Nikita Singh
i am a professional blogger. write about best IVF hospital in India. According to me Indira IVF is The Best IVF Center in India.
TESA और TESE की मदद से कैसे करें एजू़स्पर्मिया के चलते, पुनः स्पर्म प्राप्ति ? हमारे पास हाल ही में जेम्स से एक ईमेल आया था, जो एक पुरुष पाठक था, जिसे इस साल की शुरुआत में एजूस्पर्मिया का पता चला था।
इस समाचार ने उन्हें अविश्वसनीय रूप से हीन भावना से ग्रसित कराया। उसे लगा जैसे उसने ‘असली मर्द‘ न होकर अपने साथी को नीचा दिखाया हो। हालांकि कुछ महीनों बाद, और उसके पास एक प्रक्रिया है जिसमें शुक्राणु निष्कर्षण शामिल है, जिसे TESA कहा जाता है और जेम्स का पिता बनने का सपना अब केवल एक सपना नहीं है क्योंकि वह और उसकी पत्नी आइवीएफ करवाने वाले हैं। उन्होंने हमें यह पूछने के लिए लिखा था कि क्या हम अन्य पुरुषों तक पहुंचेंगे, उन्हें यह बताने के लिए कि ऐजूस्पर्मिया का सामान्य रूप से अंत नहीं है। संतान प्राप्ति की खुशी के सामने बौना है आईवीएफ का दर्द. How does the process of laparoscopy help in Infertility? Laparoscopy surgery is a surgical procedure which involves insertion of a mini telescope through a tiny incision in the navel.
It allows visualization of the pelvic and abdominal body organs along with ovaries, fallopian tube and uterus thereby explaining why a woman is suffering from any kind of infertility issue and seek immediate treatment for it. Laparoscopy surgery treatment is a minimally invasive surgery also known as keyhole surgery whereby a minor incision of 0.5 to 1.5cm is made to carry out surgical procedures inside the body. There are several healthy benefits of undergoing laparoscopic surgical treatment. For instance, problems of pain and haemorrhage are lowered to a great extent because of minor cut and the recuperation time is quicker. Find out all about Irregular Menses by Indiraivf. The natural length of menstrual cycle of a woman is 28 days, but it may vary from one individual to another.
Irregular menses occurs when the length of menstrual cycle extends over 35 days or if the time period varies. Irregular menses also known as oligomenorrhea can happen if you make a change in your contraception method, or if you have a hormonal imbalance or practice any endurance exercise. An irregular period treatment during puberty or at the time of menopause isn’t required but if it occurs amidst your reproductive years, you need medical guidance Symptoms Often women experiencer 11 to 13 menstrual cycle every year, Bleeding majorly lasts for 4-5 days or vary from 2 to 7 days.
When menses begins first, it can take around 2 years to set your normal cycle. However, some women experience different time period and different blood shedding during every menses period. The major irregular menses symptoms occur when the cycle is larger than 35 days or when it varies in days. Low Sperm Count Causes And Treatment - Health & Fitness. Male infertility accounts for 40 % of all infertility cases.
According to the World Health Organization guideline, a healthy sperm count is 15 million per milliliters (ml) or 39 million per sample. 5 Questions related to Menopause- Indira IVF. 1.
What is Menopause? Menopause is the time when a woman’s menstrual period stops permanently and she can no longer get pregnant. It is neither a disease nor a disorder, it is just a natural part of aging. What are Success Rate of IUI. IVF Process step by step , Risks and side effects of IVF- Indira IVF. Endometriosis-Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment- Indira IVF. Overview The endometrial tissue of a woman contains gland, connective tissue, and gland which grows usually in the uterus to arrange the womb lining for ovulation.
