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めとろぽりたん。 携帯ホームページ フォレスト. Cake or death. Weekly Vector Inspiration #150. Vectips is a site dedicated to Illustrator tutorials, tips, tricks, and resources.

Weekly Vector Inspiration #150

It was created by Ryan Putnam of Rype Arts who is now an exclusive vector art contributor to iStockphoto. The site is now operated by his good friend Victor Jansen and his little dog Lou. Learn More. GODS AT WAR TD -Votes 1st ROUND IN!! - Page 3. MyOrangeHat vsmisledtomiseryMyOrangeHat-Bishamonten vs.

GODS AT WAR TD -Votes 1st ROUND IN!! - Page 3

Ares Called forth by natives, in the form they are most often depicted in local arts. They thus layeth a smack-down on each other in a round of 'My God of War is Better than Your God of War. misledtomisery- Odin vs. Quetzalcoatl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------bumskee vs Johnbumskee- Yondung Halmoni, ancient goddess of wind & Cheonha Daejanggun -Village Guardian & General under Heaven. john-Thor fights some random Giants because he doesn't like Giants. There is probably a backstory somewhere. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lewis vs Ikurulewis- Norse mythology-Loki's revenge on the dwarvenmaster, who nailed Loki's lips together after losing a bet. 0imotaitan. _____ JOAO RUAS - FERAL-KID.COM. Memo イラストと拍手RES. Devils 6th Day. Zac Gorman's Legendary 'Zelda' Comics Get Their Animated GIF On. Main : Jublin.

Wacom Inkling Digital Stylus Pen. Wacom Inkling Digital Stylus Pen Wacom, the maker of illustration interfaces for designers and artists, has finally forgone the tablet and put pen-and-ink back in the hands of creatives.

Wacom Inkling Digital Stylus Pen

The Wacom Inkling Digital Stylus Pen is a real, ink-filled pen that records an illustrators drawings and transports them to a computer. Artists who prefer to sketch on paper can do so again, yet a digital representation of their work can be tossed into Photoshop and Illustrator in moments. Perfect timing, Wacom– we were just about to start building our holiday gift shopping list… [via designboom] 「l.pilz.