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Андор Якаб. Почему я не дам вам работу. Я мог бы взять на работу 12 человек, с зарплатой €760 на руки, но не буду. Объясню, почему. От редакции. Венгерский блоггер Андор Якаб опубликовал статью, посвященную взаимоотношениям государства, работодателя и работника, летом 2011 года. Статья получила широкий резонанс в СМИ и блогосфере, вызвав неоднозначную реакцию, и была переведена на несколько языков (в январе - на английский).

Вы могли бы работать в моей компании, занимающейся сферой услуг, в прекрасном офисе. Я не взял бы на работу женщину. Причина очень проста: женщины рожают детей. Не поймите меня превратно. Работу, конечно, все равно нужно делать. Еще я бы не взял на работу людей старше 50 лет. Не потому, что у меня есть проблемы с самыми опытными профессионалами. Я нанимал бы на работу только мужчин в возрасте 25-50 лет. Нанимать их на работу тоже рискованно, поскольку я не имею права уволить их по любой причине (мои доходы недостаточны или мне не нравится, как они работают).

Вы обойдетесь мне в €1572. Аренда офиса: €2133. Photo Grants & Contests. Nature Photos Team. Google Переводчик. Поздравление со Всемирным днем "Спасибо" - Открытки к празднику - Мобинтон.Ру - Открытки с днем рождения. Виртуальные открытки любимым. Прикольные смс открытки с праздником, юбилеем, свадьбой. Криотерм. Speereo. Useful Tips For iPad. Reformal » Обратная связь нового поколения, Feedback 2.0. Litebook: oct-nov-dec.

Cloud Digital Art Revolution. 40 удивительных фотографий птиц. Подборка удивительных фотографий птиц со всего света. Подписывайтесь на обновления "Самые лучшие фотографии" 30 Majestic Bird Photos. Bird photography is a highly popular subject in photography. Birds are quite majestic creatures, and their ability to fly has been the subject of our envy for generations, culminating in our development of flight and aerospace engineering. Even since ancient times, the ability to fly was revered among the population, and in the famous Greek myth, Icarus and his father attempt to escape from an island palace, so his father builds wings out of wax and feathers. Icarus’ father warned him not to fly too close to the sun, but as Icarus soared higher, he ignored these instructions, and the way melted, leading to Icarus’ death.

Aside from mythology, even today, birds are an essential part of the dynamic ecosystems of our world, and they often grace our backyards with their majesty. In this post, you’ll find 30 majestic bird photos, captured by some of the top photographers in the world. If you need more photography inspiration, check out these posts: Enjoy the photographs! Oye by Ibai Acevedo.

22 Incredible Photos of Faraway Places. Thailand Chances are you already know Steve McCurry as the man who took one of the most iconic photos of our time. It was of a 12-year-old Afghan refugee girl who's piercing green eyes told us her harrowing story. The image itself was named "the most recognized photograph" in the history of the National Geographic magazine and her face became famous as the cover photograph on their June 1985 issue. Beyond just that one photo, McCurry has shot over a million images spanning 35 years. More than anything, he is one of a few that has that amazing ability to capture stories of our shared human experience. Looking through his large body of work, we get to experience fantastic faraway places we can only dream about visiting. Afghanistan Sri Lanka Yemen Tibet Cambodia India Burma Eastman Kodak let McCurry shoot the last ever produced roll of Kodachrome transparency film.

Steve McCurry. World Effect Photography : Travel. 70 Photos That Will Take Your Breath Away. We here at DPShots believe that the easiest way to learn photography is to learn it by example. Every now and then we come up with some amazing photography examples that take your breath away. This post is no different. We have collected some of the most amazing, most awesome and THE most beautiful photography we could ever get our hands on. This post will help a lot of budding photographers to see where they are headed. From wildlife to magic to a guy sleeping on the back of a buffalo, this post has photographs for all kinds of photographers to take inspiration from. We have collected over 70 majestic photographs that are simply to good to miss. We hope you like this post and endless others that you will get to checkout in future if you are subscribed to our RSS.

The Fearless Cat Dael Giraffe says Hi!. Idealists…foolish enough to throw caution to the winds…have advanced mankind and have enriched the world. Kry Back Off! Day forty two – trapped [Explored FP] A Lesson in Rockin’ Out Slow Motion. 1X - Fine Art Photography & Prints. Breathtaking Photos of Europe. Anyone who lives in Europe, has ever been there, or even dreamed of visiting knows the incredible variety, striking characteristics and history driven culture that exists on this continent.