Endometrial implants stand for the build-ups of endometrial tissues that takes place in locations outside the uterus. When they become successful in doing that, the process takes place is known as endometriosis. Endometriosis mostly makes its impact in the pelvic region, but it can grow anywhere in the body of a woman. Though it is incurable, there are measures to manage this gynecological condition which takes place when the endometrial implant consisting of tissues discovered generally within the uterus are found in other areas of the body. How IUI can help in infertility?- Indira IVF. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MENOPAUSE- Indira IVF. Menopause is a procedure in which a female cease to menstruate or fertile.
It is a common part of a female’s life which has to be experienced by her between the age of 40 to 50. It shouldn’t be considered as the disease but just a body procedure. Step by Step Guide to IUI. HOW TO CONCEIVE WITH LOW SPERM COUNT? – Hema Jain. Low sperm count means semen you ejaculate at the time of orgasm contains lower sperm than normal.
This condition also is known as oligospermia. When there is an absence of sperm is termed as azoospermia. A male’s sperm count is assumed to be lower than normal if it is lower than 15 million sperm per ml of semen. Having low sperm can decline the chances that one of your sperm will fertilize your partner’s egg. This will further result in pregnancy. IUI Cost in India, cost of IUI in India, IUI Treatment cost- Indira IVF. Unknown Causes Of Miscarriage-Aspects Which A Woman Need To Know. Low Sperm Count-A Serious Problem Among Men. Endometriosis-Things To Know About This Condition by Indira IVF. By Indira IVF Indira IVF - Largest Fertility Chain In India Overview An incurable but manageable gynecological condition that takes place when endometrial implant consisted of tissue normally found within the uterus is present in other areas of the body is known as endometriosis.
It is supposed to be a painful disorder for women. When the tissues keep on to thicken, break down, and bleed during the menstrual cycle and respond to its hormones, endometriosis makes its impact deep inside the body. It contains no fixed position and can grow anywhere in the body. There can be a development of scar tissues and adhesion by which anatomical changes and organ fusion can be caused. फैलोपियन ट्यूब ब्लॉकेज और प्रेगनेंसी
Causes Of Male Infertility-Somcaue Important Aspects To Know About This Problem- Indira IVF. Overview Male Infertility has been referred to as a health issue among men.
It eventually lowers the chances of his female partner in getting pregnant. This problem is not about an individual, there are lots of cases all over the world where a couple can't get able to pregnant with unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility is mostly linked to women, but men can be responsible for the same in many cases. At the time of sexual intercourse, ejaculation delivers the sperm into the woman's body. Each vas deferens connects the ejaculatory duct from the seminal vesicle.
पीसीओएस में कैसे प्रभावित होता है गर्भधारण और क्या है उपचार-इन्दिरा आईवीएफ. Low Sperm Count-A Big Problem For Men That Can Be Cured- Indira IVF. Introduction If an ordinary man is trying hard to conceive but getting unsuccessful every time, there are brighter chances that he might have a low sperm count, which means his semen has fewer sperms as compared to the normal amount. A man can be determined to have low sperm count when he contains fewer than 15 millions sperms per millimeter of semen. This process is also known as oligospermia. Low sperm count is able to lessen the chances of being able to fertilize female partner's egg which eventually reduces the chances of pregnancy.
There are various things to know about this condition. बंद फैलोपियन ट्यूब से भी मां बनना आसान-इन्दिरा आईवीएफ. आईवीएफ असफल होने के क्या हैं कारण ? कैसे करें चुनाव. The Good News Blog: Endometriosis-What To Know About It? What Is Endometriosis? Endometrial tissue has blood cells, gland, and connective tissue and grows normally in the uterus to organize the lining of the womb for ovulation. Endometrial implants are build-ups of endometrial tissue which develop in locations outside the uterus. When they develop outside the uterus, the process is known as endometriosis.
There is no fixed position of endometriosis as they can grow anywhere in the body. But they are mostly found in the pelvic region. पुरुष नि:संतानता से पिता बनने में कठिनाई. Low AMH Levels-How They Can Affect To A Woman's Life? by Indira IVF. By Indira IVF Indira IVF - Largest Fertility Chain In India Overview There is a hormone named as Anti Mullerian Hormone or AMH that is given off by producing follicles that are egg sacs persisting immature eggs.
