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The "Interpreter" in Your Head Spins Stories to Make Sense of the World | Mind & Brain. The left hemisphere specializes in speech, language, and intelligent behavior, and a split-brain patient’s left hemisphere and language center has no access to sensory information if it is fed only to the right brain. In the case of vision, the optic nerves leading from each eye meet inside the brain at what is called the optic chiasm.

Here, each nerve splits in half; the medial half (the inside track) of each crosses the optic chiasm into the opposite side of the brain, and the lateral half (that on the outside) stays on the same side. The parts of both eyes that attend to the right visual field send information to the left hemisphere and information from the left visual field goes to and is processed by the right hemisphere. More than a few years into our experiments, we were working with a group of split-brain patients on the East Coast. We wondered what they would do if we sneaked information into their right hemisphere and told the left hand to do something [pdf]. 164 years later, researchers map Phineas Gage's pierced brain. Neuroscience News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - io9.

How to Give People the Feeling of Déjà Vu. Marijuana Dispensary & Strain Reviews. Brenda Brathwaite: Gaming for understanding. JP Rangaswami: Information is food. TEDxTacoma - Joe Dispenza - The Three Brains that Allow Us to Go from Thinking to Doing to Being. Schema Therapy. Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary and thesaurus. All About Broken Ideas and Idea Repair | Better Writing Through Writing About Writing | Brain Hacks for Writers. My life is fairly crammed, and writing time is hard to come by.

Today I got one of those precious blocks of time in which I could write for several hours almost without interruption, yet as I fired up the computer, I felt not excited about the prospect, but worried and on edge. I also felt a little unsure: I had several projects I could be working on and was waffling on which one to choose. I could have just plunged in and begun working on whatever seemed easiest, most obvious, or most attractive, and if I got deeply enough into the writing that I achieved flow, that might have gone well. On the other hand, it’s possible that my concern that I might be working on the wrong thing or my general unexplored discomfort might have seriously interfered with my ability to focus. So instead of starting by writing, I started by writing down my thoughts about writing.

One of my current projects is a layperson’s book on mental schemas. Be Sociable, Share! Emergency writing motivation techniques | Brain Hacks for Writers. If you want to write right now but just don’t feel motivated, here are some immediate ways to get fired up. Any one of them might do the trick: pick whichever seems most likely or appealing and give it a try. If it doesn’t get you right on track, try another one. No self-motivation trick is sure-fire, and we often tend to feel that if we’re not motivated now, there’s no way to get motivated, but there’s strong evidence in psychological and neurological research that we can change our moods, focus, and motivation–in fact, our emotional and motivational states can change very quickly, given the right setup. [image by gruntzooki] Keep in mind that just reading this list isn’t going to motivate you—it’s doing one or more of the things this section describes that will make the change.

Get a little exercise. If something’s bothering you, fix your thoughts. Visualize a result you like. Just start typing. Meditate. Why did you decide to write this piece? Write it out. Find inspiration. What cannabis actually does to your brain. Like with all herbal remedies, they are just as serious as man-made meds but weed won't put a rational person in a psych ward. Yes, it can. I've seen it happen. There's also this episode of The Nature of Things (a Canadian science documentary program) that talks about it: [] [] Apparently there's a genetic marker that can cause an otherwise healthy, if sensitive person, to undergo a psychotic break with the overuse of marijuana.

Ok, out of the millions upon millions of people who have used marijuana, how many do you know in a psych ward? If you are referring to folks who overuse, like alcoholics, drug addicts, quadruple espresso drinkers, pack of smokes a day smokers, or 10 hr internet surfers, then you are referring to individuals with problems....not a problematic substance. I agree genetically altering marijuana to be over stuffed with THC is bad, but a natural, untampered plant with it's original levels of THC is fine. I just ask, please stop blaming the marijuana.