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Useful JavaScript to know when working with SharePoint Display Templates (#SPC3000) With the display templates feature in SharePoint 2013, you can highly customize the look of search using HTML, JavaScript, and jQuery. It turns out there are a lot of helper functions to make your life easier in the out-of-the-box scripts. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of documentation out there on how to get started aside from looking at the code of OOTB display templates. You can also find quite a bit by looking at the debug versions of the scripts and Search.clientcontrols.js. This post today serves as a guide to go along with my upcoming Display Templates talk (#SPC3000) at SharePoint Conference 2014. Meet ctx When it comes to display templates, ctx is your content object for your display template. Accessing the Current Item Now that you have met ctx, you can use it to do a number of actions.

Ctx.CurrentItem This gives you access to all of the managed properties that have been set in the ManagedPropertyMapping element. Get the index of the current item if (! If (! SP 2010: Web Application settings (web.config) modifications in SharePoint 2010 via code. Author: Tobias Zimmergren | | @zimmergren I’ve been getting some questions lately about modifications to web.config files and SharePoint 2010 – is it possible to automate so that the administrator don’t have to manually edit those files on each WFE?

Yes, that’s the easy answer. This was possible in SharePoint 2007 as well. In this article I’ll quickly demonstrate how you (using a Web Application feature) can make modifications to web.config automatically. Please note that this is just a getting-started point which you’ll have to work deeper into to tweak it to your likings for updates and removals from the web.config file. Basically, if you want to get some type of change into the web.config, it oftentimes has to do with adding custom settings or values that you’ll later reference in your applications. public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) var value = 1; // We want to set the key isAwesome to the value "1"

SharePoint Development Lab by @avishnyakov » 5 facts about JSLink in SharePoint 2013 you might not know. SharePoint 2013 has a great JavaScript API to extend the way fields, list forms and views are rendered on the client side. The generic idea is to build up your custom functionality, wrap it up into JavaScript file and, finally, attach to the field, content type or whatever it is via JSLink property. Well, there is a bunch of the “JSLink how-to” articles over there – for the lists, field and the rest artifacts. I suppose you may have built something cool, but you might not know something I am just about to share with you. Let’s get started! #1 – JSLink supports multiple JavaScript files JSLink allows you to attach multiple files.

Yes, multiple JavaScript files and I am pretty serious about that. “~sitecollection/Style Library/spdevlab/spdevlab.multiple-1.js|~sitecollection/Style Library/spdevlab/spdevlab.multiple-2.js ” #2 – JSLink supports (d) tag to specify SOD registration You may specify “(d)” tag-string at the end of the file link. The outcome would be like this: Conclusion. SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF)

Intention for SharePoint Code Analysis SharePoint has grown over years and is today widely used in companies and businesses as intranet or internet portal and as collaboration plattform. One major reason for the success of SharePoint is the extensibility. The powerful API provides "boundless" possibilities to customize and extend SharePoint with custom code. Sometimes this extensibility is good and sometimes it is bad.

Inappropriate customization can lead to a SharePoint environment, which cannot be managed anymore. But prohibit the customization of SharePoint is not an option for many companies because this would constrain the potenzial of SharePoint. One way is to establish rules, conventions and policies which define how SharePoint customization must happen and also which type of customization is not allowed. SPCop checks the code for violations against more than 300 rules. Team behind Highlights in this documentation. SharePoint 2010 Web Part Feature Clean Up. SharePoint 2010 and web templates - Vesa "vesku" Juvonen. One of the really exciting new options on the Feature Framework level of the SharePoint 2010 is the WebTemplate element.

In this blog entry we’ll cover the primary site provisioning methods and we’ll concentrate especially to web template option to share the key techniques. Introduction As you might know, there are multiple different techniques for provisioning new sites in SharePoint. SharePoint deployments always consist from at least one site, which provides functionalities for the end users. There’s multiple ways to create these sites and to customize them based on customer requirements.

Before we get started, let’s first concentrate on getting the terms right. Site Template Site template refers to WSP package, which was created by clicking the Save Site As Template link in the Site Settings page. Why is the provisioning model such an important thing? Key point on the site provisioning is to automate something which would be done manually by site authors.

