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The Database Engine instance you selected is not valid for this edition of Reporting Services | The 15 Folder. I was installing Reporting Services SharePoint Mode for SharePoint 2013 the other day when a came across the following error: ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedException: The feature: “The Database Engine instance you selected is not valid for this edition of Reporting Services.

The Database Engine does not meet edition requirements for report data sources or the report server database. ” is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.; This error can be caused by not patching the servers to the same level so I triple checked my installation. Reporting Services SharePoint Mode for SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server 2012 Check List Database Server Application Server Web Front End Server Reporting Services Farm Setup Checking Versions and Editions for SQL Server and Reporting Services 2012 The following results are an example of what should be returned: SSRS 2008 R2 LookUp and LookUpSet Functions | SQL with Dustin Ryan.

The LookUp and LookUpSet functions are useful when you cannot write a query to join our two data sets together. So maybe we have a shared data source in our report that returns some data that we need to join to an embedded data set in our report. We could use the LookUp and/or LookUpSet functions to bring those two data sets together within our report. Let’s walk through a couple examples so we can see how to use these new functions.

First, lets check out the LookUp function. I’ve got a shared data set in my Report Project that returns the total Reseller sales but in my report I have an embedded data set that has all my Resellers names. I’ll use the LookUp function to bring those two data sets together. Our expression to look up the TotalSales from our shared data set looks like this: =LookUp(Fields! Using the LookUp function, I’m able to look up the Total Sales Amount from the destination data set and bring it together with our source data set. =LookUpSet(Fields! =Join(LookUpSet(Fields! RS: Database Engine does not meet edition requirements - CSS SQL Server Engineers. I've ran across the following error a few times and thought I would post this out there for people to understand what is happening.

ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedException: The feature: "The Database Engine instance you selected is not valid for this edition of Reporting Services. The Database Engine does not meet edition requirements for report data sources or the report server database. " is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.; You may also see a similar message in your Event Logs. This error is a result of mismatched SKU's between the Reporting Server and the Database Engine as the message mentions. You can also look at two entries in the RS Server logs to see what it thought it hit when it performed the SKU check. resourceutilities!

Where this has caused confusion is when the Catalog SQL Server Edition SKU shows the following: Reporting services - Is there a new version of RDL Schema for SQL Server 2012 (denali) Add an Additional Reporting Services Web Front-end to a Farm. SharePoint mode includes components needed for application servers and web front-end (WFE) servers. This topic focuses on installing the required components for a WFE server, including the application pages used by Reporting Services features such as subscriptions, data alerts, and Power View. The primary installation needed for a WFE is to install the add-in for SharePoint 2010 products.

You must be a local administrator to run SQL Server Setup. The computer must be joined to a domain. The steps in this topic assume that a SharePoint farm administrator is installing and configuring the server. . (1) Multiple web front-end (WFE) servers. The following steps assume that an administrator is installing and configuring the server. Working Together: SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services Integration in SharePoint 2010 | TechNet Magazine. Alan Le Marquand SQL Server and SharePoint have always worked together well. When SharePoint Server 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2 were released, there were some significant improvements to the integration between SharePoint and SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services (SSRS). Here’s a look at how to configure and use the latest enhancements. Server Integration Architecture The Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint is what truly drives the integration between the two servers. On the SharePoint 2010 WFE, the add-in installs three components: the SSRS Proxy, a Report Viewer Web Part, and the application pages that allow you to view, store, and manage report server content on a SharePoint site or farm.

Figure 1 Server Integration Architecture One item to note in Figure1 is the SharePoint Object Model component on the Report Server. The version of SharePoint you install on the Report Server must be the same as the version used throughout the farm. Configuring Integration Native List Reporting. SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services SharePoint integrated mode - jtarquino. One of the interesting changes we did in Reporting Services was to change our SharePoint mode from a Windows Service to become a SharePoint Shared Service, there are many benefits on that one like integrated administration experience and integrated scale out capabilities to mention some of them. First at all I had to learn about the SharePoint Shared Service architecture and the components so they can be identified in a configuration.

In general the Shared Service Applications in SharePoint uses this Architectural View Service Machine Instance: In a SharePoint Farm with multiple mid tier servers you decide which servers process reports installing the “Reporting Services – SharePoint” feature from the SQL Server Setup and running the Install-SPRSService cmdlet Service Application: Is the logical application that you configure in the Farm, for Reporting Services each Service Application has it own set of databases This diagram is useful to clarify the relationships To summarize. SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 SharePoint integrated mode Endpoints architecture (or how our services talk each other) - jtarquino. Recently I got interested in understanding how our Service works, so I started from at the entry point to Reporting Services. As a final user you usually interact with Reporting Services through Web Pages that are hosted in SharePoint 2010, you use this pages to render reports or to accomplish management tasks like publishing reports, create subscription among many other tasks; all of these actions are performed using the old and reliable HTTP protocol sometimes with GET or POST methods, this is the User entry point (1).

Reporting Services also provides a set of SOAP APIs that allows developers to interact with Reporting Services from their own applications, this is the second entry point and is called Report Server Web Service Endpoints (2). Each one of these entry points are available in the SharePoint Web Frond End, for HTTP you just navigate using the UI and for SOAP it is Name>/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?

The Proxy Reporting Services Service Application. Lesson 2: Connecting from Another Computer. To enhance security, SQL Server Express, Developer, and Evaluation install with only limited network connectivity. Connections to the Database Engine can be made from tools that are running on the same computer, but not from other computers. If you are planning to do your development work on the same computer as the Database Engine, you do not have to enable additional protocols. Management Studio will connect to the Database Engine by using the shared memory protocol. This protocol is already enabled.

If you plan to connect to the Database Engine from another computer, you must enable a protocol, such as TCP/IP. How to enable TCP/IP connections from another computer On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2014 , point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager. To enhance security, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 all turn on the Windows Firewall. Configure SQL Server to listen on a specific port.