We bring you collection of 44 best photos from all over the Europe. Enjoy. (Click photo to enlarge) Belgium Croatia Czech Republic England France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Netherland Norway Poland Portugal Scotland Spain Europe is the world's second-smallest continent by surface area, covering about 10,180,000 square kilometres (3,930,000 sq mi) or 2% of the Earth's surface and about 6.8% of its land area. Source of photos: 30 Amazing Conceptual Photographs. Photography is always about capturing the meaning, significance and essence of a moment in time, however, conceptual photography takes this idea to the extreme, by capturing a thought, idea, or message to the viewer and communicating it in a clever and interesting method. We’ve gathered up 30 awe-inspiring conceptual photographs that will make you take a moment to look a little bit closer and try to decipher the message of each photograph.

If you love these photography roundups, check out our other posts: Thanks! As always, if you enjoy these posts, please help share them with your friends via your favorite social network. Your support helps us continue to grow and provide the best articles and tutorials on our network. Have an inspired day! 1 by Avi Abrams Love by Jorge Gazzanno Black Sheep by Spin360 Kiss by Nicmaos It’s just a Game by Ibrahim AlRabeh Bienvenido al Paraiso by Xabier M. What’s All The Eggcietment About by Ariel Bo Bariel Anorexia by Santy Ago Reborn by A Madestra Suicide Teddy Mr. Лучшие фотопортреты| Основные правила портретной съемки » - блог о фотографии и микростоках. Houses Gone Wild: Haunting Photos of Abandoned Homes.

We think of feral dogs as dangerous, foreboding and to-be-avoid – but wild houses have a strange allure despite (or likely because) they are abandoned abodes, deserted homes gone from domestic spaces slowly back to nature. As photographer James D Griffioen muses, the Latin root refers both to while beasts but also to something that belongs to the dead, gone back to the Earth. Some of his shots capture this process at an incredibly late stage, such as the house above which is entirely camouflaged by the greenery that has grown to cover it – only discernible because the branches and vines conform to the shape of the structure. Others photos catch the domestic devolution at intermediate stages, snapshots of partial overgrowth where there is still some strange balance of building and nature – one could almost imagine someone still occupying this structure and simply never leaving it.

In Pursuit of the Sublime. 500+ Free Professional Photoshop Actions. Photoshop Actions are recorded series of tasks in Photoshop, such as filters, adjustments and more. When packaged up, it packs all the power of these effects into a single, easy to use action. Actions can significantly improve workflow, particularly for bulk processing of images, but they can also help with graphic design and digital art by enhancing colors, contrast or other aspects. Designers and photographers are always creating new actions, so this post has gathered up 500+ free Photoshop actions that yield professional results that you can use in your own works. We’ve included some awesome packs that have a variety of actions, and also some individual ones for specialized effects.

Just click on the image and you’ll be taken to where you can download it, but please remember to read the terms of use with regards to redistribution and commercialization. Here are some other photoshop and design resources that you may want to get your hands on : Enjoy! Actions – Colors 8 Photography Actions. Messeburo. Collaborative storytelling. FlipSnack | PDF to Flash page flip - flipping book software. eBook Hatch. Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper - animated watercolor book by BST for iPhone. Myebook - get it out there! Writing with Writers | Widbook - Write, read and share. Calaméo – Publish your documents. Design & Make A Book With Our Simple Free Guide |

Sourcefabric. Self Publishing - 10 Digital Storytelling Projects. Design & Make A Book With Our Simple Free Guide | Batalugu. ePub Bud - Publish, Convert, Store, and Download free children's ebooks online for the iPad and nook color! 17 секретов для владельцев iPhone (Фото) Обновиться до «пятерки» поспешили все обладатели «Айфонов», чьи аппараты для нее не слишком устарели.

Но не все освоили хитрости новой операционной системы. Читайте в сегодняшнем материале о 17 секретах iOS 5. 1. Установка индивидуальных вибровызовов для любимых номеров Можно и для нелюбимых, конечно. Главное, iOS 5 позволяет настучать любой вибровызов, которым будут сопровождать звонки и SMS от выбранных номеров. Было бы желание, а мы подскажем, как сквозь дебри настроек добраться до нужных. Путь таков: настройки – основные – универсальный доступ. 2. «Тапните» по любому (читай – английскому) слову. 3. Двойной нажатие по кнопке «Домой» вызовет уже не просто разблокировку экрана, но и иконку фотоприложения. 4. Откройте приложение «Календарь» и поверните смартфон боком – вуаля, расписание встреч и дел как на ладони.