Feature stapling. Using Month element in DateRangesOverlap can return items not in the specified month | Second Life of a Hungarian SharePoint Geek. Using Month element in DateRangesOverlap can return items not in the specified month One can logically think that if you set the CalendarDate property of the SPQuery and apply Month as the Value in the DateRangesOverlap element then the query returns items from the month specified in the CalendarDate property. For example, using the following code … SPQuery query = new SPQuery();query.CalendarDate = new DateTime(2008, 3, 1); … and applying the following CAML query … … one can expect that items having overlap with March 2008 will be only returned. I’ve found that it is not exactly so, as elements from the end of February and beginning of April may be also returned. The reason for that I think is the simple fact that these items have overlap with the calendar range of the month view of March 2008 (e.g. 24/02/2008-05/04/2008), as the month calendar view includes the full weeks at the beginning and the end of the month, not only the days between 01/03/2008-31/03/2008.

Like this: Like Loading... Create dynamic caml query in sharepoint | SharePoint Solutions. Description This article will show you; how to create dynamic caml query in sharepoint. Detail description:- I have done lots of project in my career and most of the time we require to create dynamic caml query and hit sharepoint list to get the results. For an example; you have custom search page where you have few filter criteria; may be in drop down. Every dropdown has approx 10 items. Now when you select “All” in each drop down that means we need to take every element of dropdown with or condition and create caml query.

Also put “And” condition between different dropdown values. To make it generic I have created 2 classes which help us to generate dynamic caml query. Before we start developing code; we have to understand how CAML works in brief:- The Code: Below are 2 classes CamlQueryElements and CamlQuery. CamlQueryElements: This class holds the property to build caml query. CamlQuery: This class has 2 methods. 1st method for adding elements and another for generating query. Summary Thanks! SharePoint 2013 Event Receiver Redirect. It used to be a standard practice to use redirect in event receivers in SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2007. SharePoint 2013 has some changes in this functionality. Redirect Option Availability No redirect options available for ItemAdded, ItemUpdated and ItemDeleted.

Some redirect options available for ItemAdding, ItemUpdating and ItemDeleting. CancelWithRedirectUrl - DOES NOT WORK The following code does function: = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithRedirectUrl; Compiler is issuing the following warning:'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithRedirectUrl' is obsolete: '"Default list forms are committed through asynchronous XmlHttpRequests, so redirect urls specified in this way aren't followed by default. SPUtility.Redirect - DOES NOT WORK SPUtility.Redirect does not work in Event Receivers any more. 01. 02.public static bool Redirect(string url, SPRedirectFlags flags, HttpContext context, string queryString) 04. string urlRedirect = null; 06. if (flag) 10. if (!

Из старого. Перемещение элемента списка в папку. SharePoint 2013 Event Receiver Redirect. Configuring Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 Development - Elumenotion Blog. Update: These instructions also apply to the RTM version of VS. This seems to be one of the questions I am seeing most on twitter (@DougWare) so even though this information will probably be easy to find very soon as the developer center content appears, I thought I’d post what I did for those of you who just can’t wait. The problem is that I couldn’t find the link to which this refers.

So, to get this working follow these steps. Note that these instructions are for On Premises development and you don’t strictly require a SharePoint installation if you want to develop using the new Apps model. –Doug Author: Doug Ware. Create dynamic caml query in sharepoint | SharePoint Solutions. SharePoint 2013 Event Receiver Redirect. I Love the SiteData.asmx Web Service - Laura Rogers @WonderLaura. Executing Code in the Sandbox.

Права доступа в SharePoint. Сделать какие-то кастомные права доступа в SharePoint - это одна из самых частых задач в SharePoint, однако, к сожалению, 90% разработчиков решают эту задачу неоптимально. Итак, вам требуется создать какие-то собственные разрешения в SharePoint, которые бы имели смысл с точки зрения бизнес-логики. Существует много общеиспользуемых способов сделать это. Примеры: Создать группу SharePoint, и попросить заказчика добавлять в эту группу соответствующих людей. Как правильно Идеальный вариант управления правами доступа в SharePoint - это использование стандартных разрешений. Т.е. вы не создаете никаких кастомных разрешений совсем, а стараетесь все сделать на уровне SharePoint. Например, давайте представим что мы создаем портал для проектной деятельности по методологии SCRUM.

