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Бизнес тренер Алекс Яновский. Тренинги личностного роста онлайн, психологические тренинги. Монреальский ботанический сад. | КУРЬЕЗЫ. Если верить википедии, то ботанический сад Монреаля - один из самых больших и разнообразных садов в мире. Когда чудо света находится под боком, то не всега этого замечаешь. Но мы всё-таки стараемся посещать наш ботанический сад как можно чаще. К тому же, вскоре начнётся фестиваль цветочных скульптур, так что мы решили сходить и посмотреть как идёт подготовка к этому мероприятию. Ну и историческими сведениями хочется поделиться. Ботанический сад основал монах и учитель ботаники Мари-Викторен в 1931 году.1. Действующий мэр - Камильен Уд - был одним из учеников Мари-Викторена, что сыграло на руку последнему.2. Работа закипела в 1932 году, что создало очень много рабочих мест в разгар Великой депрессии.3. В конце 1932 года, Камильен Уд проигрывает выборы а новый мэр приостанавливает работу над ботаническим садом.

В 1934 году, Камильен Уд снова приходит к власти. Работа снова пошла полным ходом но с началом Второй Мировой Войны работы снова пришлось прекратить7. В 1988 открылся японский сад.10. 10 Types of Women Men Like the Most. Men feel attracted to certain types of women and reject others. It’s in their nature to do so. While there might be exceptions, as in any situation, here are the kinds of women that men usually like: 1. The childish woman There are some men that like childish women. 2. I think all men like a bit of mystery in a woman. 3. Tell me a man who would not be interested in such a woman…It’s their basic instincts working. 4.

Many men feel attracted to the purity of a woman. 5. Yeah, they like the Lara Croft type, you know it already. 6. They like women that look spoiled, or like to spoil themselves, but do not exaggerate, because being spoiled has 2 faces: while spoiling yourself in bed at night or with a new bag and a massage is great, spending all your money, or worse HIS money, on shoes is not attractive anymore. 7.

There’s nothing sexier in a man’s eyes than a woman who is sure of her qualities, likes her own body, knows what she wants and has an accomplished career to boost her confidence. How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy - Kathleen McAuliffe. No one would accuse Jaroslav Flegr of being a conformist. A self-described “sloppy dresser,” the 53-year-old Czech scientist has the contemplative air of someone habitually lost in thought, and his still-youthful, square-jawed face is framed by frizzy red hair that encircles his head like a ring of fire.

Certainly Flegr’s thinking is jarringly unconventional. Starting in the early 1990s, he began to suspect that a single-celled parasite in the protozoan family was subtly manipulating his personality, causing him to behave in strange, often self-destructive ways. And if it was messing with his mind, he reasoned, it was probably doing the same to others. The parasite, which is excreted by cats in their feces, is called Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii or Toxo for short) and is the microbe that causes toxoplasmosis—the reason pregnant women are told to avoid cats’ litter boxes. But after years of being ignored or discounted, Flegr is starting to gain respectability. The psychiatrist E. Brandon Wade: The 5 Things Successful Men Notice First in a Woman.

To understand what successful men look for in a woman, we have to look into how roles and responsibilities have shifted over the past few years. Success noun \sək-ˈses\: the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. The women of our generation have become far more independent than their predecessors. The female workforce has greatly evolved, achieving places of power and success. Looking out onto Main Street, one can behold twenty-first century Rosie the Riveters exiting town cars into granite and glassbuildings in Jimmy Choos and Christian Louboutins.

When exploring the developments of modern-day woman, you have to look into her counterpart: man. In ancient times, and by ancient I mean prior to the 1980s, men's idea of a perfect woman was one-dimensional. My website,, is the largest website where generous men can meet attractive women. Almost all of these qualities were the same as what they notice in job seekers. A sense of self was the fourth on the list. 7 Keys to Long-Term Relationship Success. M ost of us want to meet and settle down with the “right” person, and most of us want such a relationship to last. Have you ever seen an elderly couple holding hands, taking a romantic walk on the beach or in a park? You may think to yourself: “That’s how I want to be when I grow old.” It’s a wonderful notion: having someone as your mate in a happy and lasting relationship. At the same time, over fifty percent of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce . Between what we want, and the reality of our society, there’s a deep chasm of false hopes and unfulfilled promises.

What are some of the most important ideas when it comes to making your love last? Below are seven keys to long-term relationship success. 1. Trust is the first and perhaps most important predictor of long-term relational success. In general, is your partner reliable and dependable? For some of us, trust is a complicated matter. While some people trust blindly, others have trust issues. . – H. 2. Partner A Partner B Physical. 6 Must-Read Lessons in Success. Robert Collier said, “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated, day in and day out.” In order to succeed, you must form the habit of following the principles that cause success. Today I want to talk about six of those principles that will position you to succeed.

Without further ado…. 6 Must-Read Lessons in Success: 1. “The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. You only get one bite at the apple. You must dare to do the impossible. 2. “A stumble may prevent a fall.” – English Proverb It’s okay to fail; I like to say that failure is the path to success. It’s okay to fail, failing prepares you for success. 3.

“Pity the man who inherits a million and isn’t a millionaire. To succeed you must grow! You have to see your life the way you want it to be! 5. “Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.” – Marva Collins You have to go towards success. Go after success; chase it down, right in the face of all your fears. 6. Photo by Julija Felajn. 106 Excuses That Prevent You From Ever Becoming Great.

The following is a rare guest post, this time coming from Tommy Walker. Tommy Walker is an Online Marketing Strategist and host of “Inside the Mind” a fresh and entertaining video show about Internet Marketing Strategy. Be honest. How often do you sabotage yourself? On any given day, you have tasks you’d like to finish because you know they’d positively impact your business, and tasks you actually do. You trick yourself into thinking that keeping up with industry news, and reading the latest “10 tips to ______” post is “working”. You know better, but some part of you believes that simply reading the article will help you move forward. That having a deep understanding of all things online marketing will better position you when the time is right. But that time doesn’t come. Something is holding you back, and you can’t quite put your finger on it.

You may have one excuse; you may have several. What follows are 106 of the most common excuses you might tell yourself. You don’t have the knowledge.