time-line, it is ready to be exported into an image sequence. Go to File → Export → Export Movie. Animating with Photoshop, and exporting an image sequence Photoshop is suitable to create animations, provided you are working with a recent version. The animation toolbar can be found under Window → Animate. When you are satisfied with your animation, go to File → Export → Render to Video. In the File Options section, check off “Image Sequence”, and use PNG as your file format. Then in the Render Options, put your alpha channel to Straight - Unmatted. Select your destination, and hit render to create the image sequence from the animation you've created. Creating Sprite Sheets. Pausing actions instead of stopping. Vaskal08 @vaskal08 I wanted a moveTo action to happen faster and faster as time progressed, so what i did was i inserted a variable as the duration and a method called with a timer stopped the action, reduced the duration, then started up the action again.

The problem i found with this was that when i started up the animation again the sprite was closer to its destination, and the duration was nearly the same as before, so the sprite got slower. is there a way to pause an action, and alter its properties instead of completely stopping it? I dont want to use ease actions because thats not what im looking for in terms of speeding up the sprite. clarus Moderator @clarus What if you use: [[CCActionManager sharedManager] pauseTarget: whateverTarget]; and [[CCActionManager sharedManager] resumeTarget: whateverTarget]; Does that work? Psykano @psykano I wanted a moveTo action to happen faster and faster as time progressed Sounds like you’re looking for CCSpeed?

Sure! Wow thats really convenient, thanks!! How can I stop an animation at a specific frame? Slowing down an action. Prog_guide:actions_ease – cocos2d for iPhone. Ease actions are special composition actions that alter the time of the inner action. In the Flash world they are often called Tweening or Easing actions. These actions modify the speed of the inner action, but they don't modify the total running time. If the inner action lasts 5 seconds, then the total will continue to be 5 seconds. The Ease actions alter the linearity of the time. For example they can accelerate or decelerate the inner action. These actions can be classified in 3 types: In actions: The acceleration is at the beginning of the action Out actions: The acceleration is at the end of the action InOut actions: The acceleration is at the beginning and at the end.

For more information about easing or tweening actions, visit any of these pages: Ease actions They accelerate the inner action using this formula: Variations: CCEaseIn: acceleration at the beginning CCEaseOut: acceleration at the end CCEaseInOut: acceleration at the beginning / end Example: EaseExponential actions Examples: How To Use Animations and Sprite Sheets in Cocos2D. This post is also available in: Japanese Smoky says: Only you can start this bear!

Update 3/12/2013: Fully updated for Cocos2D 2.1-rc0a, Texture Packer 3.07, ARC, Retina Displays, and Modern Objective-C style (original post by Ray Wenderlich, update by Tony Dahbura). I’ve gotten a ton of requests from readers of this blog to make a tutorial on how to use animations and sprite sheets in Cocos2D 2.x. You asked for it, you got it! In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple animation of a bear walking in Cocos2D. You’ll also learn how to make them efficient by using sprite sheets, how to make your bear move in response to touch events, and how to change the direction the bear faces based on where the bear is moving. If you are new to Cocos2D, you may wish to go through the tutorial series on How To Make A Simple iPhone Game With Cocos2D first, but this is not required! Getting Started We are going to use ARC in this project, but by default the template isn’t set up to use ARC. Done!