ПроектБэклог проектаСпринтБэклог спринтаКомандаСкрам-мастерЧлены команды Иерархия объектов очевидна: есть проект, у него есть бэклог, есть команды которые над ним работают, и есть спринты. Кастомные разрешения Пустая роль P.S. SharePoint 2010 – Aggregate lists from all subsites. There are many posts out there about this topic. How can i roll up data from subsites from one site collection? How can i aggregate calendar entries from my subsites? Do i have to code something? How does it work? Anyway, there are some possibilities to get the desired solution. I recommend you to read also the post from Jennifer Hersko. Starting in SharePoint Designer by creating a new webpart page.Add an empty Data View WebpartAdd a data source, in my example i used a previous created calendarSelect all fields you want to insert and select multiple view Now you should see you solution in the browser similar to this: As a new subsite will be added and you add a calendar with entries, these items will be displayed also in this webpart.

The article or information provided here represents completely my own personal view & thought. About Karsten Pohnke He is Consultant for SharePoint Solutions for collaboration, communication and business processes. jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services - Download: SPServices 2013.01. Retrieve Managed Metadata using JavaScript and SPServices | n8design. In one of my last projects I ran into an interesting question regarding the taxonomy store.

Will it be possible to get all taxonomy data by using pure JavaScript? SharePoint has a great JavaScript object model for different purposes but how deep is this integration when an access to service applications like the Managed Metadata Service is required. The simple answer on this is: Not enough. Due the strict project plan we decided to use a Silverlight web part, which is capable to access the taxonomy store. Time passed by and the question left unanswered to me. The challenges Basically there are three gaps to take to get information from the taxonomy store. Get all required data to access Taxonomy Service Access the TaxonomyClientService using JavaScript Handle the XML result from the web service These goals sound simple but when it comes to JavaScript and the Taxonomy Store a lot of creativity is needed to get this done. Taxonomy in Term Store Management Conclusion. Ribbon customizations - dropdown controls, Client Object Model and JavaScript Page Components.

In this article series: Once you understand how to get your customizations into the right place in the ribbon, you may find you want to go beyond simply adding buttons and make use of other controls such as dropdowns, checkboxes, flyout anchors and so on. This type of ribbon development is fairly involved, but as with so many things in SharePoint development, once you’ve done it the first time you know the overall “template” for subsequent occasions - hopefully what I’m showing here is a good starting point for quite a few advanced things you might want to do. The key is that a JavaScript “page component” is generally required in addition to the declarative XML we’ve seen in my earlier posts. [Beta sidenote] At the time of writing (Feb 2010, still in beta), after some time on this I’m forming the opinion that ribbon development could be one of the more complex development areas in SP2010.

The sample What’s required – summary 1. < Group Description ="Contains advanced ribbon controls" 2. 3. Системы дистанционного обучения. Обучение Широкий спектр возможностей для обучения: Обучение сотрудниковОбучение партнеров и клиентов компанииПроверка результатов обучения, отчетыУправление очными учебными мероприятиями Оценка Возможности оценки знаний и компетенций: Тестирование, оценка знаний персоналаТестирование и оценка партнеровСертификация партнеровЕжегодная оценка эффективности деятельности персонала/аттестация Развитие Решение задач по развитию персонала: Формирование индивидуальных планов развитияОтслеживание прогресса обученияМониторинг достижений, отчетностьРазвитие партнеров Наша цель - помогать нашим заказчикам эффективно осуществлять обучение и организовывать управление знаниями сотрудников, партнеров, клиентов. SP.ListItemCollectionPosition object (sp.js) All about “Explorer view” in SharePoint - Windows Sharepoint Technical Hints and Tips.

