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Debates added to topic-based materials. Further to my recent post about staging class debates, I’ve just uploaded two more to the topic-based materials section of this blog: one (on whether some art can be better than other art) here; the other (on whether private schools should be abolished) here. You can read some ideas about how to use them, and about ways of holding debates more generally, here. The debate about abolishing private schools I highly recommend introducing debates to interested classes of adults or teens of about intermediate level and upwards: they’re great for generating discussion; students can practise using a lot of functional language about expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, and so on; and they can provide useful vocab-building preparatory homework opportunities as well!

Please remember to check the language used in my debating sheets and consider whether to pre-teach any of the vocabulary used. The debate about the value of art. Save%20the%20World.pdf. Debate-SOPA.pdf. Four-corners.