By determining this with the help of blood test, an idea comes about the state of ovarian reserve and how much eggs are left in the ovaries. Endometriosis-A Disorder That Can Provide A Healthy Pain. Overview Endometriosis is a painful disorder that takes place when the tissues that make up the uterine lining, which is the lining of the womb, seems to be present on other organs inside the body. It is considered to be an incurable but manageable gynecological condition. When the tissues continue to break down, thicken, bleed at the time of the menstrual cycle and respond to its hormones, endometriosis takes place deep inside the body. The Good News Blog: Low AMH-Things To Know About It. Overview AMH stands for Anti-Mullerian Hormone that is a hormone given off by producing follicles that are egg sacs holding immature eggs. It gets originated by granulosa cells in ovarian follicles.
The higher quantity of eggs remains in the ovaries, the higher AMH level will be there in the bloodstream. Fertility & IVF After Age 50 Older Women Pregnancy - Menopause conception. Getting Pregnant After Early Menopause - Fertility problems with Early menopause. WHAT ARE THE COMMON CAUSES OF MALE INFERTILITY?- Indira IVF. Endometriosis and its effect on fertility health. Test Tube Baby Process. IT IS ALL ABOUT MENOPAUSE by Indira IVF. The Good News Blog: Things you need to know about IVF treatment. IVF (In vitro fertilization) consist of egg fertilization with male sperm in a culture dish then reintroducing the embryo into the female’s uterus. It was a breakthrough occurred in 1978 for the couples experiencing infertility issues. The first baby who took birth through this technique named Louise Brown is known to be the first test tube baby. With the help of this treatment, more than 5 millions of children have successfully taken birth.
Most of the people are known with test tube baby though it is also known as IVF. It has become a milestone in the history of medical science because prior to these treatment couples have been struggling for a child and got a failure. Fertility treatment options and IVF cost. नि:संतानता में कारगर लेप्रोस्कोपी तकनीक. LET’S HAVE A LOOK OVER SOME COMMON INFERTILITY ISSUES AMONG FEMALES? by Indira IVF. Getting Pregnant After Early Menopause - Fertility problems with Early menopause. पीसीओएस मरीजों में आईवीएफ तकनीक कारगर. गर्भाशय में गांठ- निःसंतानता, माहवारी, दर्द, हिस्ट्रोस्कॉपी, लेप्रोस्कॉपी, आईवीएफ। । दीपिका मिश्रा । What is the link between endometriosis and infertility? by Indira IVF.
एन्डोमेट्रीयोसिस-खून की गांठे, खराब अंडे, अधिक रक्तस्त्राव व दर्द, निःसंतानता। डॉ. दीपिका । Menopause and chances of pregnancy. The Good News Blog: Low AMH and its causes. बांझपन से मुक्ति का आसान जरिया - आईवीएफ जानिए पूरी टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी प्रक्रिया The Good News Blog: An outline to endometriosis. Endometriosis is a state in which the endometrial tissue develops outside the uterus rather than inside. It has inflammatory effects on the surrounding of this tissue. Abnormal endometriosis normally develops in the pelvis or fallopian tubes. This condition mainly affects the females of reproductive age. In many cases, the symptoms are not visible and females are unaware of it.
Rarely, the tissue may spread out of the pelvic organs. The Good News Blog: An outline to endometriosis. Understanding menopause and its symptoms by Indira IVF. Bestivfcenter.kinja. What are the symptoms of Menopause? शुक्राणुओं की मात्रा पर कैसे निर्भर करती है Fertility. How does IVF help male infertility. The Good News Blog: Causes and treatments of oligospermia or low sperm count. Low sperm count is often considered as the biggest reason for infertility among men. क्या होता है IVF सेन्टर और अच्छे IVF सेन्टर में अंतर । डॉ. आकांशा, इंदिरा आईवीएफ. Test Tube Baby Process.