The Explorer View is an excellent feature that is integrated with Windows SharePoint Services that allows a user to access a document library as if you were accessing a file system through a Windows Explorer window. Being end users , everyone might feel that this is very easy to use. But there are multiple complex interactions happening with different technologies to make documents which are not present in file systems to viewable using explorer. The main protocols that are capable of directly manipulating file data stored in SharePoint are - WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) WebDAV is a simple extension to the HTTP protocol based on a public specification. . - FPRPC (FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Procedure Call) FPRPC provides WebDAV capabilities using extensions to the HTTP vocabulary, but it also has the ability to embed more complex Remote Procedure Call (RPC) communications in the data portion of the packet.

Using WebDAV:- Using FPRPC:- 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. Download Whitepaper - Understanding and Troubleshooting the SharePoint Explorer View from Official Microsoft Download Center. Custom or Advance Paging in SharePoint 2010/2013 Using Client Object Model +jQuery - TechNet Articles - United States (English) SharePoint 2010 File Storage System | Rajan's Blog. SharePoint 2010: Storing Documents on the File System with Remote Blob Storage. Read content of uploaded file within ItemAdding method. Using the Client Object Model with a Claims Based Auth Site in SharePoint 2010 - Share-n-dipity. What Is Tagging? | Tagging in SharePoint 2010.

Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in SharePoint 2010. Visual Studio SharePoint Solution Structure. LookupFieldWithPickerQuery.cs in ilovesharepoint | source code search engine. .NET FOLLOWER » SharePoint: How to pass parameters into a Modal Dialog Window and then access them. Application Pool Recycle Utility for SharePoint Developers. Sharepoint - Set Custom Properties for a custom field type within a content type feature. Default Custom Action Locations and IDs. With Managed Metadata You have a Choice | Todd Carter. SharePoint 2010 - ListInstance CustomSchema attribute. Upgrading Standard List Definitions. A Complete Guide to Writing Timer Jobs in SharePoint 2010. Events - How to get notified about changes on SharePoint groups. SPAudit: How to read from the audit log. Sorting calculated fields in SharePoint. How to: Enable ECMA Client Object Model IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2010. Workflow notifications with default URL's instead of Intranet. Issue making Item Title in workflow generated email show as a hyperlink.

Master Pages on Application Pages. Filter a custom SPFieldMultiChoice. Script Update alerts by using Windows PowerShell. Update alerts by using Windows PowerShell (SharePoint Foundation 2010) Configuring Forms Based Authentication for SharePoint 2010 using IIS7 | Donal Conlon. Modify Permission Levels (using bitwise operators) - Alain de Klerk - Alain's SharePoint Bloggings | Alain de Klerk – Alain's SharePoint Bloggings. Extreme SharePoint. SharePoint 2010: Fixing – An exception was thrown in a call to a policy export extension | Ideas For Free. SharePoint 2013 Virtual Machine Download | Gaurav Mahajan. Adding An "All Authenticated Users" Feature to Forms-Based Authentication - Brett's SharePoint Blog.

Custom Action EnabledScript RefreshCommandUI. SPSecurityTrimmedControl « Adi Simon's Weblog. SharePoint 2010 Code Tips – Setting a Managed Metadata Field with the Client Object Model. Correctly Provisioning Managed Metadata (Taxonomy) Fields through CAML in SharePoint 2010. Customizing the ribbon (part 1) – creating tabs, groups and controls. Add JavaScript Date Validation into List Item forms - Res Cogitans - a SharePoint and NET blog by Edin Kapic. SharePoint 2010: Get Current page’s Url. Request.Url vs SPUtility.GetPageUrlPath. SharePoint Customization Tip: Redirect to a custom page after completing a list form | Shane Perran. Add Only Permission Level in SharePoint 2010 « Saji Viswam's Blog. ListFilter Webpart for MS Sharepoint - Configuration. Создание пользовательского фильтра для списка в SharePoint 2010. The Folder-Less SharePoint Paradigm. Dynamically creating form controls in SharePoint « Zieglers.

Topologies for SharePoint Server 2010: Model. View Samples - SharePoint 2010 101 Code Samples. S Blog | Enabling code syntax highlighting on a SharePoint blog. Content Type IDs. SharePoint: Checking Arbitrary User Permissions and why SPListItem.DoesUserHavePermissions is a Big Fat Dirty Liar | More Soma Please... Writing a Custom Security Trimmer for SharePoint Server Search.


PowerShell. Problems.