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Stop Complaining About Gentrification Unless You Know What It Is. ×Pending Replies will be live across Kinja on Thursday, August 21. Read more. My hometown on the Eastern Shore of Maryland has the perfect example of gentrification. One one side of town, near the historic district, there used to be a very large population of poor, often minority homeowners. The town made a distinct effort to push for the homes around this area to be renovated to fit with the colonial theme of the town thru tax breaks and fast tracking through the historic commission. As the houses were renovated, or knocked down with new colonial style housing built in their stead, the prices of the other houses in the area skyrocketed. The original residents in the area naturally had issues paying their newly inflated property taxes, but don't worry, the town had a solution for them.

The new development, which is now the area where minorities live, is literally right across the road from the detention center and police headquarters. ​What will happen after animals are legally recognized as persons? Where does that line start and where does it end? Who's going to determine that line? What will determine that line? Is this a slippery slope to making all animals persons? I mean, if a chimp can be a person, why not a dog? If a dog, why not a cat? What about the mouse the cat will chase and eat? I say no. My personal thought is that I will accept the personhood of any animal immediately after it completes the written application process or can dictate the answers.

The theologically confusing nightmare that is the He-Man & She-Ra Christmas Special. Why aliens might understand the universe very differently than we do. Some of the questions asked while nice thought experiments on exotic senses don't translate well to the idea that they would be oblivious to us or life outside the core. If they didn't grow up on a planet orbiting a pulsar why would they assume that to be the only place to look for other planets. just because they cannot see the light of a star doesn't mean they suspect nothing is there. It's be a matter of looking at what their own planetary system is made of and then finding similar locations out in space.

If their star is not a pulsar but they have awareness of it for when it blocks pulsars when it's between them and their planet they can start looking at that as a means of finding others. I do however like the idea of biome based racial and species identifiers, being weirded out by humans converting each other and becoming something else over time. The first Time War took place in the 16th century.