HOW TO OVERCOME MALE INFERTILITY? In medical terms, a couple is considered to be infertile if they face issues in getting pregnant after 1 or 1.5 years of sexual intercourse. Getting Pregnant After Early Menopause - Fertility problems with Early menopause. The Good News Blog: How do I choose a fertility specialist? A couple with fertility issues in India may be faced with multiple options which make it difficult to come to the right decision about where to start their treatment.
For a couple battling infertility, deciding on which reproductive medicine specialist to pick is not an easy task. They receive advice from friends, family, and various forms of media such as newspapers, television and social media. All of these can provide conflicting information and for each couple to find the most appropriate infertility specialist becomes near impossible. The reproductive endocrinologist will be responsible for choosing which medical tests are important, formulating a plan and directing the appropriate treatment.
We come across many patients who have been to village healers, local family physicians and homeopaths looking for a solution to their reproductive problems. A patient should always expect to be treated with courtesy and with respect by the staff. गर्भावस्था की संभावनाओं को बढ़ाने के लिए आईयूआई के 10 सफलता टिप्स. The Good News Blog: Effect of low sperm count on male fertility. उम्र बढ़ने के साथ क्यों होती है अण्डों में खराबी - डोनर एग से कैसे बने माँ ? Bestivfcenter.kinja. क्या आप एंडोमेट्रियोसिस के साथ गर्भधारण कर सकते हैं ? एंडोमेट्रियोसिस क्या है LOW SPERM COUNT: A CAUSE OF MALE INFERTILITY by Indira IVF. How endometriosis is connected with infertility? by Indira IVF. Not getting pregnant: Understand the reasons for female infertility. The Good News Blog: How do I choose a fertility specialist?
UNDERSTANDING POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME (PCOS) by Indira IVF. IVF Center in Howrah, IVF Cost, Infertility Clinic Treatment in Howrah. IS PREGNANCY POSSIBLE AFTER MISCARRIAGE?: ivfindira. What is Menopause And How to Manage It? - Health & Fitness. How endometriosis is connected with infertility? by Indira IVF. The Good News Blog: IS In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) SAFE. Bestivfcenter.kinja. EP161 AMH & Hormone. Endometriosis And Fertility. Miscarriages: A form of infertility by Indira IVF. क्यों होता है महिलाओं में बांझपन जाने कारण और उपचार पद्धतिया WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF IVF (IN VITRO FERTILIZATION) Bestivfcenter.kinja. CAN ENDOMETRIOSIS AFFECTS PREGNANCY? by Indira IVF. IVF Center in Pune, IVF Cost, Infertility Treatment in Pune. Menopause : Causes, Symptoms and treatment - indiraivf. LOW SPERM COUNT: FORM OF MALE INFERTILITY by Indira IVF.
गर्भधारण नहीं कर पा रही महिलाएं करवाएं एएमएच टेस्ट - एन्टी मुलेरियन हॉर्मोन. The Good News Blog: IS In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) SAFE. The Good News Blog: Ovulation Induction — Indira IVF. क्या है पुरुष नि:संतानता के कारण, जाने पुरुष बांझपन के उपलब्ध उपचार. IMPACT OF LOW AMH ON FERTILITY- Indira IVF. What Are Symptoms And Causes Of Tubal Infection? - Health & Fitness. What Are Causes, Symptoms And Treatments For LOW AMH? - Health & Fitness. IUI (INTRA UTERINE INSEMINATION) Bestivfcenter.kinja. INFERTILITY AFFECTS MALES TOO. Bestivfcenter.kinja. TOP INFERTILITY QUESTIONS. Impact Of Tubal Infection On Pregnancy - Health & Fitness. अंडाशय में cyst का फर्टिलिटी पे असर - 30 से 40 प्रतिषत महिलाओं को निःसंतान करता है एंडोमेट्रियोसिस.
क्या है पुरूष निःसंतानता के कारण, निल शुक्राणु की स्थिति में कैसे बनें पिता