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Operation ANTI-ACTA (The anthem) Will ACTA compromise the European Court of Justice too? (Updated) The Commission will ask the Court of Justice an opinion on ACTA. It would have been better if the Commission would have withdrawn ACTA. Earlier, the Court formulated an opinion on ACTA’s predecessor, the TRIPS agreement. The 1994 WTO TRIPS agreement spread out the enforcement of intellectual property rights over the world. Countries lost the ability to abolish their copyright and patent systems. For instance, the Netherlands abolished its suffocating patent system in 1869, and reintroduced patents in 1912. Since TRIPS, this is no longer possible. TRIPS created global pricing problems. Worse, medicine is often sold world wide for the same price as well (with an exception for least developed countries). A few years after the TRIPS agreement entered into force, the AIDS epidemic took millions of lives in Africa. In a worst case climate change scenario, fast diffusion of green technology will be necessary.

This is the present situation, under the TRIPS agreement. EU to refer global copyright treaty to European court. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. Czech government suspends process of ratification of ACTA - PM. Anonymous Hacks Greek Ministry of Justice Website. Anonymous has hacked the Greek Ministry of Justice website (cached version) in an apparent protest against the signing of the controversial ACTA treaty by the Greek government, warning authorities that it will take down over 300 media and ministry sites if it doesn’t reverse its course.

The site is currently “Under Construction” following the attack but was amended to display a message from the online collective, stating that its next target would be “all the media in Greece” and that it had the admin passwords of most media websites in the country. Its message in full We know EVERYTHING, We have your PASSWORDS , We are watching YOU.NEXT TARGET WILL BE ALL THE MEDIA IN GREECE. ( ertTV , etc )WE HAVE MOST OF THE MEDIA WEBSITES ADMIN PASSWORDS.We are Legion .

This is JUST the is just an example of what we are capable of! You have 2 weeks to stop ACTA in Greece otherwhise we will do CYBERWARFARE by defacing 300 sites and all the media and ministries. Signer l'ACTA était une "négligence civique" selon... une signataire ! Malheureusement il est parfois trop tard pour bien faire.

Helena Drnovšek Zorko, l'ambassadrice de la Slovénie au Japon, a fait savoir qu'elle regrettait d'avoir signé l'accord ACTA au nom de son pays, lors de la discrète cérémonie du 26 janvier dernier à Tokyo (qui a provoqué la démission du rapporteur au Parlement Européen ). Elle confesse une "négligence civique", au risque d'être rappelée par son gouvernement de tutelle. Le Jeudi 26 janvier 2012, j'ai signé l'Accord de Commerce Anti-Contrefaçon (ACTA) en conformité avec les instructions et l'autorisation donnée par le Gouvernement de la la République de Slovénie. Une explication légèrement plus longue peut être trouvée dans le Centre de Presse du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, qui explique à la fois du rôle du Ministère et le miens en tant qu'Ambassadrice au Japon. L'explication explique que j'ai signé le traité comme le gouvernement m'y a autorisé que ça fait partie de mon travail.

Helena Drnovšek Zorko. AVEUGLÉMENT – En Grèce, qui donc a lu le mémorandum du FMI avant de le signer ? Neil Young: “La piratería es la nueva radio” ¿Y si la industria se olvidara de perseguir la mal llamada piratería y se esforzara por avanzar en servicios realmente revolucionarios y de calidad? Pregunta lanzada una y mil veces sin respuesta que daría para más de un debate. Neil Young, el genio canadiense, ofrece una versión lúcida de la época que vivimos. Internet es la plataforma, el avance… la piratería es la promoción. Como él mismo dice, "la piratería es la nueva radio, centrémonos en ofrecer un servicio de calidad". Resulta bastante ridículo seguir hablando de piratería y no de modelos de negocio alternativos a los actuales.

Quizá por esta razón las palabras de Cohelo ayer o las de un "dinosaurio" de la música como Neil Young hace unas horas nos enseñen que no todo esta perdido en la batalla. Young se refirió hace unas horas durante una entrevista a los sistemas de distribución actual centrando el debate en la calidad de la música digital. La piratería no me afecta porque veo Internet como la nueva radio.

Say NO to ACTA. Secrets of the "New Music Industry" that the "Old Music Industry" Doesn't Want to Know. This week's news that the feds seized 82 websites based on allegations of copyright infringement demonstrated that government website seizures can silence innocent speech. But let's take a broader view for a moment. The domain seizure debacle, the COICA Internet censorship bill, ACTA, and many other short-sighted efforts to eliminate copyright infringement all depend on (a) the traditional entertainment industry's yowling wail that "piracy" on the the Internet is injuring the livelihoods of artists and (b) the US government's chronically uncritical acceptance of those complaints.

But the new services catering to musicians are struggling to tell their side of the story — a story that turns out to be substantially more optimistic and instructive. Jeff Price, CEO of TuneCore, posted a fantastic six-part series titled "The State of The Music Industry & the Delegitimization of Artists" that surfaces this new perspective that desperately needs to be heard in the debate. The takeaway? Mexican Senate Unanimously Votes To Remove Mexico From ACTA Negotations. With the news that the EU Parliament is not happy with ACTA and threatening to reject it, now comes the news (via Jamie Love) that the Mexican Senate has voted unanimously to withdraw from ACTA negotiations. You can read the full resolution here (Google translation from the original Spanish).

The resolution points out that access to information is a key point in helping to build a modern, information-based nation, and ACTA is about removing access to information and knowledge. They're not against ACTA entirely, but think that the process needs to be a lot more open and involve a lot more stakeholders, and say they won't agree to ACTA unless the process includes a much larger group in the discussions: The Senator proposed to create a mixed analysis group consisting of experts, academics, corporations and members of the public that will analyze the current text of the agreement Of course, it's not clear exactly how much say the Mexican Senate has here.