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No fame, no fuss: eight heroes of 2016. The Donald Trump victory, the fallout from Brexit, warnings about the return of fascism in Europe, the assault on Aleppo and the unabated refugee crisis.

No fame, no fuss: eight heroes of 2016

For many people, 2016 won’t be the year that cemented their faith in humanity. But around the world there are people who have dedicated their lives to helping others, slowly, quietly, with little fuss or fanfare. Unsung heroes have been feeding the homeless, supporting vulnerable gay teenagers and sheltering people from hurricanes. Here we look back at the year with eight of them. Alexandre Migues, who chased the Nice attack truck on foot Alexandre Migues was cycling home from watching a Bastille Day fireworks display when he saw a large truck careering down a packed street and running people over. “I threw the bike down and started running after it without really thinking – [a] complete reflex to what was obviously someone determined to run over and kill as many people as he could,” Migues says, nearly five months after the massacre.

16 Oldest Surviving Examples Of Everyday Things. We enjoy quite a few unprecedented technologies today, but much more of the stuff that we use has been around for ages.

16 Oldest Surviving Examples Of Everyday Things

15 Hilarious Complaints Medieval Scribes Left in the Margins. For centuries, the most important writings of Western civilization were faithfully preserved by the hands of monks.

15 Hilarious Complaints Medieval Scribes Left in the Margins

It’s hard for us to imagine today, but even super-long books like the Bible were copied entirely by hand. And the monks and priests who did it did a great job! But that doesn’t mean they weren’t still human. Rare Film Is Glimpse Of A Distant America : NPR History Dept. From The Daughter of Dawn Courtesy of Oklahoma Historical Society hide caption itoggle caption Courtesy of Oklahoma Historical Society From The Daughter of Dawn Courtesy of Oklahoma Historical Society For decades, The Daughter of Dawn was a "lost film" — a buried American treasure.

Rare Film Is Glimpse Of A Distant America : NPR History Dept.

The 1920 multireel, silent movie was rediscovered and restored a few years ago. Only recently has the movie become more widely available. Campaigners hail DPP's tough new rape guidelines as 'huge step forward' - Crime - UK - The Independent. New guidance to be issued to all police forces and prosecutors will require rape suspects to convince the authorities that a woman consented to sex.

Campaigners hail DPP's tough new rape guidelines as 'huge step forward' - Crime - UK - The Independent

Police and prosecutors must now put a greater burden of responsibility on rape suspects to demonstrate how the complainant had consented “with full capacity and freedom to do so”, according to the new guidance. Rape victims should no longer be “blamed” by society if they are too drunk to consent to sex, or if they simply freeze and say nothing, Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions, said.

“For too long society has blamed rape victims for confusing the issue of consent - by drinking or dressing provocatively for example - but it is not they who are confused, it is society itself and we must challenge that,” Mrs Saunders told the the first National Crown Prosecution Service/Police Conference on Rape Investigations and Prosecutions in London. Laconic phrase. Irena Sendler. Highlights from personal life[edit] Irena Sendler was born as Irena Krzyżanowska on 15 February 1910 in Warsaw to Dr.

Irena Sendler

Stanisław Krzyżanowski, a physician, and his wife, Janina. Her father died in February 1917 from typhus contracted while treating patients whom his colleagues refused to treat in fear of contracting the disease, among them many Jews. After his death, Jewish community leaders offered her mother help in paying for Sendler's education. Sendler studied Polish literature at Warsaw University, and joined the Socialist party. She married Mieczyslaw Sendler, but then divorced in 1947. World War II[edit] During the German occupation of Poland, Sendler lived in Warsaw (prior to that, she had lived in Otwock and Tarczyn while working for urban Social Welfare departments).

Nazi German poster in German and Polish (Warsaw, 1942) threatening death to any Pole who aided Jews Awards[edit] An Account of Egypt. When Cyrus had brought his life to an end, Cambyses received the royal power in succession, being the son of Cyrus and of Cassandane the daughter of Pharnaspes, for whose death, which came about before his own, Cyrus had made great mourning himself and also had proclaimed to all those over whom he bore rule that they should make mourning for her: Cambyses, I say, being the son of this woman and of Cyrus, regarded the Ionians and Aiolians as slaves inherited from his father; and he proceeded to march an army against Egypt, taking with him as helpers not only other nations of which he was ruler, but also those of the Hellenes over whom he had power besides.

An Account of Egypt

The Greatest Pirate Who Ever Lived. Wednesday, June 13, 2012 | By: Joe Doran (杜乔)

The Greatest Pirate Who Ever Lived

Wilhelm Krützfeld. Die Gedenktafel befindet sich am Haus neben der Synagoge, in der Erdgeschosszone am Pfeiler außen.

Wilhelm Krützfeld

Leben[Bearbeiten] Krützfeld diente bis 1907 in der Preußischen Armee bei der Garde in Spandau und wurde dann Polizist. Nach längerem Dienst im Landespolizeiamt und im Berliner Polizeipräsidium übernahm er in den 1930er Jahren das Polizeirevier 65 am Prenzlauer Berg und leitete 1938 als Polizeioberleutnant das Polizeirevier 16 am Hackeschen Markt im Bezirk Mitte. Gegen die Pogrome gab es durch die Bevölkerung keinen nennenswerten Widerstand oder offen artikulierten Unmut. Krützfeld[1] jedoch bewies in der Nacht zum 10.