Функция пригодится, если вам позвонят в ночи и надо отыскать iPhone в темноте – LED-вспышка просигналит, куда вы задевали смартфон. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Наконец-то. 12. 13. 14. Seven Places to Find Free eBooks. Every year schools around the world spend thousands of dollars on textbooks that are often outdated by the end of their first year in the classroom. Ebooks, many of them free, can represent huge savings for schools over purchasing textbooks. Here are seven places that you can find free ebooks. 1. Planet eBook is a free service where teachers and students can find classic literature titles available as free downloads. Planet eBook adds new titles at regular intervals. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Российские IT-компании за рубежом: Speereo Software. Принято считать, что российские разработчики - прежде всего аутсорсеры. На самом деле это не совсем так. Автор: Евгений Крестников | Раздел: Интервью | Дата: 13 декабря 2010 года Мы начинаем публикацию цикла материалов, посвященных работающим на зарубежных рынках российским IT-компаниям.

О продуктах и проектах Speereo Software "Компьютерре" рассказал Даниил Ищенко, вице-президент по развитию бизнеса этой компании. - Расскажите о зарубежных проектах Speereo Software. - По сути своей вся деятельность компании Speereo Software до 2008 года была зарубежной. К сожалению, в РФ этот рынок отсутствовал напрочь. . - Как вас встретили заказчики и конкуренты? Здесь все просто: заказчиками в те времена были исключительно западные компании и производители, поэтому пришлось строить цепочки с ними. . - Иностранные рынки интереснее российского? - Иностранные рынки были интереснее российского из-за отсутствия у нас рынка мобильных приложений. Отдельно должен упомянуть бюрократизацию зарубежного рынка.

Как я заработал $200K на рынке образовательных приложений iOS / Разработка под Apple iOS. Данную статью хочу приурочить к одновременно выходу второй версии моего приложения Word Wizard и взятию новой отметки в $200 000 в Apple AppStore. Далее я постараюсь поделиться своим опытом и мыслями об образовательном рынке, а также рассказать свою историю успеха. Надеюсь что эта информация будет полезна многим независимым разработчикам. Для тех же кто создает образовательные продукты на платформе iOS моя статья даст возможность оценить рынок приложений в этой сфере. Собственно начну с продаж и рейтинга, а затем расскажу подробнее про мой личный опыт. Замечу, что приводимые мною данные из AppFigures Первый свой продукт для iPad и iPhone я выпустил более одного года назад, соответственно график продаж Montessori Crosswords начинается с Августа 2010 г. . $200K очень даже хорошо, учитывая что моё второе приложение на английском и французском принесло мне $90K с августа 2011 г.

Montessori Crosswords Цена $2.99, опубликовано Август 2010, продажи $113 000. French Words for Kids Word Wizard Начало. How A Startup Named Hipster Got 10K Signups In Two Days, Without Revealing What It Does. By now you might be familiar with the startup with the funny name, as its very existence made news outlets as diverse as the Washington Post, and Hipster Runoff. And while Hipster CEO Doug Ludlow still refuses on the record to say what the site is about, at this point we’ve heard the words Yelp, Quora and location-based Q&A site being tossed around by sundry reporters, savvy Googlers and one ambitious tipster who sent us an in-depth analysis of its Javascript. But just like the hipster tribe themselves, what Hipster does is besides the point (at least at the moment). What’s more interesting is the fact that a total of 14K people have already signed up with little information about the site’s purpose, the first 10K in two days after marketing launch.

How did Ludlow do it? Drawing directly from‘s viral “launching soon” page, he posted the following link on Hacker News, “Want to be a Hipster? Early invitations available.” Okay Hipster, now’s your turn to delight. Start Small, Stay Small: A Developer's Guide to Launching a Startup eBook: Rob Walling, Mike Taber. Android and iOS App Tools For Photographers. As we mentioned in our first roundup of photo apps, the mobile photography app market for both Google's Android OS and Apple's iOS has expanded in ways few could foresee. The convenience and ease with which images can and are being shared as well as the incredible diversity of features that apps offer, has made the smartphone one of the most popular picture-taking devices of recent times. But, with almost 12,000 photography apps in Apple's app store all vying for your attention (and cash), finding the most suitable one to fit your particular need can be taxing to say the least.

A similar issue faces prospective purchasers of apps for Google’s rapidly expanding Android Market, too. In our last article we focused on apps that enhance picture taking on smartphones. This time we've chosen to look at and highlight apps that serve to enhance photography with any camera, not just your mobile device. The Photographer's Ephemeris - $4.99 (Android) $8.99 (Apple iOS) iScoutLocation $9.99 (Apple iOS) Сергей Доля - Интервью известных личностей о новинках техники и не только на Adventure Travel - National Geographic Adventure Blog. Туры, путешествия и отдых. СПА курорты, круизы, яхты. Книги для богатых: что читают воротилы бизнеса - Финансы - bigmir)net.

Какую выгоду приносят владельцам элитные карты - Ukraine News. Как получить bitcoin? Покупка, обмен, mining bitcoin.